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"""Suite Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications
Level 1, version 1

Generated from Macintosh HD:SWdev:CodeWarrior 6 MPTP:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.1B9
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'CoRe'

class Standard_Suite_Events:

  _argmap_close = {
    'saving' : 'savo',
    'saving_in' : 'kfil',

  def close(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """close: close an object
    Required argument: the object to close
    Keyword argument saving: specifies whether or not changes should be saved before closing
    Keyword argument saving_in: the file in which to save the object
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'core'
    _subcode = 'clos'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_close)
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'savo', _Enum_savo)

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  _argmap_count = {
    'each' : 'kocl',

  def count(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """count: return the number of elements of a particular class within an object
    Required argument: the object whose elements are to be counted
    Keyword argument each: the class of the elements to be counted. Keyword 'each' is optional in AppleScript
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    Returns: the number of elements
    _code = 'core'
    _subcode = 'cnte'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_count)
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  _argmap_get = {
    'as' : 'rtyp',

  def get(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """get: get the data for an object
    Required argument: the object whose data is to be returned
    Keyword argument as: the desired types for the data, in order of preference
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    Returns: The data from the object
    _code = 'core'
    _subcode = 'getd'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_get)
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  _argmap_make = {
    'new' : 'kocl',
    'as' : 'rtyp',
    'at' : 'insh',
    'with_data' : 'data',
    'with_properties' : 'prdt',

  def make(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """make: make a new element
    Keyword argument new: the class of the new elementkeyword 'new' is optional in AppleScript
    Keyword argument as: the desired types for the data, in order of preference
    Keyword argument at: the location at which to insert the element
    Keyword argument with_data: the initial data for the element
    Keyword argument with_properties: the initial values for the properties of the element
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    Returns: to the new object(s)
    _code = 'core'
    _subcode = 'crel'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_make)
    if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  def select(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """select: select the specified object
    Required argument: the object to select
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'misc'
    _subcode = 'slct'

    if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  _argmap_set = {
    'to' : 'data',

  def set(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """set: set an object's data
    Required argument: the object to change
    Keyword argument to: the new value
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'core'
    _subcode = 'setd'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_set)
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """application - an application program """
  want = 'capp'
class user_interaction(aetools.NProperty):
  """user interaction - user interaction level """
  which = 'inte'
  want = 'Inte'
#        element 'docu' as ['indx', 'name', 'rang']
#        element 'cwin' as ['indx', 'name', 'rang']

class character(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """character - a character """
  want = 'cha '
class offset(aetools.NProperty):
  """offset - offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1) """
  which = 'pOff'
  want = 'long'
class length(aetools.NProperty):
  """length - length in characters of this object """
  which = 'pLen'
  want = 'long'

class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """document - a document """
  want = 'docu'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
  """name - the title of the document """
  which = 'pnam'
  want = 'itxt'
class kind(aetools.NProperty):
  """kind - the kind of document """
  which = 'DKND'
  want = 'DKND'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
  """index - the number of the document """
  which = 'pidx'
  want = 'long'
class location(aetools.NProperty):
  """location - the file of the document """
  which = 'FILE'
  want = 'fss '
class file_permissions(aetools.NProperty):
  """file permissions - the file permissions for the document """
  which = 'PERM'
  want = 'PERM'
class window(aetools.NProperty):
  """window - the window of the document. """
  which = 'cwin'
  want = 'cwin'

documents = document

class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """file - A file """
  want = 'file'

files = file

class insertion_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """insertion point - An insertion location between two objects """
  want = 'cins'
# repeated property length length of text object (in characters)
# repeated property offset offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)

class line(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """line - lines of text """
  want = 'clin'
# repeated property index index of a line object from the beginning of the document (first line has index 1)
# repeated property offset offset  (in characters) of a line object from the beginning of the document
# repeated property length length in characters of this object
#        element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']

lines = line

class selection_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """selection-object - the selection visible to the user """
  want = 'csel'
class contents(aetools.NProperty):
  """contents - the contents of the selection """
  which = 'pcnt'
  want = 'type'
# repeated property length length of text object (in characters)
# repeated property offset offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)
#        element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
#        element 'clin' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']
#        element 'ctxt' as ['rang']

class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """text - Text """
  want = 'ctxt'
# repeated property length length of text object (in characters)
# repeated property offset offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)
#        element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang']
#        element 'cins' as ['rele']
#        element 'clin' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']
#        element 'ctxt' as ['rang']

class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """window - A window """
  want = 'cwin'
# repeated property name the title of the window
# repeated property index the number of the window
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
  """bounds - the boundary rectangle for the window """
  which = 'pbnd'
  want = 'qdrt'
class document(aetools.NProperty):
  """document - the document that owns this window """
  which = 'docu'
  want = 'docu'
class position(aetools.NProperty):
  """position - upper left coordinates of window """
  which = 'ppos'
  want = 'QDpt'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
  """visible - is the window visible? """
  which = 'pvis'
  want = 'bool'
class zoomed(aetools.NProperty):
  """zoomed - Is the window zoomed? """
  which = 'pzum'
  want = 'bool'

windows = window
application._propdict = {
  'user_interaction' : user_interaction,
application._elemdict = {
  'document' : document,
  'window' : window,
character._propdict = {
  'offset' : offset,
  'length' : length,
character._elemdict = {
document._propdict = {
  'name' : name,
  'kind' : kind,
  'index' : index,
  'location' : location,
  'file_permissions' : file_permissions,
  'window' : window,
document._elemdict = {
file._propdict = {
file._elemdict = {
insertion_point._propdict = {
  'length' : length,
  'offset' : offset,
insertion_point._elemdict = {
line._propdict = {
  'index' : index,
  'offset' : offset,
  'length' : length,
line._elemdict = {
  'character' : character,
selection_2d_object._propdict = {
  'contents' : contents,
  'length' : length,
  'offset' : offset,
selection_2d_object._elemdict = {
  'character' : character,
  'line' : line,
  'text' : text,
text._propdict = {
  'length' : length,
  'offset' : offset,
text._elemdict = {
  'character' : character,
  'insertion_point' : insertion_point,
  'line' : line,
  'text' : text,
window._propdict = {
  'name' : name,
  'index' : index,
  'bounds' : bounds,
  'document' : document,
  'position' : position,
  'visible' : visible,
  'zoomed' : zoomed,
window._elemdict = {
import Metrowerks_Shell_Suite
from Metrowerks_Shell_Suite import _Enum_savo

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
  'docu' : document,
  'cins' : insertion_point,
  'capp' : application,
  'ctxt' : text,
  'csel' : selection_2d_object,
  'clin' : line,
  'file' : file,
  'cwin' : window,
  'cha ' : character,

_propdeclarations = {
  'pzum' : zoomed,
  'DKND' : kind,
  'pOff' : offset,
  'pLen' : length,
  'pnam' : name,
  'FILE' : location,
  'pcnt' : contents,
  'cwin' : window,
  'ppos' : position,
  'pidx' : index,
  'docu' : document,
  'PERM' : file_permissions,
  'pbnd' : bounds,
  'pvis' : visible,
  'inte' : user_interaction,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
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