# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo
# << Documentation >>
# """
# This module implements a set of classes for describing VB code. The
# structure is,
# - namespace
# - module
# - function
# - block
# - line
# - variable
# - modules, form modules and classes all inherit from BaseModule
# - subs and functions all inherit from BaseFunction
# - For, While, Do, Select blocks all inherit from BaseBlock
# """
# -- end -- << Documentation >>
# << Declarations >>
import re
from Plex import *
from StringIO import StringIO
# -- end -- << Declarations >>
# << VBCode classes >> (1 of 3)
class BaseVariable(object):
"""A representation of a VB object"""
# << BaseVariable methods >>
def __init__(self, name, vartype=""):
"""Initialize the variable"""
if vartype == "":
vartype = "Variant"
self.name = name
self.vartype = vartype
# -- end -- << BaseVariable methods >>
# << VBCode classes >> (2 of 3)
class BaseNameSpace(object):
"""A representation of a VB namespace"""
# << BaseNameSpace declarations >>
letter = Range("AZaz")
digit = Range("09")
name = letter + Rep(letter | digit)
number = Rep1(digit)
space = Any(" \t\n")
delim = Str(",") + Opt(space)
scope = Str("Dim") | Str("Private") | Str("Public")
const = Str("Const")
array = Str("(") + Rep(name + Rep(delim + name)) + Str(")")
var_with_type = name + Opt(array) + space + Opt(Str("As") + space + name)
var_with_no_type = name + Opt(array)
var = var_with_type | var_with_no_type
declare = scope + space + var + Rep(delim + var_with_type) + Eol
lexicon = Lexicon([
(declare, "declare"),
(Str("\n"), ""),
sub_lex = Lexicon([
(scope, "scope"),
(var_with_type, "type"),
(delim, ""),
(space, ""),
(const, "const"),
(Eol, ""),
# -- end -- << BaseNameSpace declarations >>
# << BaseNameSpace methods >> (1 of 2)
def __init__(self, name="Namespace"):
"""Initialize the module"""
self.public_names = []
self.private_names = []
# << BaseNameSpace methods >> (2 of 2)
def initVariablesFromText(self, text):
"""Initialize the variables from some text"""
# Declares
s = StringIO(text)
scan = Scanner(self.lexicon, s)
while 1:
tok = scan.read()
print tok
if tok[0] == "declare":
v = StringIO(tok[1])
inner_scan = Scanner(self.sub_lex, v)
while 1:
inner_tok = inner_scan.read()
print inner_tok
if inner_tok[0] is None:
if tok[0] is None:
# -- end -- << BaseNameSpace methods >>
# << VBCode classes >> (3 of 3)
class BaseModule(BaseNameSpace):
"""A representation of a VB module"""
# << BaseModule methods >> (1 of 3)
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
"""Initialize the module"""
super(BaseModule, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.functions = []
# << BaseModule methods >> (2 of 3)
def initFromText(self, text):
"""Initialize the structure from some text"""
# << BaseModule methods >> (3 of 3)
def initFunctionsFromText(self, text):
"""Initialize the functions from some text"""
# -- end -- << BaseModule methods >>
# -- end -- << VBCode classes >>
if __name__ == "__main__":
text = open("vb\\test1\\test.bas", "r").read()
m = BaseModule()
for v in m.public_names:
print "Public ", v.name, v.vartype
for v in m.private_names:
print "Private ", v.name, v.vartype