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athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » dialog.py
# Name:         dialog.py
# Purpose:      cross platform dialogs
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2001-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import sys, os, time, random
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import typeset
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()

# this module is higher than drawer and typeset

_MOD = 'dialog.py'

# gui, graphics quaries

def autoDlgMethod():
   """auto-detects which guis are available and selects one
   used when a dialog method is called without specifying
   which gui to use. acts as default selector (does _not_ use preference)
   if os.name == 'mac':
      carbon = drawer.isCarbon()
      if carbon: # macfs or carbon is available
         dlgVisualMethod = 'mac'
      else: #-1 , use text
         dlgVisualMethod = 'text'
   elif os.name == 'posix':
      visMethods = drawer.imageFormats()
      if 'tk' in visMethods:
         dlgVisualMethod = 'tk'
         dlgVisualMethod = 'text'
   else:  # all windows flavors
      visMethods = drawer.imageFormats()
      if 'tk' in visMethods:
         dlgVisualMethod = 'tk'
         dlgVisualMethod = 'text'
   return dlgVisualMethod

def _fixQuery(query):
   """query strings need to end with a space; this makes sure they do
   choice can be none, or a list of options to be appended after query
   in paranthessis"""
   if query != '':
      if query[-1] != ' ': # add space if missing
         query = query + ' '
   return query
# general dialogs

def msgOut(msg, termObj=None):
   """almost all text outputted to user goes through this fuction
   general filter for all text display
   athenaCmd.Interpreter.out uses this f to output main text
   other command in Interpreter use sys.stdout
   if termObj != None: # all athenacl sessions have a termObj
      h, w = termObj.size()# fit to terminal
      msg = typeset.wrapText(msg, w, 0, 'line')
   if termObj != None:
      if termObj.sessionType == 'cgi': # dont want any output
         return # do nothing, nothing to stdout, str taken elsewhere

def msgError(msg, termObj=None):
   """almost all text outputted to user goes through this fuction
   general filter for all text display
   athenaCmd.Interpreter.out uses this f to output main text
   other command in Interpreter use sys.stdout
   if termObj != None: # all athenacl sessions have a termObj
      h, w = termObj.size()# fit to terminal
      msg = typeset.wrapText(msg, w, 0, 'line')
   if termObj != None:
      if termObj.sessionType == 'cgi': # dont want any output
         return # do nothing, nothing to stderr, str taken elsewhere
def rawInput(prompt, termObj=None):
   """use this to replace built-in raw-input, as this provides
   line wrapping on the query message if possible"""
   if termObj != None: # all athenacl sessions have a termObj
      h, w = termObj.size()# fit to terminal
      prompt = typeset.wrapText(prompt, w, 0, 'line')
   # line wraping may remove the last space after prompt; make sure it is 
   # still there
   return raw_input(_fixQuery(prompt))


def askStr(query, termObj=None, strip=1):
   """function for requesting a string from user
   strip turns off character stripping
   returns None on error given and strip is true (does not return '')
   if termObj != None:
      sessionType = termObj.sessionType
      parentGUI = termObj.parentGUI
      sessionType = 'terminal'
      parentGUI = None
   # TypeError raised when object.readline() returned non-string
      answer = rawInput(query, termObj)
   except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, TypeError):
      return None # cancel
   if strip:
      answer = answer.strip()
   if answer == '' or answer == None:
      return None
      return answer

def askYesNoCancel(query, defaultSel=1, termObj=None):
   """function for querying user yes, no, or cancel
   returns 1 for yes, 0 for no, -1 for cancel
   if termObj != None:
      sessionType = termObj.sessionType
      parentGUI = termObj.parentGUI
      sessionType = 'terminal'
      parentGUI = None
   # need to fix query before appending
   query = _fixQuery(query)
   qString = query + '(y, n, or cancel): '
   if sessionType in ['terminal', 'idle', 'gui-tk']:
      status = -2 # place holder
      while 1:
            aString = rawInput(qString, termObj)
         except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, TypeError):
            status = -1 # cancel
         status = typeset.convertBoolCancel(aString)
         if status != None:
            break # status set to 0, 1, -1
   return status

def askYesNo(query, defaultSel=1, termObj=None):
   """function for querying user yes, no
   returns 1 for yes, 0 for no
   if termObj != None:
      sessionType = termObj.sessionType
      parentGUI = termObj.parentGUI
      sessionType = 'terminal'
      parentGUI = None
   query = _fixQuery(query)
   qString = query + '(y or n): '
   if sessionType in ['terminal', 'idle', 'gui-tk']:
      status = None # place holder
      while 1: # 1 for yes, 0 for no
            aString = rawInput(qString, termObj)
         except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, TypeError):
            status = 0 # cancel
         status = typeset.convertBool(aString)
         if status != None: # an error:
            break # status set to 0, 1
   return status

# mac gui file dialogs

def _macGetDirectory(prompt='select a directory'):
   carbon = drawer.isCarbon()
   if carbon:
      import EasyDialogs
      path = EasyDialogs.AskFolder(message=prompt)
      if path == None: return '', 0
      else: return path, 1
      import macfs
      fsspec, ok = macfs.GetDirectory(prompt)
      if ok != 1:
         return '', 0 # failure
      path = fsspec.as_pathname()
      return path, 1

def _macPutFile(prompt='save a file', defaultName='test.txt', defaultDir=None):
   carbon = drawer.isCarbon()
   if carbon:
      import EasyDialogs
      path = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(message=prompt, 
      if path == None: return '', 0
      else: return path, 1
      import macfs
      fsspec, ok = macfs.PromptPutFile(prompt, defaultName)
      if ok != 1:
         return '', 0
      path = fsspec.as_pathname()
      ## check extension, add if missing
      path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
      return path, 1

def _macGetFile(prompt='pick a file', defaultDir=None):
   carbon = drawer.isCarbon()
   if carbon:
      import EasyDialogs
      path = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen(message=prompt)
      if path == None: return '', 0
      else: return path, 1
      import macfs
      fsspec, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile(prompt)
      if ok != 1: return '', 0 # failure
      path = fsspec.as_pathname()
      path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
      return path, 1

# general files service functions

def _textGetDirectory(prompt='select a directory: ', sampleDir='',
   """this method allows the user to select a directory using a text
   based interface.
   if sampleDir != '':
      currentDir = sampleDir
   elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
      currentDir = drawer.getcwd()
   elif drawer.getud() != None:
      currentDir = drawer.getud()
   else: currentDir = ''      
   currentDir = drawer.pathScrub(currentDir)

   while 1:
      cwdContents = os.listdir(currentDir)
      maxLength = 0
      for fName in cwdContents:
         if len(fName) >= maxLength:
            maxLength = len(fName)
      maxLength = maxLength + 2 # add two spaces of buffer
      header = '%s' % currentDir #delete extra space here

      if termObj == None: # update termwidth
         termWidth = 80 # default
         h, termWidth = termObj.size()

      msg = typeset.formatEqCol(header, cwdContents, maxLength, 
                              termWidth, 'off')
      msgOut((msg + prompt), termObj) # dont want extra return
      usrStr = askStr(lang.msgMenuChangeDir, termObj)
      finalPath = '' # keep empty until cmds parsed
      # scan for each of the options
      if usrStr == None: continue # bad input
      if usrStr.lower() == 's': # if entry is s, return cwd
         finalPath = currentDir # selected, asuign to final
      if usrStr == '..': # up one dir, display
         pathValid = os.path.exists(currentDir)
         currentDir = os.path.dirname(currentDir)
      if finalPath == '': # still not asigned, check if its a path
         downDir = os.path.join(currentDir, usrStr)
         downDir = drawer.pathScrub(downDir) # assume this is a dir
         cwdContents = os.listdir(currentDir)
         if usrStr in cwdContents:
            if os.path.isdir(downDir) != 1: # if not a dir
            else: # is a dir
               currentDir = downDir # make downDir current, back to top
      if finalPath == '': #user has entered a abs path
         absPath = drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)
         ### resolve aliases here!
         if os.path.exists(absPath) and os.path.isdir(absPath): 
            currentDir = absPath # this is a dir, same as selecting a dir
      if finalPath == '': # not assigned yet
         if usrStr.lower() == 'c':
            return '', 0 # canceled
         else: # bad input, continue
            msgOut((lang.msgDlgBadInput % usrStr), termObj)
      if not os.path.exists(finalPath): # if doesnt exist
         status = askYesNo(lang.msgDlgBadPath, 1, termObj)
         if status != 1:
            return '', 0 # cancle msg
         else: continue
      else: # its good
         finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(finalPath)
         return finalPath, 1

def promptGetDir(prompt='select a directory:', sampleDir='', 
                         dlgVisualMethod=None, termObj=None):
   """multi platform/gui methods for optaining a directory
   text based version displays dir listings
   if dlgVisualMethod == None: # test for vis method if not provided
      dlgVisualMethod = autoDlgMethod()
   # check for bad directories
   if sampleDir != '': pass # used as default dir selection
   elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
      sampleDir = drawer.getcwd()
   elif drawer.getud() != None:
      sampleDir = drawer.getud()
   else: sampleDir = ''
   sampleDir = drawer.pathScrub(sampleDir)
   pathToFile = None # empty until defined
   # platform specific file dialogs.
   if dlgVisualMethod == 'mac':
         path, stat = _macGetDirectory(prompt)
         return path, stat
         print lang.msgDlgMacError

   # platform specific file dialogs.
   if dlgVisualMethod[:2] == 'tk':
         import Tkinter
         import tkFileDialog
         TK = 1
      except ImportError:
         TK = 0
         print lang.msgDlgTkError

   if dlgVisualMethod[:2] == 'tk' and TK == 1:
      tkTemp = Tkinter.Tk()
      ## "dir" only shows directories, but are unable to select 
      options  = {'filetypes':[("directory", "*")], 
                  'title'    : prompt,     
                  'parent'   : tkTemp}
      # need to check if defaultDir still exists
      if os.path.isdir(sampleDir):
         options['initialdir'] = sampleDir
      guiTemp = tkFileDialog.Open()
      guiTemp.options = options
      # filename = apply(tkFileDialog.Open, (), options).show(
         pathToFile = guiTemp.show() 
         del guiTemp # clean up gui mess
      except: # tk broke somehow
      # return path
      if pathToFile not in ['', None] and drawer.isStr(pathToFile):
         pathToFile = os.path.dirname(pathToFile)  # remove file name
         pathToFile = drawer.pathScrub(pathToFile)
         return pathToFile, 1
      elif pathToFile == None: # if not set yet, something went wrong
         pass            # fall below to text based
         return '', 0
   # for all other platforms, dlgVisualMethod == text
      msg, ok = _textGetDirectory(prompt, sampleDir, termObj)
   except (OSError, IOError): # catch file errors, or dirs called tt dont exist
      msg = '' # this is usually the path itself
      ok = 0
   return msg, ok

def _textPutFile(prompt='name this file:', defaultName='name', defaultDir='',
                 extension='*', dlgVisualMethod='text', termObj=None):
   """text based ui for getting a file to save"""
   finalPath = ''
   status = -2 # init value
   # check if dir has been cleared, recheck
   if defaultDir != '': # used as default dir selection
      directory = defaultDir
   elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
      directory = drawer.getcwd()
   elif drawer.getud() != None:
      directory = drawer.getud()
   else: directory = ''
   directory = drawer.pathScrub(directory)
   while 1:
      usrStr = askStr(prompt, termObj) # get file name
      if usrStr == None:
         return None, -1 # error
      # check for bad chars in fileName
      if usrStr[0] not in lang.IDENTCHARS:
         msgOut(lang.msgDlgBadFileNameStart % usrStr[0], termObj)
         return None, -1 # error
      for char in usrStr:
         if char not in lang.FILECHARS:
            msgOut(lang.msgDlgBadFileNameChar % char, termObj)
            return None, -1

      # get directory
      status = askYesNoCancel((lang.msgDlgSaveInThisDir % directory), termObj)
      if status == -1:  #cancel
      if status == 0:   #no, get new directory
         path, ok = promptGetDir('', directory, dlgVisualMethod, termObj)
         if ok != 1:
            status = -1
            directory = path
            status = 1
      if status == 1: # test for existing file 
         dirContent = os.listdir(directory)
         if usrStr in dirContent:
            ok = askYesNoCancel(lang.msgDlgFileExists, termObj)
            if ok != 1: continue
      finalPath = os.path.join(directory, usrStr)
      finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(finalPath)
      ok = askYesNoCancel((lang.msgDlgSaveThisFile % finalPath), termObj)
      if ok == -1:
         status = -1
      elif ok == 0:
      elif ok == 1:
         status = 1
   return finalPath, status

def promptPutFile(prompt='name this file:', defaultName='name', 
            defaultDir='', extension='*', dlgVisualMethod=None, termObj=None):
   """multi platform/gui methods for selecting a file to write to
   text version allows user to browse file system
   if dlgVisualMethod == None: # test for vis method if not provided
      dlgVisualMethod = autoDlgMethod()
   path = None # empty until defined

   # platform specific file dialogs.
   if dlgVisualMethod == 'mac':
      stat = 0
         path, stat = _macPutFile(prompt, defaultName, defaultDir)
         return path, stat
      except: # will be MacOS.Error but must import MacOS to select?
         print lang.msgDlgMacError

   # platform specific file dialogs.
   if dlgVisualMethod[:2] == 'tk':
         import Tkinter
         import tkFileDialog
         TK = 1
      except ImportError:
         TK = 0
         print lang.msgDlgTkError

   if dlgVisualMethod[:2] == 'tk' and TK == 1:
      tkTemp = Tkinter.Tk()
      # put extension here, but dont know if i need period or not
      options  = {'filetypes':[("all files", "*")],   
                  'title'    : prompt,     
                  'parent'   : tkTemp}
      # need to check if directory still exists
      if os.path.isdir(defaultDir):
         options['initialdir'] = defaultDir
      guiTemp = tkFileDialog.SaveAs()
      guiTemp.options = options
      # filename = apply(tkFileDialog.Open, (), options).show(
         path = guiTemp.show()
         del guiTemp # clean up gui mess
         tkTemp.destroy()  # return path
      except: pass # tk broke somehow
      if path not in ['', None] and drawer.isStr(path):
         path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
         return path, 1
      # may be problem here with a keyboard interupt exception
      #elif path == None: # if not set yet, something went wrong
      #   pass            # fall below to text based
         return '', 0

   # for all other platforms
      msg, ok = _textPutFile(prompt, defaultName, defaultDir, extension, 
                          dlgVisualMethod, termObj)
   except (OSError, IOError): # catch file errors, or dirs called tt dont exist
      msg = '' # this is usually the path itself
      ok = 0
   return msg, ok

def _textGetFile(prompt='select a file', defaultDir='', mode='file',
                 dlgVisualMethod='text', termObj=None):
   """text based ui for user selection of files; can optionally be used
   to get applications; this is tricky as sometimes apps are folders, not files
   mode can either be file or app
   finalPath = ''
   if defaultDir != '': # used as default dir selection
      directory = defaultDir
   elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
      directory = drawer.getcwd()
   elif drawer.getud() != None:
      directory = drawer.getud()
   else: directory = ''
   directory = drawer.pathScrub(directory)

   while 1:
      header = '\n%s' % directory
      msgOut('%s\n' % prompt, termObj)
      usrStr = askStr(lang.msgMenuFile, termObj)
      if usrStr == None: return None, -1 # cancel
      # check first for a complete path
      elif os.path.isfile(drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)):
         status = 1
         finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)
      elif usrStr.lower() == 'cd': # change directory
         path, ok = promptGetDir('', directory, dlgVisualMethod, termObj)
         if not ok: # error
            status = -1
            break # cancel entire session
            directory = path
      elif usrStr.lower() == 'c': # cancel selected
         return None, -1 # cancel
         if usrStr.lower() != 'f':
            msgOut(lang.msgConfusedInput, termObj)
         status = 0 # reinit status flag
         while 1: # file selection loop
            name = askStr(lang.msgDlgNameFile, termObj)
            if name == None: return None, -1 # will cancel
            # if an application, filter path before testing
            if mode == 'app':
               name = drawer.appPathFilter(name)
            # check first if this is an absolute file path, accept if so
            if ((os.path.isabs(name) and mode == 'file' and 
               not os.path.isdir(name) and os.path.exists(name)) or 
               (os.path.isabs(name) and mode == 'app' and 
               drawer.isApp(name) and os.path.exists(name))):
               finalPath = name
            # else see if name is in dir; cant adjust name for apps here
            # must assume that they are displayed to e user in w/ extension
            elif name in os.listdir(directory):
               fp = os.path.join(directory, name)
               # check: if a dir or not app, fail
               if ((mode == 'file' and os.path.isdir(fp)) or
                  (mode == 'app' and not drawer.isApp(fp))): 
                  if mode == 'file':   
                     errorMsg = lang.msgDlgDirNotFile
                  elif mode == 'app':
                     errorMsg = lang.msgDlgNotApp
                  ok = askYesNo(errorMsg, 1, termObj)
                  if ok: continue
                  elif not ok:
                     status = -2
               finalPath = fp
            else: # not in this directory
               ok = askYesNoCancel(lang.msgDlgBadFileName, termObj)
               if ok: continue
               elif not ok:
                  status = -2 # wil continue
               else: break
      if status == -2: continue
      # final check
      if finalPath == '':
         status = -1
      else: # final check
         query = lang.msgDlgSelectThisFile % finalPath
         ok = askYesNoCancel(query, termObj)
         if ok == -1: # cancel selection
            status = -1
         elif ok == 0: continue # no, retry
         elif ok:
            status = 1
   finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(finalPath)
   return finalPath, status         

def promptGetFile(prompt='select a file', defaultDir='', mode='file',
                         dlgVisualMethod=None, termObj=None):
   """multi platform/gui methods for selecting file to open
   text version allowes user to browse file system
   mode can be either filr or app, to allow application selection
      this is only explicitly necessary in text-based file selection

   if dlgVisualMethod == None: # test for vis method if not provided
      dlgVisualMethod = autoDlgMethod()

   if defaultDir != '': pass # used as default dir selection
   elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
      defaultDir = drawer.getcwd()
   elif drawer.getud() != None:
      defaultDir = drawer.getud()
   else: defaultDir = ''
   defaultDir = drawer.pathScrub(defaultDir)
   path = None # empty until defined
   # platform specific file dialogs.
   if dlgVisualMethod == 'mac':
         path, stat = _macGetFile(prompt, defaultDir)
         return path, stat
         print lang.msgDlgMacError

   # platform specific file dialogs.
   if dlgVisualMethod[:2] == 'tk':
         import Tkinter
         import tkFileDialog
         TK = 1
      except ImportError:
         TK = 0
         print lang.msgDlgTkError

   if dlgVisualMethod[:2] == 'tk' and TK:
      tkTemp = Tkinter.Tk()
      options  = {'filetypes':[("all files", "*")], 
                  'title'    : prompt,     
                  'parent'   : tkTemp}
      # need to check if defaultDir still exists
      if os.path.isdir(defaultDir):
         options['initialdir'] = defaultDir
      guiTemp = tkFileDialog.Open()
      guiTemp.options = options
      # filename = apply(tkFileDialog.Open, (), options).show(
         path = guiTemp.show()
         # clean up gui mess
         del guiTemp
      except: pass # tk broke somehow
      if path not in ['', None] and drawer.isStr(path):
         path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
         return path, 1
      # may be problem here with a keyboard interupt exception
      #elif path == None: # if not set yet, something went wrong
      #   pass            # fall below to text based
         return '', 0 # failure 

   # for all other platforms, dlgVisualMethod == text
      msg, ok = _textGetFile(prompt, defaultDir, mode, dlgVisualMethod, termObj)
   except (OSError, IOError): # catch file errors, or dirs called tt dont exist
      msg = '' # this is usually the path itself
      ok = 0
   return msg, ok        

def getSalutation(cursorToolConvert):
   """selects a welcom message based on time of day
   cursor tool convert is a dictionary of strings used to make cursor
   can customized by the user
   if no cursor is displayed, no prompts are displayed
   timeTuple = time.localtime()
   localYear = timeTuple[0]
   localMonth = timeTuple[1]
   localDay  = timeTuple[2]
   localHour = timeTuple[3]
   localMin  = timeTuple[4]
   localSec  = timeTuple[5]

   if localHour >= 3 and localHour < 5:
      salutation = lang.salutationAm1
   elif localHour >= 5 and localHour < 12:
      salutation = lang.salutationAm2
   elif localHour >= 12 and localHour < 17:
      salutation = lang.salutationPm1
   elif localHour >= 17 and localHour < 22:
      salutation = lang.salutationPm2
   elif localHour >= 22 and localHour < 24:
      salutation = lang.salutationPm3
   elif localHour >= 0 and localHour < 3:
      salutation = lang.salutationAm0
   # provide exceptions for special times
   if localMonth == lang.BIRTH[1] and localDay == lang.BIRTH[2]:
      age = abs(localYear - lang.BIRTH[0])
      salutation = lang.salutationBirth % age

   if localSec % 13 == 0: # 13, 26, 39, 52, use salutation
      cursTool = cursorToolConvert['['] + salutation + cursorToolConvert[']']
   else: # provide a blank cursor (cursor tool may not be displayed)
      cursTool = cursorToolConvert['empty'] % ('','') # must fill with empty str
   return cursTool

def getEncouragement():
   options = [lang.provoke1, lang.provoke2, lang.provoke3, 
              lang.provoke4, lang.provoke5, lang.provoke6, ]
   str = '%s enter "help"\n' % random.choice(options)
   return str

def getAdmonishment(line):
   options = [lang.admonish1, lang.admonish2, lang.admonish3, 
              lang.admonish4, lang.admonish5, lang.admonish6, ]
   str = random.choice(options) % line # line is usr str
   str = '%s\n' % str 
   return str

# this needs to be moved
# and needs to be adapted to use rhythm.Timer()
# might be best placed in command.py

def getTempo():
   """simple method for getting tempos from the user.
   based in part on code by Paul Winkler
   note: this uses raw_input; should use standard dialogs"""
   exit = 0
   while exit == 0:
      sys.stdout.write('tap a beat with the return key. enter "q" followed by a return key to end.')
      times = [] # save the time when keys are pressed.
      diffs = []
      i = 0
      while 1:
         c = raw_input('')
         when = time.time()
         if c.find("q") >= 0:
            if i >= 1:
               diffs.append(times[i] - times[i-1])
               estimate = 60.0 / diffs[i-1] 
               sys.stdout.write("   (%.2f s/beat)   " % (when-times[i-1]))
               sys.stdout.write("   (%.2f s/beat)   " % 0)
            i = i + 1

      # watch for division by zero errors
      if len(diffs) == 0:
         return None, None
      sum = 0
      for d in diffs:
          sum = sum + d
      avgBeatT = sum / len(diffs)
      avgTempo = 60.0 / avgBeatT
      print "average tempo %.2f BPM (%.2f s/beat)" % (avgTempo, avgBeatT)
      q_string = "   keep, repeat, or cancel? (k, r, or c): "
      usrStr = raw_input(q_string)
      usrStr = usrStr.lower()
      if usrStr == '' or usrStr == None:
         exit = 1 #keep, dont cancel
      if usrStr.find('k') >= 0:
         exit = 1 #xits loop
      elif usrStr.find('r') >= 0:
         exit = 0 # repeats loop
      elif usrStr.find('c') >= 0:
         return None, None
   return avgTempo, avgBeatT

class Animate:
   """string animation
   this points out that print displays immediatly only if 
   when carriage return is encountered
   print ignores \b, must use stdout
   stdout.write display no result until after process
   note: this does not work in IDLE
   this is never called from within a cgi sessions, as cgi sessions
   are always single threaded
   def __init__(self, termObj=None, mode='normal'):
      """setup frame rate"""
      self.chars = ('  ', 
                    ': ', 
                    ' :',
                    '  ',) 
      # idle does not execute /b
      # w/o erase, give warning message if process > tToWarn
      self.mode = mode # normal or minimal
      self.warnGiven  = 0 # boolean for if init warning has been given
      self.tToWarn    = 4 # seconds before givimg message to usr
      self.tMsgPeriod = 8 # seconds before givimg message after first
      # keep time, need to be cleard after use
      self.index = 0  # counts frames
      self.tStart = 0.0 # holds start time 
      self.tLastPeriod = 0.0# used to count chunks
      self.strLast = '' # string printed in last frame
      self.pollCount = 0 # number of times draw has been called, one per poll
      self.pollModulo = 10 # number of polls per display
         # higher numbers reduce quality of animation, but on terms that
         # \b fakes, reduces amount of garbage on screen
      # width is platform dependent
      if termObj == None: # update termwidth
         w = 80 # default
         h, w = termObj.size()
         if termObj.sessionType in ['idle', 'cgi']: 
            # idle and cgi never use threading, so minimal mode is not called
            self.mode = 'minimal' # cant back space
      self.w = w # may be overridden

   def reset(self):
      self.index = 0  
      self.tStart = 0.0
      self.tElap = 0.0
      self.strLast = ''
      self.warnGiven = 0 

   def setStart(self):
      "stores a time in seconds"
      self.tStart = time.time()
   def clearFrame(self):
      """attempt to erase the last line printed, including the return carriage
      if self.tElap > self.tToWarn: # after 10 sec, give a warning
         if os.name == 'mac':
            # mac (os9 classic) does not measure whole line, but last str
            w = len(self.strLast) + 1 # add return carriage
         elif os.name == 'posix':
            w = self.w
         else:  # all windows flavors
            w = self.w
         if self.mode == 'minimal':
            pass # erase fails, skip
            if self.pollCount % self.pollModulo == 0:
               sys.stdout.write('\b' * w)
               sys.stdout.write(' '  * w)
               sys.stdout.write('\b' * w)

   def printFrame(self):
      """writes frame, advances counters"""
      # dont do anything unitl after timeTowWarn
      self.tElap = int(round((time.time() - self.tStart)))

      if self.tElap > self.tToWarn: # after warning, give a warning
         if self.mode == 'minimal':
            if self.tElap > self.tToWarn and self.warnGiven == 0:
                # after 10 sec, give a warning
               print lang.msgPleaseWait
               self.warnGiven = 1 # only do once
               self.tLastPeriod = self.tElap # set as new period
            elif self.warnGiven == 1: # second phase, give periodic
               if (self.tElap - self.tLastPeriod) >= self.tMsgPeriod:
                  print lang.msgPleaseWait
                  self.tLastPeriod = self.tElap # set as new period
            if self.pollCount % self.pollModulo == 0:
               char = self.chars[self.index % len(self.chars)] # mod gets char
               self.index = self.index + 1
               char = char + ' processing (%ss)' % self.tElap
               self.strLast = char # store for erasing on some plats
               print char # show whole screen

   def advanceFrame(self):
      "call after each poll to add to poll count"
      self.pollCount = self.pollCount + 1

   def play(self, totDur=5, frameRate=6):
      """used to play a sequence of frames, rather than manually
      frameDur = 1.0 / frameRate # in seconds
      self.setStart() # set start time
      while 1:
         if self.tElap >= totDur:
      self.reset() # clear counters


def testStr(n=100, newLines=0):
   """used for testing wrapping text"""
   import random, string
   msg = []
   i = 1
   for x in range(0, n):
      if newLines == 1 and x % 10 == 1: # once in a while
         msg.append('\n%sNewLine' % i) # show a new line
         max = random.choice(range(1,10))# len of word
         for x in range(0, max):
      msg.append(' ')
      i += 1
   return ''.join(msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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