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"""Suite QuickDraw Graphics Suite: A set of basic classes for graphics
Level 1, version 1

Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'qdrw'

class QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite_Events:


class arc(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """arc - An arc """
  want = 'carc'
class arc_angle(aetools.NProperty):
  """arc angle - the angle of the arc in degrees """
  which = 'parc'
  want = 'fixd'
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
  """bounds - the smallest rectangle that contains the entire arc """
  which = 'pbnd'
  want = 'qdrt'
class definition_rect(aetools.NProperty):
  """definition rect - the rectangle that contains the circle or oval used to define the arc """
  which = 'pdrt'
  want = 'qdrt'
class fill_color(aetools.NProperty):
  """fill color - the fill color """
  which = 'flcl'
  want = 'cRGB'
class fill_pattern(aetools.NProperty):
  """fill pattern - the fill pattern """
  which = 'flpt'
  want = 'cpix'
class pen_color(aetools.NProperty):
  """pen color - the pen color """
  which = 'ppcl'
  want = 'cRGB'
class pen_pattern(aetools.NProperty):
  """pen pattern - the pen pattern """
  which = 'pppa'
  want = 'cpix'
class pen_width(aetools.NProperty):
  """pen width - the pen width """
  which = 'ppwd'
  want = 'shor'
class start_angle(aetools.NProperty):
  """start angle - the angle that defines the start of the arc, in degrees """
  which = 'pang'
  want = 'fixd'
class transfer_mode(aetools.NProperty):
  """transfer mode - the transfer mode """
  which = 'pptm'
  want = 'tran'

arcs = arc

class drawing_area(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """drawing area - Container for graphics and supporting information """
  want = 'cdrw'
class background_color(aetools.NProperty):
  """background color - the color used to fill in unoccupied areas """
  which = 'pbcl'
  want = 'cRGB'
class background_pattern(aetools.NProperty):
  """background pattern - the pattern used to fill in unoccupied areas """
  which = 'pbpt'
  want = 'cpix'
class color_table(aetools.NProperty):
  """color table - the color table """
  which = 'cltb'
  want = 'clrt'
class ordering(aetools.NProperty):
  """ordering - the ordered list of graphic objects in the drawing area """
  which = 'gobs'
  want = 'obj '
class name(aetools.NProperty):
  """name - the name """
  which = 'pnam'
  want = 'itxt'
class default_location(aetools.NProperty):
  """default location - the default location of each new graphic object """
  which = 'pnel'
  want = 'QDpt'
class pixel_depth(aetools.NProperty):
  """pixel depth - the number of bits per pixel """
  which = 'pdpt'
  want = 'shor'
class writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
  """writing code - the script system and language of text objects in the drawing area """
  which = 'psct'
  want = 'intl'
class text_color(aetools.NProperty):
  """text color - the default color for text objects """
  which = 'ptxc'
  want = 'cRGB'
class default_font(aetools.NProperty):
  """default font - the name of the default font for text objects """
  which = 'ptxf'
  want = 'itxt'
class default_size(aetools.NProperty):
  """default size - the default size for text objects """
  which = 'ptps'
  want = 'fixd'
class style(aetools.NProperty):
  """style - the default text style for text objects """
  which = 'txst'
  want = 'tsty'
class update_on_change(aetools.NProperty):
  """update on change - Redraw after each change? """
  which = 'pupd'
  want = 'bool'

drawing_areas = drawing_area

class graphic_line(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """graphic line - A graphic line """
  want = 'glin'
class start_point(aetools.NProperty):
  """start point - the starting point of the line """
  which = 'pstp'
  want = 'QDpt'
class end_point(aetools.NProperty):
  """end point - the ending point of the line """
  which = 'pend'
  want = 'QDpt'
class dash_style(aetools.NProperty):
  """dash style - the dash style """
  which = 'pdst'
  want = 'tdas'
class arrow_style(aetools.NProperty):
  """arrow style - the arrow style """
  which = 'arro'
  want = 'arro'

graphic_lines = graphic_line

class graphic_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """graphic object - A graphic object """
  want = 'cgob'

graphic_objects = graphic_object

class graphic_shape(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """graphic shape - A graphic shape """
  want = 'cgsh'

graphic_shapes = graphic_shape

class graphic_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """graphic text - A series of characters within a drawing area """
  want = 'cgtx'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
  """color - the color of the first character """
  which = 'colr'
  want = 'cRGB'
class font(aetools.NProperty):
  """font - the name of the font of the first character """
  which = 'font'
  want = 'ctxt'
class size(aetools.NProperty):
  """size - the size in points of the first character """
  which = 'ptsz'
  want = 'fixd'
class uniform_styles(aetools.NProperty):
  """uniform styles - the text styles that are uniform throughout the text """
  which = 'ustl'
  want = 'tsty'

class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """graphic group - Group of graphics """
  want = 'cpic'

graphic_groups = graphic_group

class oval(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """oval - An oval """
  want = 'covl'

ovals = oval

class pixel(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """pixel - A pixel """
  want = 'cpxl'
# repeated property color the color

pixels = pixel

class pixel_map(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """pixel map - A pixel map """
  want = 'cpix'

pixel_maps = pixel_map

class polygon(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """polygon - A polygon """
  want = 'cpgn'
class point_list(aetools.NProperty):
  """point list - the list of points that define the polygon """
  which = 'ptlt'
  want = 'QDpt'

polygons = polygon

class rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """rectangle - A rectangle """
  want = 'crec'

rectangles = rectangle

class rounded_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """rounded rectangle - A rounded rectangle """
  want = 'crrc'
class corner_curve_height(aetools.NProperty):
  """corner curve height - the height of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners """
  which = 'pchd'
  want = 'shor'
class corner_curve_width(aetools.NProperty):
  """corner curve width - the width of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners """
  which = 'pcwd'
  want = 'shor'

rounded_rectangles = rounded_rectangle
arc._propdict = {
  'arc_angle' : arc_angle,
  'bounds' : bounds,
  'definition_rect' : definition_rect,
  'fill_color' : fill_color,
  'fill_pattern' : fill_pattern,
  'pen_color' : pen_color,
  'pen_pattern' : pen_pattern,
  'pen_width' : pen_width,
  'start_angle' : start_angle,
  'transfer_mode' : transfer_mode,
arc._elemdict = {
drawing_area._propdict = {
  'background_color' : background_color,
  'background_pattern' : background_pattern,
  'color_table' : color_table,
  'ordering' : ordering,
  'name' : name,
  'default_location' : default_location,
  'pixel_depth' : pixel_depth,
  'writing_code' : writing_code,
  'text_color' : text_color,
  'default_font' : default_font,
  'default_size' : default_size,
  'style' : style,
  'update_on_change' : update_on_change,
drawing_area._elemdict = {
graphic_line._propdict = {
  'start_point' : start_point,
  'end_point' : end_point,
  'dash_style' : dash_style,
  'arrow_style' : arrow_style,
graphic_line._elemdict = {
graphic_object._propdict = {
graphic_object._elemdict = {
graphic_shape._propdict = {
graphic_shape._elemdict = {
graphic_text._propdict = {
  'color' : color,
  'font' : font,
  'size' : size,
  'uniform_styles' : uniform_styles,
graphic_text._elemdict = {
graphic_group._propdict = {
graphic_group._elemdict = {
oval._propdict = {
oval._elemdict = {
pixel._propdict = {
  'color' : color,
pixel._elemdict = {
pixel_map._propdict = {
pixel_map._elemdict = {
polygon._propdict = {
  'point_list' : point_list,
polygon._elemdict = {
rectangle._propdict = {
rectangle._elemdict = {
rounded_rectangle._propdict = {
  'corner_curve_height' : corner_curve_height,
  'corner_curve_width' : corner_curve_width,
rounded_rectangle._elemdict = {
_Enum_tran = {
  'copy_pixels' : 'cpy ',  # 
  'not_copy_pixels' : 'ncpy',  # 
  'or_pixels' : 'or  ',  # 
  'not_or_pixels' : 'ntor',  # 
  'bic_pixels' : 'bic ',  # 
  'not_bic_pixels' : 'nbic',  # 
  'xor_pixels' : 'xor ',  # 
  'not_xor_pixels' : 'nxor',  # 
  'add_over_pixels' : 'addo',  # 
  'add_pin_pixels' : 'addp',  # 
  'sub_over_pixels' : 'subo',  # 
  'sub_pin_pixels' : 'subp',  # 
  'ad_max_pixels' : 'admx',  # 
  'ad_min_pixels' : 'admn',  # 
  'blend_pixels' : 'blnd',  # 

_Enum_arro = {
  'no_arrow' : 'arno',  # No arrow on line
  'arrow_at_start' : 'arst',  # Arrow at start of line
  'arrow_at_end' : 'aren',  # Arrow at end of line
  'arrow_at_both_ends' : 'arbo',  # Arrow at both the start and the end of the line

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
  'crec' : rectangle,
  'cpix' : pixel_map,
  'carc' : arc,
  'cgsh' : graphic_shape,
  'cpxl' : pixel,
  'crrc' : rounded_rectangle,
  'cpgn' : polygon,
  'cdrw' : drawing_area,
  'cgob' : graphic_object,
  'glin' : graphic_line,
  'cgtx' : graphic_text,
  'covl' : oval,
  'cpic' : graphic_group,

_propdeclarations = {
  'pend' : end_point,
  'pupd' : update_on_change,
  'pstp' : start_point,
  'pdrt' : definition_rect,
  'pnam' : name,
  'pbcl' : background_color,
  'pptm' : transfer_mode,
  'pnel' : default_location,
  'pdpt' : pixel_depth,
  'gobs' : ordering,
  'ustl' : uniform_styles,
  'ptlt' : point_list,
  'pdst' : dash_style,
  'psct' : writing_code,
  'txst' : style,
  'font' : font,
  'pchd' : corner_curve_height,
  'arro' : arrow_style,
  'ppwd' : pen_width,
  'ptps' : default_size,
  'ppcl' : pen_color,
  'ptxf' : default_font,
  'pcwd' : corner_curve_width,
  'ptxc' : text_color,
  'cltb' : color_table,
  'pppa' : pen_pattern,
  'pang' : start_angle,
  'flpt' : fill_pattern,
  'colr' : color,
  'pbnd' : bounds,
  'ptsz' : size,
  'parc' : arc_angle,
  'flcl' : fill_color,
  'pbpt' : background_pattern,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
  'tran' : _Enum_tran,
  'arro' : _Enum_arro,
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