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athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » dice.py
# Name:         dice.py
# Purpose:      dice models useful for making Voss-style noise.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2004 Christopher Ariza
# Note:         The implementation of GameNoise is based in part on an 
#               implementation by Paul Berg.
# License:      GPL

import random, math
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import unit
_MOD = 'dice.py'

class Die:
   """definees a die object; can be continuous or have a number of sides
   if continuous, continuous values between 0 and 1 are possible
   if it has sides, the unit interval is divided by the number of sides; 
      the median of these-length segments are provided
   def __init__(self, sideNo=0):
      self.sideNo = sideNo# zero sides is continueous
      self.sideBounds = []
      self.valueLast = None # last value rolled
      if self.sideNo != 0: # gets triplke of low, mean, max
         self.sideBounds = drawer.unitBoundaryEqual(self.sideNo)
      self.roll() # do an initial roll to set valueLast

   # public methods

   def roll(self):
      valCont = random.random() # continueous value
      if self.sideNo == 0:
         self.valueLast = valCont
         i = drawer.unitBoundaryPos(valCont, self.sideBounds)
         a, m, b = self.sideBounds[i]
         self.valueLast = m

   def __call__(self):
      """call returns the last value rolled"""
      return self.valueLast

   def __str__(self):
      if self.sideNo == 0:
         sideStr = 'continuous'
         sideStr = '%s-sided' % str(self.sideNo)
      return sideStr

class DiceUnit:
   def __init__(self, diceFmt):
      """multiple die objects, bundled together
      returned values are scaled by the number of dice, producing
         values within the unit interval
      diceFmt is a list of integers, each integer the number of 
         sides for the respective dice
      diceWeight are values that will scale dice values, corresponding
         to ordered positions; dice weights are floating point values
         that sum to one; non weighted dice equall to equal weights of 
         1 / number-of-dice
      self.diceNo = len(diceFmt)
      self.dice = []
      for side in diceFmt: # append an object for each die
      # store last binArray used to determine to roll or not
      self.binArrayLast = [0] * self.diceNo
      # values of last roll, as a list
      self.valueLast = [] 
      self.valueWeight = []
      # store a default, even weight to save processing; list of equal values
      self.diceWeightDefault = [(1.0/self.diceNo)] * self.diceNo

   def roll(self, binArray, diceWeight=None):
      """provide a binary array to roll selected die in self.dice
      die is rolled only if value is not he same as previous"""
      # update the weight values if new values have been provided
      if diceWeight == None: # set to 1
         self.diceWeight = self.diceWeightDefault
         assert len(diceWeight) == self.diceNo
         self.diceWeight = diceWeight
      # roll dice, only if variance in change pattern
      for i in range(0, self.diceNo):
         if binArray[i] != self.binArrayLast[i]: # if 1
      # rolls are measured and weighted now
      self.valueLast = [] # clear
      self.valueWeight = []
      for i in range(0, self.diceNo):
         valRaw = self.dice[i]() # values are between 0 and 1
         self.valueLast.append(valRaw) # call to report last values
         # scale by weight (weight sum must equal 1)
         valWeight = valRaw * self.diceWeight[i]
      # store last bin array fro comparison
      self.binArrayLast = binArray

   def reset(self):
      """return to initial conditions"""
      self.binArrayLast = [0] * self.diceNo

   def __call__(self):            
      """report all values scaled over unit interval"""
      return self.valueWeight

   def sum(self):
      sum = 0
      for x in self.valueWeight:
         sum = sum + x
      return sum

   def __str__(self):
      msg = []
      for die in self.dice:
      return 'dice %s' % ', '.join(msg)

class GameNoise:
   def __init__(self, noVal):
      """1/f noise w/ dice simulation
      noVal is the resolution, number of values desired (not the number of dice)
      gamma is the noise index, usually between 0 and 4
         any gamma value is made negative
         0 white, 1 pink, 2 brown, 3, 4 black
      self.noVal = noVal # desired number of values
      if self.noVal <= 0: raise ValueError, 'number of values must be greater than zerp'
      # find exponent that is greater than or equal to
      self.noDice = self._findNearestExp(self.noVal)
      # number of binary permutations must be an exp of 2 to be complete
      # create a list of game moves using binary arrays
      self.move = self._binarySeries(pow(2,self.noDice))
      self.movePos = 0 # current index
      self.moveLast = [] # store last completed move array
      # create a number of continuos dice; weight provided on roll
      diceFmt = [0] * self.noDice
      self.dice = DiceUnit(diceFmt)

      # temporaru init display
      #print _MOD, 'GameNoise:', 'noValues', self.noVal, 'noDice', self.noDice, 'noMoves', len(self.move)
   # methods for producing binary lists and proper exponents

   def _intToBinary(self, dec):
      if dec < 0: return None # bad value
      bin = []
      while dec: # until dec == 0
         if dec % 2: # prepends 1 or 0 if odd or even
         dec = long(dec/2)
      if bin == []: return [0]
      else: return bin
   def _findNearestExp(self, val):
      """find exponent such that pow(2,n) >= val"""
      exp = 0
      base = 2
      x = 0
      while x < val:
         exp = exp + 1
         x = pow(base, exp)
      return exp
   def _binarySeries(self, no):
      """produce a binary series as equal length lists
      if balance, round no to the nearest pow(2,n) values for n
      note: column of vals that change the least is on left
      found = []
      for x in range(0, no):
      # max length will be last, 
      lenMax = len(found[-1])
      # fill values w/ zeros
      for i in range(0, len(found)):
         while len(found[i]) < lenMax:
            found[i] = found[i] + [0]
      # reverse direction of list; b/c weights are reversed
      for i in range(0, len(found)):
      return found   

   # methods for calculating the weight
   # note: weights have a minimum of 1, and max up to large numbers (65, 512)

   def _weightRawSingle(self, dieIndex, gamma):
      exp = (gamma + 1.0) * .5 * .6931472
      p = pow(math.e, -exp) # negative eponent
      return pow(p, dieIndex)

   def _updateGamma(self, gamma=None):
      """ make gamma <= 0; provide default if necessary"""
      if gamma == None: # provide default
         self.gamma = 0 # white noise
         self.gamma = gamma
      # make sure gamma is negative
      self.gamma = -abs(gamma)

   def _diceWeight(self, gamma=None):
      """get an array of dice weighting
      weights a proportion of sum for all weights;
      this proportion is used to scale the contribtion of each die
      to the final sum"""
      # updates self.gamma
      # calc raw weights, reverse, and normalize
      diceWeight = []
      for i in range(0, self.noDice): # dice index starts at 0
         diceWeight.append(self._weightRawSingle(i, self.gamma))
      # the higher the value of i, the less frequent the use of that weight
      # should be; if the left-most column of binary moves are the least 
      # common, then the highest value i should be on the left; thus reverse
      # normalize weights so sum == 1
      diceWeight = unit.unitNormProportion(diceWeight)
      return diceWeight

   def reset(self):
      self.movePos = 0
      self.dice.reset() # resets last move record

   def step(self, gamma):
      """play one move in the game
      dice weights are calculated for each step based only on the gamma value
      # update gamma; default will cause no change
      # get this move, store for comparison
      self.moveLast = self.move[self.movePos]
      self.dice.roll(self.moveLast, self._diceWeight(gamma))

      # if move pos first, report gamma
      #if self.movePos == 0:
      #  print 'gamma', self.gamma, 'diceWeight', self.dice.diceWeight

      # incre position
      self.movePos = self.movePos + 1
      if self.movePos >= len(self.move):
         self.movePos = 0
      self.sumLast = self.dice.sum()

   def __call__(self):
      """returns the sum of the game
      this value is scaled w/n the unit interval"""
      return self.sumLast

   def __str__(self):
      # temporary representation
      sumStr = str(round(self.sumLast, 6)).ljust(8)
      sumScaleStr = str(int(round((self.sumLast*100), 0))).ljust(3)
      return '%s %s %s' % (self.moveLast, sumStr, sumScaleStr)


class Test:
   def __init__(self):

   def _testDie(self):
      for side in [0, 3, 7, 13]:
         a = Die(side)
         print a
         for x in range(0, 6):
            print a()

   def _testDice(self):
      games = ([3,4,5], [3,3,3], [0,0,0])

      for diceFmt in games:
         a = DiceUnit(diceFmt)
         print a
         for i in range(0, 6):
            # get a random array
            binArray = []
            for slot in range(0, len(diceFmt)):
            print binArray, a.sum()

   def _testNoiseGame(self):
      noVal = 100
      for gamma in [0,1,2,3,4]:
         x = GameNoise(noVal)
         for i in range(0, 20):
            print x

if __name__ == '__main__':

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