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# Name:
# Purpose:      Cellular Automata objects.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2005-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import os, random, array, copy

from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import unit
from athenaCL.libATH import error
from athenaCL.libATH import table
from athenaCL.libATH import typeset
from athenaCL.libATH import permutate

# decimal may be used to get accurate continuous ca
# this increase computation time considerably
   import decimal # only w/ python 2.4
   DECIMAL = 1
except ImportError:
   DECIMAL = 0

# in some cases turn off to increase performance

_MOD = ''


# repition: 250
# nesting: 22, 60, 90, 105, 129, 150, 225
# randomness: (10 total) 30, 45, 73
# local structures: 110

# for 1d totalistic rules. 0-2186:
# >>> automata.ruleGen(777, 1, [0,1,2], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
# [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 1)]

# rules for totalistic:
# 1086, 90 177 912 2040

# long stringy things
# 600 843 870 1086 1167 1329 1572 1815 1842
# :: auca f{t}x{81}y{80}k{3}r{1} 1086 bpl,e,l,((0,0),(80,.02))
# :: auca f{t}x{81}y{80}k{3}r{1} 1167 bpl,e,l,((0,0),(80,.02))

# totalistic rules tt have nested patterns tt go forever
# 219 957 966 1884 237 420 948 1749
# :: auca f{t}x{81}y{80}k{4}r{1} 1884 bpl,e,l,((0,0),(80,.01))
# :: auca f{t}x{81}y{80}k{3}r{1} 1884 bpl,e,l,((0,0),(80,.02))
# :: auca f{t}x{81}y{80}k{3}r{1} 420 bpl,e,l,((0,0),(40,.001),(80,0))

# totalistic rules tt produce randomness:
# 177 912 2040

# tr rules tt produce complex mixed behavior
# 1041 1635 2049 1635

# totalistic w/ 4 values, looking at 3 previous values k4r1
# example of a such a ca on p754 nks
# a = automata.TotalisticQuad(201,1004600,[0]*99+[1,1]+[0]*99)

# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{1}k{4}i{r}s{0} 1004600 0
# string things; terminates from single start

# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{1}k{4}i{r}s{0} 195735784 0
# complex, divers colors, dark background

# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{1}k{4}i{c}s{0} 554761 0
# complex symmetrical

# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{1}k{4}i{r}s{0} 10000845 0
# mostly simple pattern from single; complx from random

# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{1}k{4}i{r}s{0} 846484 0
# from center boring, but from random, interesting laced shapes

# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{c} 1806 0
# nested serpinksy
# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{c} 98123 0
# pattern
# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{c} 1983570 0
# complex nested
# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{c} 84251500514 0
# complex but symmetrical
# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{c} 66448723 0
# complex symmetrical

# combined:
# :: auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{r}s{20} mv,a{1806}b{84251500514}c{98123}:{a=8|b=5|c=2},(c,0) 0.01

# s.k2.r1.rule=73.m0.01  -- potentially useful for rhythm generation
# s.k2.r1.rule=109.m0 -- started from random gives cyclic patterns
# s.k2.r1.rule=133.m0.01 - also good for rhythm from random start

# s.k4.r1.rule=136920680033006148807870461902105273178.m0.01 - noise
# s.k4.r1.rule=136920680033006148807870461902105273184.m0 - local struct
# s.k4.r1.rule=136920680033006148807870461902105273244.m0 - mixed
# s.k4.r1.rule=136920680033006148807870461902105273290.m0 - mixed
# s.k4.r1.rule=136920680033006148807870461902105273308.m0 - mixed
# s.k4.r1.rule=136920680033006148807870461902105273322.m.005 - pattern

# s.k2.r2.rule=10134.m0 - interesting edge pattern   
# s.k2.r2.rule=10156.m0 - nested triangles rotated slightly
# s.k2.r2.rule=500144.m0 - nested rotated
# s.k2.r2.rule=500148.m0 - diagonal, possibly nested
# s.k2.r2.rule=3070153.m0 - edge activity
# s.k2.r2.rule=55020952.m0 - mixed
# s.k2.r2.rule=55020953.m0 - mixed, complex, stringy

# standard CA: k=3 r=1 rule=235 mutation=0.1 init=random ; r-angle line paterns

# auca f{t}y{80}x{81}r{2}k{6}i{r} mv,a{1806}b{84251500514}c{98123}:{a=80|b=3|c=1},(c,0) 0.01

# t.k2.r1.rule2.m0.001
# t.k2.r1.rule5.m0.001
#     mutation adds some behavior
# t.k4.r1.rule502.m0.001      
#     double triangle, down; with mutation this is more interesting
# t.k4.r1.rule505.m0.001   
#     simple triangles, mutation does not add taht much
# t.k4.r1.rule509.m0.001
#     traingle, nested
# t.k4.r1.rule514.m0.001
#     triangles, but nested with lines

# t.k6.r1.rule=1083234423495.m0
#     a cmplex, bizarre but symmetrical shape

# con.k2.r1.rule=0.08.m0.001
#     a nice tree-like shape
# con.k2.r1.rule=0.4.m0.001
#     w/o mutation, a plain triangle
# con.k2.r1.rule=0.48  .m0.001
#     nice, interlaced pattern
#     strong difference b/n float and decimal
# con.k2.r1.rule=0.56.m0.001
#     pyramid shape
# con.k2.r1.rule=0.031.m0.001
#     smooth gradiant, slow change
#     cannot quickly distinguish float/decimal
# con.k2.r1.rule=0.0073.m0.001
#     just dispersion w/o noise
# con.k2.r1.rule=0.0657.m0.001
#     tree like over faded background, no imeed float/decima diff

# con.k2.r2.rule=0.248.m0.001
#     linear pattern
# con.k2.r2.rule=0.093.m0.001
#     lacy tree, cannot distinguish float/decimal
# con.k2.r2.rule=0.031.m0.001
#     very smooth gradiant w/ activity, cannot distinguish float/decimal
# con.k2.r2.rule=0.093.m1e-08
#     lacy tree

# con.k2.r2.rule=0.001.m0.1   -- a cloudy, patchy field
# con.k2.r2.rule=0.001.m0.05  -- a cloudy, patchy field
# con.k2.r2.rule=0.005.m0.05  -- a cloudy, patchy field
#     w/o noise thise produce simple fades
# :: auca f{c}x{81}y{80}r{2} .01 bpl,e,l,((0,0),(80,.1))


def caFormatParser(usrStr):
   ref = {
      's'   : ['s', 'standard'],
      't' : ['t', 'tot', 'totalistic'],
      'c' : ['c', 'continuous'],
      'f' : ['f', 'float'],
   usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
   return usrStr # may be Non

def caInitParser(usrStr):
   usrNum, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(usrStr)
   if (len(usrNum) == len(usrStr) or drawer.isNum(usrStr) or
      return usrStr # not a string, a data obj
   # only parse if a string
   ref = {
      'center' : ['c', 'center'],
      'random' : ['r', 'random'],
   usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
   return usrStr # may be Non

class AutomataSpecification:
   """object to mange arguments for automata"""

   def __init__(self, usrStr):
      self.OPEN = '{'
      self.CLOSE = '}'
      self.src = self._loadDictionary(usrStr)
      self.src = self._updateDefault(self.src)
      self.src = self._updateRational(self.src)
   def _keyParser(self, usrStr):
      if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or drawer.isList(usrStr):
         return usrStr # not a string, a data obj
      # only parse if a string
      # may need to add: 'd' for dimension
      # 'z' for z axis?
      ref = {
         'f' : ['f', 'format', 'form', 'type'],
         'k' : ['k', 'colors'],
         'r' : ['r', 'radius'],
         'i' : ['i', 'init', 'initial'],
         'x' : ['x', 'size'],
         'y' : ['y', 'steps', 'gen'],
         'w' : ['w', 'width'],
         'c' : ['c', 'center'],
         's' : ['s', 'skip'],

      usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
      return usrStr # may be None

   def get(self, key):
      if key == 'yTotal': # y with skip, for actual generations
         return self.src['y'] + self.src['s']
      elif key in self.src.keys():
         return self.src[key]
      else: raise AttributeError

   def repr(self, fmt='full'):
      if fmt == 'line': # split into multiple lines
         return 'f{%s}k{%s}r{%s}\ni{%s}\nx{%s}y{%s}\nw{%s}c{%s}s{%s}' % (
         self.src['f'], self.src['k'], self.src['r'], self.src['i'],
         self.src['x'], self.src['y'], self.src['w'], self.src['c'],
         return 'f{%s}k{%s}r{%s}i{%s}x{%s}y{%s}w{%s}c{%s}s{%s}' % (
         self.src['f'], self.src['k'], self.src['r'], self.src['i'],
         self.src['x'], self.src['y'], self.src['w'], self.src['c'],
   def __str__(self):
      return self.repr()
   def _loadDictionary(self, usrStr):
      """this model is borrowed from; could be abstracted to
      a common utility"""
      if usrStr.count(self.OPEN) != usrStr.count(self.CLOSE):
         raise error.AutomataSpecificationError, "all braces not paired"      
      post = {}
      groups = usrStr.split(self.CLOSE)
      for double in groups:
         if self.OPEN not in double: continue
         key, value = double.split(self.OPEN)
         key = self._keyParser(key)
         if key == None: continue
         post[key] = value
      return post
   def _updateDefault(self, src):
      """make a ca dictionary
      rule and mutation are left out, as dynamic"""
      xMAX = 1000
      yMAX = 10000
      ref = { # these are the limits
         'f' : ('s',), # must be first element of a list
         'k' : (2, 0, 36), # def, min, max
         'r' : (1, .5, 10),
         'i' : ('center',),
         'x' : (91, 1, xMAX), # should be odd value
         'y' : (135, 1, yMAX),
         'w' : (0, 0, yMAX),  # will get value of 
         'c' : (0, -xMAX, xMAX), # center
         's' : (0, 0, yMAX), # skip
      # src keys have already been formated to single character refs
      for key in ref.keys():
         if key not in src.keys():
            src[key] = ref[key][0]
         else: # keu exists, eval numbers if necessary
            if drawer.isNum(ref[key][0]): # check numbers                     
               min = ref[key][1]
               max = ref[key][2]
               # permit r values w/ decimal .5
               if key =='r' and '.' in src[key]:
                  # double, round, and divide; will be either 0 or .5
                  value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'float', min, max)
                  value = round(value*2) / 2
                  value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'int', min, max)
               if value != None:
                  src[key] = value
               else: # cant resolve value, provide default
                  src[key] = ref[key][0]
            if drawer.isStr(ref[key][0]): # check strings
               if key == 'f':
                  value = caFormatParser(src[key])
               elif key == 'i':
                  value = caInitParser(src[key])
               if value != None:
                  src[key] = value
                  src[key] = ref[key][0]     
      return src      

   def _updateRational(self, src):
      # do not add skip here, as this makes parameters args non-reversible!
#       if src['s'] > 0: # add skip to y to maintain size
#          src['y'] = src['y'] + src['s']
      if src['k'] <= 0:
         src['f'] = 'f' # make into a float
      if src['w'] <= 0: # width may be greater than x
         src['w'] = src['x']
      # set k if format continuous
      if src['f'] in ['c', 'f']:
         src['k'] = 0
      return src

# rule translatino schemes
# the order of rules does not matter

# total rules == pow(k, pow(k, n))
# k is states, n number of neighbors including core (r*2+1)

# Since each cell ranges from 0 to 2, the total ranges from 0 to 6, or 7 
# possibilities. There are thus 3^7 or 2187 rules of this type

# there are 256 elementary rules for r=1, nks p53
# for k=3 r=1: 7625597484987 rules nks p60

# other ways of thinking about totalistic rule counts
# q is max value to be found in any single cell
# >>> k=2; r=1; q=k-1
# >>> pow(k,((r*2)+1)*q)
# 8
# >>> automata.ruleCount(((r*2)+1),range(k),(((r*2)+1)*(k-1)))
# 8
# >>> k=3; r=2; q=k-1
# >>> pow(k,((r*2)+1)*q)
# 59049
# >>> automata.ruleCount(((r*2)+1),range(k),(((r*2)+1)*(k-1)))
# 59049

def ruleCount(srcSpan, dstValues, srcValues=None):
   # srcSpan == r*2+1, len(dstValues) == k
   # totalistic rule count: k = k, len(dstValues)
   if drawer.isNum(dstValues):
      k = dstValues
      dstValues = range(dstValues)
   else: # assume its a list
      k = len(dstValues)
   if srcValues == None: # not totalistic
      count = pow(k, pow(k, srcSpan))
   else: # totalistic, srcValues are provided
      if drawer.isNum(srcValues):
         q = srcValues
      else: # assume its a list
         q = len(srcValues)      
      count = pow(k, q)
   # print _MOD, 'rule count', count
   return count

def ruleGen(ruleNo, srcSpan=3, dstValues=[0,1], srcValues=None):
   """generate a rule in the form of a list; each entry in the list
   consists of a src list (the ordered values in the previous step to match
   and a destinatino value (the new cell value)
   k == number of cell values (len(dstValues))
   srcSpan is number of previous values considered (3 here is an r of 1)
   srcValues for totalistic rules, where src and dst are not the same
   dstNo = len(dstValues) # number of possible cell values
   if srcValues == None: # non totalistic riles
      # get number of possible outcomes, or arrangemnts of src states
      srcMatches = permutate.selections(dstValues, srcSpan)
   # for totalistic rules, src values not from selections of possibility
   # byt given directly in a list
      srcValues.sort() # get from low to high, reverse of ws
      srcMatches = srcValues
   # gets next step array of values; note: these are reveresed from ws presentn
   ruleArray = [(ruleNo/pow(dstNo,i)) % dstNo for i in range(len(srcMatches))] 
   # bundle as pairs b/n src and dst
   r = [[srcMatches[x], ruleArray[x]] for x in range(len(srcMatches))]
   return r

# base class for all discrete
class _Automaton:
   def __init__(self, size, rule=0, init=0, dstValues=None, 
                srcSpan=3, srcValues=None, mutation=None):
      self.rule = rule # number, or string perhaps
      self.format = None # define in subclass
      self.dimension = None # define in subclass
      self.srcSpan = srcSpan # the number of previous values compared
      assert self.srcSpan % 2 == 1 # must be an odd number
      # value used to to determine index shift left of center
      # want floored /2 division here; should work for even number srcSpan
      self.srcSpanRuleShift = 0 - (self.srcSpan / 2)
      self.size = size # number of cells in one step      
      # may need to prase these values
      self.init = caInitParser(init)
      if self.init == None: raise ValueError, 'bad init value'
      if dstValues != None: # can be none for continuous ca
      self.dstValues = dstValues
      self.dstIndexCenter = -1 # index to be used for center init values
      if srcValues != None: # only used for continuous
      self.srcValues = srcValues

      if self.srcSpan % 2 == 0: # if even
         self.r = (self.srcSpan - 1) / 2.0 # must be a float
      else: # of odd, get an int
         self.r = (self.srcSpan - 1) / 2 
      # self.dstValues == None signifies a continuous
      if self.dstValues != None: self.k = len(self.dstValues)
      else: self.k = 0

      self.mutation = mutation # w/n unit interval
      self.stepHistory = [] # store steps as lists or arrays
      self.stepTemplate = [] # base structure to refresh
   def _getTemplate(self):
      return self.stepTemplate[:]
   def _fmtStepBi(self, msg):
      msg = msg.replace('0', ' ')
      msg = msg.replace('1', '+')
      return msg
   def _fmtStepTri(self, msg):
      msg = msg.replace('0', ' ')
      msg = msg.replace('1', '.')
      msg = msg.replace('2', '*')
      return msg

   def _fmtStepQuad(self, msg):
      msg = msg.replace('0', ' ')
      msg = msg.replace('1', '.')
      msg = msg.replace('2', '*')
      msg = msg.replace('3', '%')
      return msg

   def _fmtStepContinuous(self, msg):
      msg = msg.replace('0', ' ')
      msg = msg.replace('1', '.')
      msg = msg.replace('2', '-')
      msg = msg.replace('3', '~')
      msg = msg.replace('4', '^')
      msg = msg.replace('5', '+')
      msg = msg.replace('6', '*')
      msg = msg.replace('7', '%')
      msg = msg.replace('8', '#')
      msg = msg.replace('9', '@')
      return msg

   def _fmtContinuous(self, stepData):
      filter = array.array('B')
      for i in range(len(stepData)):
         # get past deciaml, shift forward, make into an int
         filter.append(int(round(stepData[i], 1) % 1.0 * 10))
      return filter
   def _fmtStep(self, stepData):
      # continuous, w/ decimal objects
      if self.dstValues == None and self.DECIMAL: 
         stepData = self._fmtContinuous(stepData)
         msg = drawer.listScrub(stepData)
      else: # an array
         if self.dstValues == None:
            stepData = self._fmtContinuous(stepData)
         msg = drawer.listScrub(stepData.tolist())      
      msg = msg.replace(',','')
      if self.dstValues == None:
         return self._fmtStepContinuous(msg)
      elif len(self.dstValues) == 2:
         return self._fmtStepBi(msg)
      elif len(self.dstValues) == 3:
         return self._fmtStepTri(msg)
      elif len(self.dstValues) == 4:
         return self._fmtStepQuad(msg)

   def repr(self, style=None):
      if style == 'brief':
         msg = 'f{%s}k{%s}r{%s}' % (self.format[0], self.k, self.r)
      elif style == 'line':
         msg = self.spec.repr(style)
      elif style == 'full':
         msg = '%s rule=%s mutation%s' % (msg, self.rule, self.mutation)
         if hasattr(self, 'spec'): # get full spec args
            msg = self.spec.repr()
            msg = 'f{%s}k{%s}r{%s}' % (self.format[0], self.k, self.r)
      # add current rule and mutation if full
      return msg
   def __repr__(self):
      return self.repr()

# private class for one dimensional
class _AutomatonOneDimension(_Automaton):
   def __init__(self, size, rule=0, init=0, dstValues=[0,1], 
                srcSpan=3, srcValues=None, mutation=None):
      _Automaton.__init__(self, size, rule, init, dstValues, 
                                  srcSpan, srcValues, mutation)
      self.dimension = 1 
      self.outFmt = ['table','flat', 'sum', 'average', 'product']

   def _refreshTemplate(self):
      # create a blank template based on size
      if self.dstValues != None: # discrete ca
         self.stepTemplate = array.array('B') # B is unsighed char, 0 to 255
         for x in range(self.size):
            self.stepTemplate.append(self.dstValues[0]) # refresh w/ first value
      else: # a continuous ca
         if self.DECIMAL:
            self.stepTemplate = [] # ues an ordinary list
            self.stepTemplate = array.array('d') # d is a double float
         for x in range(self.size):
            if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(0)
            else: val = 0.0
            self.stepTemplate.append(val) # refresh w/ first value

   def _getCenter(self):
      """get center""" # size here is no of colums
      # index values are one less, so no need to add extra 1 for center
      # // operator, since python 2.2, will fource integer floor ops
      return self.size//2 # let floor

   def clear(self):
      """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
      will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
      be one more generation than expected in most cases"""
      stepInit = self._getTemplate()
      if drawer.isStr(self.init):
         numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
         if self.init == 'center':
            centerIndex = self._getCenter()
            if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
               if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
               else: val = 1.0
               # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
               stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val 
            else: # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
               stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[self.dstIndexCenter] 
         elif self.init == 'random':
            for x in range(self.size):
               if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                  if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                  else: val = random.random() 
                  stepInit[x] = val           
               else: # discrete
                  stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
         # may be number as a string; treat as a list
         elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
               # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
               if self.dstValues != None:
                  min = self.dstValues[0]
                  max = self.dstValues[-1]
               else: # continuous, unit interval
                  min = 0
                  max = 1
               val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))], 'int', 
                                     min, max, 1)
               stepInit[x] = val
      elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
         for x in range(self.size):
            stepInit[x] = self.init            
      elif drawer.isList(self.init):
         for x in range(self.size):
            stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
      self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays      
   def _getSrcLast(self, pos, stepLast):
      """read appropriately size chunks from a src step for
      rule comparison; handle wrapping issues of boundary conditions for
      any size issue, including if rule is greater than then src
      note: this function is called often: optimized"""
      srcLast = [] # return a list
      stepLastLen = len(stepLast)
      for q in range(self.srcSpan): # for len of src rule size
         i = pos + self.srcSpanRuleShift + q
         if i < 0: neg = 1
         else: neg = 0
         i = abs(i) % stepLastLen
         if neg: i = -i
      return srcLast # keep as list

   def _ruleMatch(self, srcRule, srcLast):
      pass # define in sub class

   def applyRule(self, ruleList):
      """for each position (including wrapping), this test each rule in
      the rule list for a match;
      mutation: will set a percentage of random replacements of dst values
         with anything other-than the selected values
      stepLast = self.stepHistory[-1] # get last
      stepNext = self._getTemplate()
      for pos in range(self.size): # scan each position
         srcLast = self._getSrcLast(pos, stepLast) # returns list
         for src, dst in ruleList: # iterate over each rule until found src
            # if rule condition found for last row
            if self._ruleMatch(src, srcLast):
               # if mutation is zero, never hapen
               if random.random() < self.mutation: 
                  option = self.dstValues[:] # remove selected value
                  option.pop(option.index(dst)) # and choose any other
                  dst = random.choice(option)
               stepNext[pos] = dst
               break # only need to match one rule for each pos
   def _ruleFilter(self, rule):
      """self.ruleMax must be defined before calling this
      # ruleMax may be a decimal object, so conver to float before comparing
      # continuous ca have a ruleMax == 1.0
         if float(self.ruleMax) > 1.0: # not continuous
            return drawer.floatToInt(rule, 'weight') % self.ruleMax
         else: # continuous, leave as float, no weighting
            return rule % self.ruleMax
      except OverflowError: # ruleMax may be very very large, and no float pos
         return drawer.floatToInt(rule, 'weight') % self.ruleMax
   def _rToSrcSpan(self, r):
      """r values may be fractional, .5 or .0; must conver to int"""
      return int((r*2) + 1) #3 # this is an r == 1

   def gen(self, steps=1, rule=None, mutation=None):
      """mutation can be between zero and 1; percent of random flips"""
      if rule != None: # update if changed
         self.rule = self._ruleFilter(rule)
      if mutation != None:
         self.mutation = mutation
      ruleList = ruleGen(self.rule, self.srcSpan, # rule list should be a list
                         self.dstValues, self.srcValues)   
      for x in range(steps):
   def display(self, start=None, end=None):   
      """generate, but print each line for display"""      
      if start == None:
         start = 0
      if end == None:
         end = len(self.stepHistory)         
      for step in range(start, end):
         print self._fmtStep(self.stepHistory[step])
   def getCells(self, fmt='table', norm=1, stepStart=None, stepEnd=None, 
                centerOffset=0, width=None):
      """width should not be negative
      norm: turn normalizing on or off; will change into list, even if an array
      # set min value to always be zero; this will be true for all outputs
      # max values wull be calclulated when necessary
      d = table.Table(self.stepHistory, 0)
      return d.extract(fmt, norm, stepStart, stepEnd, centerOffset, width)

# specialized for continuous use
# override apply rule and gen
class _AutomatonOneDimensionContinuous(_AutomatonOneDimension):
   def __init__(self, size, rule=0, init=0, srcSpan=3, mutation=None):
      dstValues=None # always none for continuous
      _AutomatonOneDimension.__init__(self, size, rule, init, dstValues, 
                                  srcSpan, srcValues, mutation)
   def applyRule(self):
      """for each position (including wrapping), apply rule
      continuous values allways b/n 0 and 1
      stepLast = self.stepHistory[-1] # get last
      stepNext = self._getTemplate()

      if self.DECIMAL: sumInit = decimal.Decimal(0)
      else: sumInit = 0.0

      for pos in range(self.size): # scan each position
         # dont need to go throuhg each rule to find a match
         srcLast = self._getSrcLast(pos, stepLast)
         # dont need to match rule
         sum = copy.copy(sumInit)
         for val in srcLast:
            sum = sum + val
         avg = sum / len(srcLast) # if this len is always e same, find ahead
         # rule in a continuous ca is a value that is added to average
         if random.random() < self.mutation: # do mutation
            if self.DECIMAL: dst = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
            else: dst = random.random()
         else: # no mutation
            if self.DECIMAL: 
               dst = (avg + self.rule) % decimal.Decimal(1)
               dst = (avg + self.rule) % 1.0
         stepNext[pos] = dst
   def gen(self, steps=1, rule=None, mutation=None):
      """dont need to apply generator or apply rules here
      ruleFilter is not used here, as floating values are needed"""
      if rule != None:
         if self.DECIMAL: rule = decimal.Decimal(str(rule))
      if mutation != None:
         self.mutation = mutation
      for x in range(steps):

# public discrete one dimensional

class Standard(_AutomatonOneDimension):
   def __init__(self, usrStr, rule=0, mutation=0):
      self.spec = AutomataSpecification(usrStr)
      k = self.spec.get('k')
      r = self.spec.get('r')
      size = self.spec.get('x')
      init = self.spec.get('i')
      dstValues = range(k) #[0,1]
      srcSpan = self._rToSrcSpan(r) 
      srcValues = None # same as dst, based on srcSpan
      self.ruleMax = ruleCount(srcSpan, dstValues) # 256 
      rule = self._ruleFilter(rule)
      self.DECIMAL = DECIMAL # assign un-altered, though not used
      _AutomatonOneDimension.__init__(self, size, rule, init, dstValues, 
                                     srcSpan, srcValues, mutation)
      self.format = 'standard'
      self.clear() # clear step history and creates init row

   def _ruleMatch(self, srcRule, srcLast):
      if srcRule == srcLast: # both here are lists
         return 1
      else: return 0


class Totalistic(_AutomatonOneDimension):
   def __init__(self, usrStr, rule=0, mutation=0):
      self.spec = AutomataSpecification(usrStr)
      k = self.spec.get('k')
      r = self.spec.get('r')
      size = self.spec.get('x')
      init = self.spec.get('i')

      if k <= 1: raise ValueError, 'bad k value'
      if r < 1: raise ValueError, 'bad r value'
      dstValues = range(k) # if k ==2, k= [0,1]
      srcSpan = self._rToSrcSpan(r) 
      # max of dstValues * srcSpan is max
      # [0,1,2,3] # all sums of two states---
      # also (3*k)-2
      srcValues = range((dstValues[-1]*srcSpan)+1)  # srcNot e same as dst
      self.ruleMax = ruleCount(srcSpan,dstValues,srcValues)
      rule = self._ruleFilter(rule)

      self.DECIMAL = DECIMAL # assign un-altered, though not used
      _AutomatonOneDimension.__init__(self, size, rule, init, dstValues, 
                                     srcSpan, srcValues, mutation)
      self.format = 'totalistic'
      # center inits for totalistic must be mid-value (not darkest)      
      self.dstIndexCenter = 1
      self.clear() # clear step history and creates init row

   def _ruleMatch(self, srcRule, srcLast):      
      # sum will find the appropriate value b/n 0 and 6
      srcLastSum = 0
      for x in srcLast:
         srcLastSum = srcLastSum + x
      # compare to averaged nearest int
      if srcRule == srcLastSum: # both here are lists
         return 1
      else: return 0


class Continuous(_AutomatonOneDimensionContinuous):
   def __init__(self, usrStr, rule=0, mutation=0):
      # rules here are constant values tt are added to cels
      # then the float portion is taken as the new value
      # self.dstValues always None for continuous

      self.spec = AutomataSpecification(usrStr)
      r = self.spec.get('r')
      size = self.spec.get('x')
      init = self.spec.get('i')

      self.DECIMAL = DECIMAL # assign un-altered
      if self.DECIMAL:
         rule = decimal.Decimal(str(rule))
         self.ruleMax = decimal.Decimal('1.0')
         self.ruleMax = 1.0
      rule = self._ruleFilter(rule)
      srcSpan = self._rToSrcSpan(r) 
      _AutomatonOneDimensionContinuous.__init__(self, size, rule, init, 
                                                srcSpan, mutation)
      self.format = 'continuous' 
      self.clear() # clear step history and creates init row

class Float(_AutomatonOneDimensionContinuous):
   def __init__(self, usrStr, rule=0, mutation=0):
      # like a continuous, but uses floats for speed
      self.spec = AutomataSpecification(usrStr)
      r = self.spec.get('r')
      size = self.spec.get('x')
      init = self.spec.get('i')

      # this is the only difference to Continuous
      self.DECIMAL = 0 # assign as 0, force float-based production
      self.ruleMax = 1.0
      rule = self._ruleFilter(rule)
      srcSpan = self._rToSrcSpan(r) 
      _AutomatonOneDimensionContinuous.__init__(self, size, rule, init, 
                                                srcSpan, mutation)
      self.format = 'float' 
      self.clear() # clear step history and creates init row

class _AutomatonTwoDimension(_Automaton):
   def __init__(self, size, rule=0, init=0):
      _Automaton.__init__(self, size, rule, init)
      self.dimension = 2

      self.clear() # clear step history and creates init row
   def _refreshTemplate(self):
      # create a blank template based on size
      self.stepTemplate = []
      for y in range(self.size[1]): # as x, y
         row = array.array('B') # B is unsighed char, values 0 to 255
         for x in range(self.size[0]):

   def clear(self):
      """processes init value and replaces history with first generation"""
      stepInit = self._getTemplate()
      if drawer.isNum(self.init):
         for y in range(self.size[1]):
            for x in range(self.size[0]):
               self.stepTemplate[y][x] = self.init
      elif drawer.isList(self.init): # assume list is same size from
         for row in self.init:
            for col in row:
               self.stepTemplate[y][x] = col               
      self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays      

   def display(self, start=None, end=None):   
      """generate, but print each line for display"""      
      if start == None:
         start = 0
      if end == None:
         end = len(self.stepHistory)         
      for step in range(start, end):
         for row in self.stepHistory[step]:
            print self._fmtStep(row)


caMonoClasses = [Standard, Totalistic, Continuous]

def factory(usrStr, rule=0, mutation=0):   
   spec = AutomataSpecification(usrStr)
   # may raise error.AutomataSpecificationError, e:
   if spec.get('f') == 's':
      obj = Standard(usrStr, rule, mutation)
   elif spec.get('f') == 't':
      obj = Totalistic(usrStr, rule, mutation)
   elif spec.get('f') == 'c':
      obj = Continuous(usrStr, rule, mutation)
   elif spec.get('f') == 'f':
      obj = Float(usrStr, rule, mutation)
   return obj

class Test:
   def __init__(self):

   def testOneDimensionPerformance(self):      
      from athenaCL.libATH import rhythm
      timerTotal = rhythm.Timer()

      for type in caMonoClasses:
         k = 2
         r = 1
         for ruleNo in range(30,40):
            timer = rhythm.Timer()
            a = type(k, r, 39, ruleNo, 'center')
            print a
            print timer('sw')
         print 'total time', timerTotal('sw')

   def testOneDimensionDisplay(self):      
      from athenaCL.libATH import rhythm
      timerTotal = rhythm.Timer()

      for type in caMonoClasses:
         for k in range(2,5):
            spec = 'k{%s}r{1}' % (k)
            for ruleNo in range(0,10):
               timer = rhythm.Timer()
               # exception for continuous
               if type in [Continuous]:
                  ruleNo = ruleNo * .1
                  a = type(spec, ruleNo)
                  a = type(spec, ruleNo)
               # clear screen for nice presentation
               for norm in range(0,2):
                  for out in a.outFmt:
                     print _MOD, out, norm
                     print a.getCells(out, norm)
               print a
         print 'total time', timerTotal('sw')


if __name__ == '__main__':
   a = Test()

   #a.testOneDimensionPerformance() | Contact Us
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