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"""Suite Macintosh Connectivity Classes: Classes relating to Apple Macintosh personal computer connectivity
Level 1, version 1

Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'macc'

class Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas_Events:


class device_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """device specification - A device connected to a computer """
  want = 'cdev'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
  """properties - property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties """
  which = 'pALL'
  want = 'reco'
class device_type(aetools.NProperty):
  """device type - the kind of device """
  which = 'pdvt'
  want = 'edvt'
class device_address(aetools.NProperty):
  """device address - the address of the device """
  which = 'pdva'
  want = 'cadr'

device_specifications = device_specification

class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
  want = 'cadr'
# repeated property properties property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
  """conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
  which = 'pcon'
  want = 'econ'
class protocol(aetools.NProperty):
  """protocol - How to talk to this addressee """
  which = 'pprt'
  want = 'epro'

address_specifications = address_specification

class ADB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """ADB address - Addresses a device connected via Apple Desktop Bus """
  want = 'cadb'
class _3c_inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
  """<inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from this class """
  which = 'c@#^'
  want = 'cadr'
class ID(aetools.NProperty):
  """ID - the Apple Desktop Bus device ID """
  which = 'ID  '
  want = 'shor'

ADB_addresses = ADB_address

class AppleTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """AppleTalk address - Addresses a device or service connected via the AppleTalk protocol """
  want = 'cat '
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class AppleTalk_machine(aetools.NProperty):
  """AppleTalk machine - the machine name part of the address """
  which = 'patm'
  want = 'TEXT'
class AppleTalk_zone(aetools.NProperty):
  """AppleTalk zone - the zone part of the address """
  which = 'patz'
  want = 'TEXT'
class AppleTalk_type(aetools.NProperty):
  """AppleTalk type - the type part of the AppleTalk address """
  which = 'patt'
  want = 'TEXT'

AppleTalk_addresses = AppleTalk_address

class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
  want = 'cbus'
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
# repeated property ID the slot number

bus_slots = bus_slot

class Ethernet_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """Ethernet address - Addresses a device by its Ethernet address """
  want = 'cen '
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
# repeated property ID the Ethernet address

Ethernet_addresses = Ethernet_address

class FireWire_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """FireWire address - Addresses a device on the FireWire bus """
  want = 'cfw '
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
# repeated property ID the FireWire device ID

FireWire_addresses = FireWire_address

class IP_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """IP address - Addresses a device or service via the Internet Protocol (IP) """
  want = 'cip '
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
# repeated property ID the address in the form ""
class DNS_form(aetools.NProperty):
  """DNS form - the address in the form "" """
  which = 'pdns'
  want = 'TEXT'
class port(aetools.NProperty):
  """port - the port number of the service or client being addressed """
  which = 'ppor'
  want = 'TEXT'

IP_addresses = IP_address

class LocalTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """LocalTalk address - Addresses a device by its LocalTalk address """
  want = 'clt '
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class network(aetools.NProperty):
  """network - the LocalTalk network number """
  which = 'pnet'
  want = 'shor'
class node(aetools.NProperty):
  """node - the LocalTalk node number """
  which = 'pnod'
  want = 'shor'
class socket(aetools.NProperty):
  """socket - the LocalTalk socket number """
  which = 'psoc'
  want = 'shor'

LocalTalk_addresses = LocalTalk_address

class SCSI_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """SCSI address - Addresses a SCSI device """
  want = 'cscs'
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class SCSI_bus(aetools.NProperty):
  """SCSI bus - the SCSI bus number """
  which = 'pscb'
  want = 'shor'
# repeated property ID the SCSI ID
class LUN(aetools.NProperty):
  """LUN - the SCSI logical unit number """
  which = 'pslu'
  want = 'shor'

SCSI_addresses = SCSI_address

class Token_Ring_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """Token Ring address - Addresses a device or service via the Token Ring protocol """
  want = 'ctok'
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
# repeated property ID the Token Ring ID

Token_Ring_addresses = Token_Ring_address

class USB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """USB address - Addresses a device on the Universal Serial Bus """
  want = 'cusb'
# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class name(aetools.NProperty):
  """name - the USB device name """
  which = 'pnam'
  want = 'TEXT'

USB_Addresses = USB_address
device_specification._propdict = {
  'properties' : properties,
  'device_type' : device_type,
  'device_address' : device_address,
device_specification._elemdict = {
address_specification._propdict = {
  'properties' : properties,
  'conduit' : conduit,
  'protocol' : protocol,
address_specification._elemdict = {
ADB_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'ID' : ID,
ADB_address._elemdict = {
AppleTalk_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'AppleTalk_machine' : AppleTalk_machine,
  'AppleTalk_zone' : AppleTalk_zone,
  'AppleTalk_type' : AppleTalk_type,
AppleTalk_address._elemdict = {
bus_slot._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'ID' : ID,
bus_slot._elemdict = {
Ethernet_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'ID' : ID,
Ethernet_address._elemdict = {
FireWire_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'ID' : ID,
FireWire_address._elemdict = {
IP_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'ID' : ID,
  'DNS_form' : DNS_form,
  'port' : port,
IP_address._elemdict = {
LocalTalk_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'network' : network,
  'node' : node,
  'socket' : socket,
LocalTalk_address._elemdict = {
SCSI_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'SCSI_bus' : SCSI_bus,
  'ID' : ID,
  'LUN' : LUN,
SCSI_address._elemdict = {
Token_Ring_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'ID' : ID,
Token_Ring_address._elemdict = {
USB_address._propdict = {
  '_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'name' : name,
USB_address._elemdict = {
_Enum_edvt = {
  'hard_disk_drive' : 'ehd ',  # 
  'floppy_disk_drive' : 'efd ',  # 
  'CD_ROM_drive' : 'ecd ',  # 
  'DVD_drive' : 'edvd',  # 
  'storage_device' : 'edst',  # 
  'keyboard' : 'ekbd',  # 
  'mouse' : 'emou',  # 
  'trackball' : 'etrk',  # 
  'trackpad' : 'edtp',  # 
  'pointing_device' : 'edpd',  # 
  'video_monitor' : 'edvm',  # 
  'LCD_display' : 'edlc',  # 
  'display' : 'edds',  # 
  'modem' : 'edmm',  # 
  'PC_card' : 'ecpc',  # 
  'PCI_card' : 'edpi',  # 
  'NuBus_card' : 'ednb',  # 
  'printer' : 'edpr',  # 
  'speakers' : 'edsp',  # 
  'microphone' : 'ecmi',  # 

_Enum_econ = {
  'ADB' : 'eadb',  # 
  'printer_port' : 'ecpp',  # 
  'modem_port' : 'ecmp',  # 
  'modem_printer_port' : 'empp',  # 
  'LocalTalk' : 'eclt',  # 
  'Ethernet' : 'ecen',  # 
  'Token_Ring' : 'etok',  # 
  'SCSI' : 'ecsc',  # 
  'USB' : 'ecus',  # 
  'FireWire' : 'ecfw',  # 
  'infrared' : 'ecir',  # 
  'PC_card' : 'ecpc',  # 
  'PCI_bus' : 'ecpi',  # 
  'NuBus' : 'enub',  # 
  'PDS_slot' : 'ecpd',  # 
  'Comm_slot' : 'eccm',  # 
  'monitor_out' : 'ecmn',  # 
  'video_out' : 'ecvo',  # 
  'video_in' : 'ecvi',  # 
  'audio_out' : 'ecao',  # 
  'audio_line_in' : 'ecai',  # 
  'audio_line_out' : 'ecal',  # 
  'microphone' : 'ecmi',  # 

_Enum_epro = {
  'serial' : 'epsr',  # 
  'AppleTalk' : 'epat',  # 
  'IP' : 'epip',  # 
  'SCSI' : 'ecsc',  # 
  'ADB' : 'eadb',  # 
  'FireWire' : 'ecfw',  # 
  'IrDA' : 'epir',  # 
  'IRTalk' : 'epit',  # 
  'USB' : 'ecus',  # 
  'PC_card' : 'ecpc',  # 
  'PCI_bus' : 'ecpi',  # 
  'NuBus' : 'enub',  # 
  'bus' : 'ebus',  # 
  'Macintosh_video' : 'epmv',  # 
  'SVGA' : 'epsg',  # 
  'S_video' : 'epsv',  # 
  'analog_audio' : 'epau',  # 
  'digital_audio' : 'epda',  # 
  'PostScript' : 'epps',  # 

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
  'cen ' : Ethernet_address,
  'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
  'cip ' : IP_address,
  'cusb' : USB_address,
  'cadb' : ADB_address,
  'cscs' : SCSI_address,
  'cbus' : bus_slot,
  'cdev' : device_specification,
  'ctok' : Token_Ring_address,
  'cfw ' : FireWire_address,
  'cadr' : address_specification,
  'cat ' : AppleTalk_address,

_propdeclarations = {
  'pnod' : node,
  'pslu' : LUN,
  'patm' : AppleTalk_machine,
  'pdva' : device_address,
  'pscb' : SCSI_bus,
  'ppor' : port,
  'pALL' : properties,
  'ID  ' : ID,
  'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
  'pdvt' : device_type,
  'pnet' : network,
  'patz' : AppleTalk_zone,
  'pnam' : name,
  'pcon' : conduit,
  'pprt' : protocol,
  'patt' : AppleTalk_type,
  'psoc' : socket,
  'pdns' : DNS_form,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
  'econ' : _Enum_econ,
  'epro' : _Enum_epro,
  'edvt' : _Enum_edvt,
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