# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo
"""Base classes for all plug-ins"""
import glob
import os
import imp
from utils import rootPath
from config import VB2PYConfig
Config = VB2PYConfig()
import logging # For logging output and debugging
logging.basicConfig() # Console output for logging
log = logging.getLogger("PlugInLoader")
log.setLevel(int(Config["General", "LoggingLevel"]))
# << Plug-in functions >> (1 of 2)
def loadAllPlugins():
"""Load all plug-ins from the plug-in directory and return a list of all the classes"""
import plugins
mods = []
for mod in plugins.mods:
log.info("Checking '%s' for plugins" % mod)
f = open(os.path.join(rootPath(), "plugins", "%s.py" % mod), "r")
m = imp.load_module(mod, f, "Plugin-%s" % mod, ('*.py', 'r', 1))
except Exception, err:
log.warn("Error importing '%s' (%s). Module skipped" % (mod, err))
for name in dir(m):
cls = getattr(m, name)
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
is_plugin = cls.__is_plugin__
except AttributeError:
is_plugin = 0
if is_plugin:
p = cls()
log.info("Added new plug-in: '%s" % p.name)
except Exception, err:
log.warn("Error creating plugin '%s' (%s). Class skipped" % (cls, err))
# Now sort
return mods
# << Plug-in functions >> (2 of 2)
def disableLogging():
"""Disable logging in all plugins"""
# Disable the main logger
# Now do so for pluging
BasePlugin.logging_level = 0
# -- end -- << Plug-in functions >>
# << Plug-in classes >> (1 of 4)
class BasePlugin(object):
"""All plug-ins should inherit from this base class or define __is_plugin__"""
__is_plugin__ = 1 # Set to true if you want to be loaded plug-in
system_plugin = 0 # True if you are a system plugin
__enabled = 1 # If false the plugin will not be called
order = 1000 # Determines order of execution. lower = earlier
logging_level = int(Config["General", "LoggingLevel"])
# << BasePlugin methods >> (1 of 6)
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the plugin
This method should always be called by subclasses as it is required to set up logging etc
if not hasattr(self, "name"):
self.name = self.__class__.__name__
self.log = logging.getLogger(self.name)
# << BasePlugin methods >> (2 of 6)
def preProcessVBText(self, text):
"""Process raw VB text prior to any conversion
This method should return a new version of the text with any changes made
to it. If there is no preprocessing required then do not define this method.
return text
# << BasePlugin methods >> (3 of 6)
def postProcessPythonText(self, text):
"""Process Python text following the conversion
This method should return a new version of the text with any changes made
to it. If there is no postprocessing required then do not define this method.
return text
# << BasePlugin methods >> (4 of 6)
def disable(self):
"""Disable the plugin"""
self.__enabled = 0
# << BasePlugin methods >> (5 of 6)
def isEnabled(self):
"""Return 1 if plugin is enabled"""
return self.__enabled
# << BasePlugin methods >> (6 of 6)
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Used to allow plugins to be sorted to run in a certain order"""
return cmp(self.order, other.order)
# -- end -- << BasePlugin methods >>
# << Plug-in classes >> (2 of 4)
import re
class RETextMarkup(BasePlugin):
"""A utility class to apply regular expression based text markup
The plug-in allows simple re text replacements as a pre and post conversion
passes simple by reading from lists of replacements defined as class methods.
Users can simply create instances of their own classes to handle whatever markup
they desire.
name = "RETextMarkup"
re_flags = 0 # Put re flags here if you need them
# Define your patterns by assigning to these properties in the sub-class
pre_process_patterns = ()
post_process_patterns = ()
# << RETextMarkup methods >> (1 of 3)
def preProcessVBText(self, text):
"""Process raw VB text prior to any conversion"""
if self.pre_process_patterns:
self.log.info("Processing pre patterns")
return self.processText(text, self.pre_process_patterns)
# << RETextMarkup methods >> (2 of 3)
def postProcessPythonText(self, text):
"""Process Python text following the conversion"""
if self.post_process_patterns:
self.log.info("Processing post patterns")
return self.processText(text, self.post_process_patterns)
# << RETextMarkup methods >> (3 of 3)
def processText(self, text, patterns):
"""Process the text and mark it up"""
for re_pattern, replace in patterns:
def doSub(match):
self.log.info("Replacing '%s' with %s, %s" % (re_pattern, replace, match.groupdict()))
return replace % match.groupdict()
r = re.compile(re_pattern, self.re_flags)
text = r.sub(doSub, text)
return text
# -- end -- << RETextMarkup methods >>
# << Plug-in classes >> (3 of 4)
import re
class RenderHookPlugin(BasePlugin):
"""A utility plugin to hook a render method and apply markup after the render
The plugin replaces the specified objects normal renderCode method with one which
calls the plugins addMarkup method when it is complete.
name = "RenderHookPlugin"
hooked_class_name = None # Name of class should go here
# << RenderHookPlugin methods >> (1 of 2)
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the plugin
This method should always be called by subclasses as it is required to set up logging etc
super(RenderHookPlugin, self).__init__()
# Look for class and replace its renderAsCode method
import parserclasses
self.hooked_class = getattr(parserclasses, self.hooked_class_name)
old_render_method = self.hooked_class.renderAsCode
def newRender(obj, indent=0):
ret = old_render_method(obj, indent)
return self.addMarkup(indent, ret)
self.hooked_class.renderAsCode = newRender
# << RenderHookPlugin methods >> (2 of 2)
def addMarkup(self, indent, text):
"""Add markup to the rendered text"""
return text
# -- end -- << RenderHookPlugin methods >>
# << Plug-in classes >> (4 of 4)
class SystemPlugin(BasePlugin):
"""Special kind of plug-in which is used by the system and cannot be disabled"""
system_plugin = 1
class SystemPluginREPlugin(RETextMarkup):
"""Special kind of plug-in which is used by the system and cannot be disabled"""
system_plugin = 1
# -- end -- << Plug-in classes >>
if __name__ == "__main__":