envelope.py :  » Media-Sound-Audio » athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » Python Open Source

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athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » envelope.py
# Name:         envelop.py
# Purpose:      creator of breal-point envelope archetypes
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2008 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import random, copy
from athenaCL.libATH import unit
from athenaCL.libATH import error

OFFSET = 0.000000001 # value in seconds used for minimum spacing

def _stepFilter(shift):
   """scalar is used to shift all values to always allow for the offset;
   the scalar value must be calculated elsewhere
   if shift is zero process
   if shfit is negative raise error
   if shift is positive do nothign

   if shift <= 0:
      shift = OFFSET
   return shift


def durToTrapezoid(tStart, propAbsSwitch, dur, rampUp, widthMax, rampDown,
                   widthMin, min=0, max=1):
   """assume dir of peal is widthOn
   will automatically convert to proportion if abs sum extends past dur
   this is an trapezoid with only one ramp; may not have complete duration time; always leads on

   # will automatically sort min, max
   peak = unit.denorm(1, min, max)
   nadir = unit.denorm(0, min, max)

   if propAbsSwitch not in ['absolute', 'proportional']:
      raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'incorrect switch'

   if propAbsSwitch == 'absolute':
      timeUnitDenorm = [rampUp, widthMax, rampDown, widthMin]
      if sum(timeUnitDenorm) > dur: # force proportional
         propAbsSwitch = 'proportional' 

   if propAbsSwitch == 'proportional':
      timeUnit = unit.unitNormProportion([rampUp, widthMax, rampDown, widthMin])
      timeUnitDenorm = [x*dur for x in timeUnit]

   tEnd = tStart + dur
   t = tStart 

   envelope = []
   envelope.append([t, nadir])

   t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[0]) # ramp
   envelope.append([t, peak])

   t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[1]) # width
   envelope.append([t, peak])

   t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[2]) # ramp
   envelope.append([t, nadir])

   t = tEnd - OFFSET # always measure to end
   envelope.append([t, nadir])

   return envelope

def durToAdsr(tStart, propAbsSwitch, dur, attack, decay, 
                   sustain, release, susScalar, min=0, max=1):
   """create an adsr envelope
   sustain scalar is a value, w/n the unit interval, of the difference between
   min and max
   # will automatically sort min, max
   peak = unit.denorm(1, min, max)
   nadir = unit.denorm(0, min, max)
   susLevel = (peak-nadir) * unit.limit(susScalar)

   if propAbsSwitch not in ['absolute', 'proportional']:
      raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'incorrect switch'

   if propAbsSwitch == 'absolute':
      timeUnitDenorm = [attack, decay, sustain, release]
      if sum(timeUnitDenorm) > dur: # force proportional
         propAbsSwitch = 'proportional' 

   if propAbsSwitch == 'proportional':
      timeUnit = unit.unitNormProportion([attack, decay, sustain, release])
      timeUnitDenorm = [x*dur for x in timeUnit]

   tEnd = tStart + dur
   t = tStart 

   envelope = []
   envelope.append([t, nadir])

   t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[0]) # attack
   envelope.append([t, peak])

   t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[1]) # decay
   envelope.append([t, susLevel])

   t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[2]) # sustain
   envelope.append([t, susLevel])

   if propAbsSwitch == 'proportional':
      t = tEnd - OFFSET # always measure to end
      envelope.append([t, nadir])
   else: # absolute
      t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[3]) # sustain
      envelope.append([t, nadir])
      t = tEnd - OFFSET # always measure to end
      envelope.append([t, nadir])

   return envelope

def durToUnit(tStart, dur, center, width, min=0, max=1):
   this unit envelope is based on a csound model here
#    iAttack     = ((1 - iSusPcent) * iSusCenterPcent) * iDur 
#    iRelease    = ((1 - iSusPcent) * (1-iSusCenterPcent)) * iDur 
#    kAmp        linen     iAmp, iAttack, iDur, iRelease
   # will automatically sort min, max
   peak = unit.denorm(1, min, max)
   nadir = unit.denorm(0, min, max)

   # normalize w/n unit interval
   center = unit.limit(center)
   width = unit.limit(width)

   # must be greater or smaller than 0/1 to avoid double points at same x
   # or, worse, the alst event not being the last
   if center >= 1:
      center = center - OFFSET
   if center <= 0:
      center = center + OFFSET
   if width >= 1:
      width = width - OFFSET
   if width <= 0:
      width = width + OFFSET

   rampUp = ((1 - width) * center) * dur
   rampDown = ((1 - width) * (1 - center)) * dur
   center = width * dur

   timeUnitDenorm = [rampUp, center, rampDown]

   tEnd = tStart + dur
   t = tStart 

   envelope = []
   envelope.append([t, nadir])

   t = t + timeUnitDenorm[0] # ramp
   envelope.append([t, peak])

   t = t + timeUnitDenorm[1] # width
   envelope.append([t, peak])

   t = tEnd - OFFSET # always measure to end
   envelope.append([t, nadir])

   return envelope


class Test:

   """note that there is a potential error in cases where the time interval values fall to or below zero.

   zero values in some positions could cause the last point to come before the penultimate point. htis error will not be caught

   the _stepFilter function attempt to catch many possible simple errors

   def __init__(self):

   def testBasic(self):
      print 'durToTrapezoid'
      post = durToTrapezoid(0, 'proportional', 300, 10,10,10,10,0,1)
      print post

      post = durToTrapezoid(120, 'proportional', 300, 10,20000,10,10,-2,10)
      print post

      print 'durToAdsr'
      post = durToAdsr(0, 'proportional', 300, 10,10,10,10,.5, 0,1)
      print post

      post = durToAdsr(120, 'proportional', 300, 10,200,100,50, .5, -2,10)
      print post

      print 'durToUnit'
      post = durToUnit(0, 300, .8, .4, 0,1)
      print post

      post = durToUnit(120, 300, .01, .01, -2,10)
      print post

if __name__ == '__main__':
   a = Test()

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