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ChinesePython » chinesepython2.1.3 0.4 » Lib » test » test_mutants.py
from test_support import verbose
import random

# From SF bug #422121:  Insecurities in dict comparison.

# Safety of code doing comparisons has been an historical Python weak spot.
# The problem is that comparison of structures written in C *naturally*
# wants to hold on to things like the size of the container, or "the
# biggest" containee so far, across a traversal of the container; but
# code to do containee comparisons can call back into Python and mutate
# the container in arbitrary ways while the C loop is in midstream.  If the
# C code isn't extremely paranoid about digging things out of memory on
# each trip, and artificially boosting refcounts for the duration, anything
# from infinite loops to OS crashes can result (yes, I use Windows <wink>).
# The other problem is that code designed to provoke a weakness is usually
# white-box code, and so catches only the particular vulnerabilities the
# author knew to protect against.  For example, Python's list.sort() code
# went thru many iterations as one "new" vulnerability after another was
# discovered.
# So the dict comparison test here uses a black-box approach instead,
# generating dicts of various sizes at random, and performing random
# mutations on them at random times.  This proved very effective,
# triggering at least six distinct failure modes the first 20 times I
# ran it.  Indeed, at the start, the driver never got beyond 6 iterations
# before the test died.

# The dicts are global to make it easy to mutate tham from within functions.
dict1 = {}
dict2 = {}

# The current set of keys in dict1 and dict2.  These are materialized as
# lists to make it easy to pick a dict key at random.
dict1keys = []
dict2keys = []

# Global flag telling maybe_mutate() wether to *consider* mutating.
mutate = 0

# If global mutate is true, consider mutating a dict.  May or may not
# mutate a dict even if mutate is true.  If it does decide to mutate a
# dict, it picks one of {dict1, dict2} at random, and deletes a random
# entry from it; or, more rarely, adds a random element.

def maybe_mutate():
    global mutate
    if not mutate:
    if random.random() < 0.5:

    if random.random() < 0.5:
        target, keys = dict1, dict1keys
        target, keys = dict2, dict2keys

    if random.random() < 0.2:
        # Insert a new key.
        mutate = 0   # disable mutation until key inserted
        while 1:
            newkey = Horrid(random.randrange(100))
            if not target.has_key(newkey):
        target[newkey] = Horrid(random.randrange(100))
        mutate = 1

    elif keys:
        # Delete a key at random.
        i = random.randrange(len(keys))
        key = keys[i]
        del target[key]
        # CAUTION:  don't use keys.remove(key) here.  Or do <wink>.  The
        # point is that .remove() would trigger more comparisons, and so
        # also more calls to this routine.  We're mutating often enough
        # without that.
        del keys[i]

# A horrid class that triggers random mutations of dict1 and dict2 when
# instances are compared.

class Horrid:
    def __init__(self, i):
        # Comparison outcomes are determined by the value of i.
        self.i = i

        # An artificial hashcode is selected at random so that we don't
        # have any systematic relationship between comparison outcomes
        # (based on self.i and other.i) and relative position within the
        # hash vector (based on hashcode).
        self.hashcode = random.randrange(1000000000)

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.hashcode

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        maybe_mutate()   # The point of the test.
        return cmp(self.i, other.i)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Horrid(%d)" % self.i

# Fill dict d with numentries (Horrid(i), Horrid(j)) key-value pairs,
# where i and j are selected at random from the candidates list.
# Return d.keys() after filling.

def fill_dict(d, candidates, numentries):
    for i in xrange(numentries):
        d[Horrid(random.choice(candidates))] = \
    return d.keys()

# Test one pair of randomly generated dicts, each with n entries.
# Note that dict comparison is trivial if they don't have the same number
# of entires (then the "shorter" dict is instantly considered to be the
# smaller one, without even looking at the entries).

def test_one(n):
    global mutate, dict1, dict2, dict1keys, dict2keys

    # Fill the dicts without mutating them.
    mutate = 0
    dict1keys = fill_dict(dict1, range(n), n)
    dict2keys = fill_dict(dict2, range(n), n)

    # Enable mutation, then compare the dicts so long as they have the
    # same size.
    mutate = 1
    if verbose:
        print "trying w/ lengths", len(dict1), len(dict2),
    while dict1 and len(dict1) == len(dict2):
        if verbose:
            print ".",
        c = cmp(dict1, dict2)
    if verbose:

# Run test_one n times.  At the start (before the bugs were fixed), 20
# consecutive runs of this test each blew up on or before the sixth time
# test_one was run.  So n doesn't have to be large to get an interesting
# test.
# OTOH, calling with large n is also interesting, to ensure that the fixed
# code doesn't hold on to refcounts *too* long (in which case memory would
# leak).

def test(n):
    for i in xrange(n):
        test_one(random.randrange(1, 100))

# See last comment block for clues about good values for n.
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