# IssueTrackerProduct
# www.issuetrackerproduct.com
# Peter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>
# License: ZPL
import Utils
class IssueTrackerWebservices:
""" Define an interface of functions that can be used using webservices.
This class must be used as a base class for the IssueTracker """
def ws_countIssues(self):
""" return how many issues there in this issuetracker """
return self.countIssueObjects()
def ws_SubmitIssue(self, title, description, fromname, email,
type=None, urgency=None, sections=None,
url2issue='', confidential=False, hide_me=False,
""" return the absolute URL of the issue that is created with this
function. """
title = title.strip()
description = description.strip()
fromname = fromname.strip()
email = email.strip()
if not display_format:
display_format = self.getDefaultDisplayFormat()
if not type:
type = self.getDefaultType()
print ("Type defaults to %s"%type)
elif type not in self.getTypeOptions():
# badly spellt
for opt in self.getTypeOptions():
if Utils.ss(opt) == Utils.ss(type):
type = opt
print ("Type is set to %s"%type)
if not urgency:
urgency = self.getDefaultUrgency()
if not sections:
sections = self.getDefaultSections()
elif isinstance(sections, basestring):
sections = [sections]
confidential = Utils.niceboolean(confidential)
hide_me = Utils.niceboolean(hide_me)
if not status:
status = self.getStatuses()[0]
submission_type = 'Webservices'
id = self.generateID(self.randomid_length, self.issueprefix)
self.createIssueObject(id, title, status, type, urgency, sections,
fromname, email, url2issue, confidential,
hide_me, description, display_format,
index=catalog, acl_adder=acl_adder,
where = self._getIssueContainer()
return getattr(where, id).absolute_url()