osTools.py :  » Media-Sound-Audio » athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » Python Open Source

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Python Open Source » Media Sound Audio » athenaCL 
athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » osTools.py
# Name:         osTools.py
# Purpose:      low level operating system wrappers.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2003-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import os, tempfile, time, shutil, time
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()
# do not import any higher level modules here

_MOD = 'osTools.py'

# extensions are expected to be stored with a leading .
# all general purpose extension groups
imageEXT = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.tiff', '.gif', '.png')
audioEXT = ('.aif', '.aiff', '.wav', '.wave', '.sd2', '.mp3', 
            '.m4a', '.mp4', '.m4p', '.m4b', '.mka')
midiEXT  = ('.mid', '.midi', '.mp4')
videoEXT = ('.mov', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.avi', '.asf', '.wmv', 
            '.m4v', '.mp4', '.mp4v', '.mkv')
dataEXT  = ('.dmg', '.tar', '.zip', '.gz', '.sit', '.hqx')
codeEXT  = ('.py', '.xml', '.c++', '.c', '.h', '.htm', '.html', '.mid',
            '.sco', '.csd', '.orc', '.bat', '.css')
textEXT  = ('.txt', '.doc', '.csd')
psEXT    = ('.ps', '.eps', '.pdf')
# bundle extensions
mediaEXT = imageEXT + videoEXT # only common downloaded media
knownEXT = (imageEXT + audioEXT + videoEXT + dataEXT + 
            codeEXT + textEXT + midiEXT + psEXT)
# utility functions for naming, getting files

def gmtimeStr():
   """get a gm time string in a nice format"""
   raw = time.gmtime()
   asc = time.asctime(raw)
   asc = asc.replace('  ', ' ') # removie double spaces
   asc = asc.split(' ')
   msg = '%s, %s %s %s %s GMT' % (asc[0], raw[2], asc[1],
                                  raw[0], asc[3])
   return msg

def localtimeStr():
   """get a gm time string in a nice format"""
   raw = time.localtime()
   asc = time.asctime(raw)
   asc = asc.replace('  ', ' ') # removie double spaces
   asc = asc.split(' ')
   msg = '%s, %s %s %s %s EST' % (asc[0], raw[2], asc[1],
                                  raw[0], asc[3])
   return msg

def gmtimeStamp(sigDig=6, zone='gmt'):
   "returns a string with spaced 0s, can varry signif digits"
   if zone == 'gmt':
      timeTuple = list(time.gmtime()) # get time tuple
   else: # if local
      timeTuple = list(time.localtime()) # get time tuple
   if sigDig > 0:
      timeTuple = timeTuple[0:sigDig] # just get first 6 elements
   else: # remove from the front
      timeTuple = timeTuple[abs(sigDig):6] # just get first 6 elements
   strName = ''
   for entry in timeTuple:
      if entry <= 9: # small nums perceed with 0
         strName = strName + '.0%s' % str(entry)
         strName = strName + '.%s' % str(entry)
   strName = strName[1:] # remove leading .
   return strName

def localtimeStamp(sigDig=6):
   "returns a string with spaced 0s, can varry signif digits"
   return gmtimeStamp(sigDig, 'local')

def tempDir():
   "get a temp directory"
   # dir to write temp files within
   # used in many scripts to do temp work
   tempPath = '/Volumes/xdisc/_scratch'
   if not os.path.exists(tempPath): # use temp dir if doesnt exist
      tempPath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
      print lang.WARN, 'using %s as scratch directory' % tempPath
   return tempPath

def tempFileName(ext):
   return gmtimeStamp() + ext

def tempFile(ext='.txt'):
   """make temp file in temp dir, otherwise get standard temp file
   branch by platform and do different things here
   tempDir = '/Volumes/xdisc/_scratch'
   if not os.path.exists(tempDir): # use temp file
      tempPath = tempfile.mktemp(ext)
      tempName = gmtimeStamp() + ext
      tempPath = os.path.join(tempDir, tempName)
   return tempPath

# messagge formatting for standard output

def alertMsg(str='', prepend=''):
   print '%s--||||||||||||-- %s' % (prepend, str)
def cmtAlert(str='', prepend='#'):
   return '%s--||||||||||||-- %s\n' % (prepend, str)

def cmtHalfStr():
   return '   #' + '-'*70 + '--||--\n'

def cmtFullStr():
   return '#' + '-'*63 + '--||||||||||||--\n'

# posix commands

PROMPTdarwin = '%s %s: (user password required).'
PROMPTposix  = '%s %s: (superuser password required).'

def less(path, line=1):
   if os.name == 'posix': # create launch script
      if line <= 0: line = 1
      # -M info line
      # -e quite after run
      # -w highlights last line
      # -z-2 scoress -2 height
      # + starts at this line
      # -~ turns off tildes for eof
      cmdStr = 'less -M -e -w -~ -z-3 +%s %s' % (line, path)

def touch(path, str=None):
   if os.name == 'posix': # create launch script
      os.system("touch '%s'" % path)
      if str != None: # append to newly created file
         os.system("echo '%s' > %s" % (str, path))

def tag(src, ext, tagString):
   """changes a file by inserting a tagString before extension
   expects src to have the extension on it already
   dir, name = os.path.split(src)
   if ext[0] != '.': # add period if missing
      ext = '.' + ext
   lenStub = len(name) - len(ext)
   tagName = name[:lenStub] + '-' + tagString + name[lenStub:]
   tagPath = os.path.join(dir, tagName)
   return tagPath


def rmdir(path):
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      os.system('rmdir "%s"' % path)
   else: # mac, windows

def rm(path):
   if path == os.sep: raise ValueError, 'macro remove canceled' # safety
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      os.system('rm -f -r "%s"' % path)
   else: # mac, windows
      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
          for name in files:
              os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
          for name in dirs:
              os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
def rmSudo(path, sudoFound=None):
   """sudo is not avail on all plats, so su root on other nixes"""
   if path == os.sep: raise ValueError, 'macro remove canceled' # safety
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      if sudoFound == None: # test
         sudoFound = drawer.isSudo() # 1 if exists
      if drawer.isDarwin() or sudoFound:
         print PROMPTdarwin % ('removing', path)
         os.system('sudo rm -f -r "%s"' % path)
      else: # other *nixes
         print PROMPTposix % ('removing', path)
         os.system('su root -c "rm -f -r %s"' % path)
   else: # mac, windows
      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
          for name in files:
              os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
          for name in dirs:
              os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))

def cp(src, dst):
   """alwaws does a recursive backup"""
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      os.system('cp -r "%s" "%s"' % (src, dst))
   else: # mac, windows
      if os.path.isdir():
         shutil.copytree(src, dst)
      else: # assume a file
         shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
def cpTag(src, ext, tagString):
   "copies a file by inserting a tagString before extension"
   tagPath = tag(src, ext, tagString)
   cp(src, tagPath)
   return tagPath

def cpSudo(src, dst, sudoFound=None):
   """sudo is not avail on all plats, so su root on other nixes"""
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      if sudoFound == None: # test
         sudoFound = drawer.isSudo() # 1 if exists
      if drawer.isDarwin() or sudoFound:
         print PROMPTdarwin % ('writing', dst)
         os.system('sudo cp %s %s' % (src, dst))
      else: # other *nixes
         print PROMPTposix % ('writing', dst)
         os.system('su root -c "cp %s %s"' % (src, dst))
   else: # mac, windows
      if os.path.isdir():
         shutil.copytree(src, dst)
      else: # assume a file
         shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

def cpTagSudo(src, ext, tagString, sudoFound=None):
   "copies a file by inserting a tagString before extension"
   tagPath = tag(src, ext, tagString)
   cpSudo(src, tagPath, sudoFound)
   return tagPath

def mv(src, dst):
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      os.system('mv "%s" "%s"' % (src, dst))
   else: # mac, windows
      shutil.move(src, dst)

def mvTag(src, ext, tagString):
   "moves a file by inserting a tagString before extension"
   tagPath = tag(src, ext, tagString)
   mv(src, tagPath)
   return tagPath

def mvSudo(src, dst, sudoFound=None):
   """sudo is not avail on all plats, so su root on other nixes"""
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      if sudoFound == None: # test
         sudoFound = drawer.isSudo() # 1 if exists
      if drawer.isDarwin() or sudoFound:
         print PROMPTdarwin % ('moving', dst)
         os.system('sudo mv %s %s' % (src, dst))
      else: # other *nixes
         print PROMPTposix % ('moving', dst)
         os.system('su root -c "mv %s %s"' % (src, dst))
   else: # mac, windows
      shutil.move(src, dst)

def mkdir(path, flagStr=''):
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      os.system("mkdir %s '%s'" % (flagStr, path))
      os.mkdir(path) # not recusive
def mkdirSudo(path, sudoFound=None, flagStr=''):
   """sudo is not avail on all plats, so su root on other nixes"""
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      if sudoFound == None: # test
         sudoFound = drawer.isSudo() # 1 if exists
      if drawer.isDarwin() or sudoFound:
         print PROMPTdarwin %  ('writing directory', path)
         os.system('sudo mkdir %s %s' % (flagStr, path))
      else: # other *nixes
         print PROMPTposix % ('writing directory', path)
         os.system('su root -c "mkdir %s %s"' % (flagStr, path))

def chmod(value, path,):
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      if not drawer.isStr(value):
         value = str(value)
      os.system("chmod %s '%s'" % (value, path))

def chmodSudo(value, path, sudoFound=None):
   """sudo is not avail on all plats, so su root on other nixes"""
   if os.name == 'posix': 
      if not drawer.isStr(value):
         value = str(value)
      if sudoFound == None: # test
         sudoFound = drawer.isSudo() # 1 if exists
      if drawer.isDarwin() or sudoFound:
         print PROMPTdarwin %  ('changing permissions', path)
         os.system('sudo chmod %s "%s"' % (value, path))
      else: # other *nixes
         print PROMPTposix % ('changing permissions', path)
         os.system('su root -c "chmod %s %s"' % (value, path))

def md5checksum(filePath):
   """return an md5 checksum for a file"""
   import md5 # this is depcreated; use hashlib

   print _MOD, 'mpd5 obtained from:', filePath
   f = open(filePath)
   msg = f.read()
   val = md5.new(msg).hexdigest()
   print _MOD, 'md5:', val
   return val
def man(path):
   cmd = 'nroff -man %s | less' % path

# posix commands, relying on external command line utils

def curlFtpUplad(srcPath, dstPath, user, pswd):
   # need quotes around user and password incase of crazy chars
   # -m is max transfer time; not set here as does not seem to make a difference
   cmdStr = 'curl -# --max-time 2048 -T %s -u "%s":"%s" ftp://%s' % (srcPath,
                                                       user, pswd, dstPath)

def curlFtpDelete(path, user, pswd, dummy='__init__.py'):
   # curl must access a file before executing a -q command
   # w/o -O or -T, will print file to stdio
   # must have a dummy file in the ftp dir that a deletion is desired
   # must cd to temp dir to avoid downloading and overwriting
   # assume that dummy file is py __init__.py
   # could optionally upload this file if not provided
   stub, name = os.path.split(path)
   # create new dummy path
   dummyPath = os.path.join(stub, dummy)
   cmdStr = 'curl -# -u "%s":"%s" ftp://%s -Q "-DELE %s" ' % (
                         user, pswd, dummyPath, name)

def tarGzip(path):
   "tars and gzips a directory"
   dir, name = os.path.split(path)
   tarName = '%s.tar' % name
   tarPath = os.path.join(dir, tarName)

   # -C changes cd for tar session
   cmdStr = 'tar -C %s -cf %s %s' % (dir, tarPath, name)

   cmdStr = 'gzip %s' % tarPath
   gzipPath = '%s.gz' % tarPath
   return gzipPath 

def zip(path):
   "creates a zip of a dir"
   dir, name = os.path.split(path)
   cmdStr = 'cd %s; zip -r %s %s' % (dir, name, name)
   zipPath = '%s.zip' % path
   return zipPath

def cvsCheckout(dstDir, pserver, package):
   "uses cvs to get a package from pserver a drop it in dstDir"
   currentDir = os.getcwd()
   os.chdir(dstDir) # need to be in dir
   cmds = (
   'cvs -d:pserver:%s login' % pserver,
   'cvs -z3 -d:pserver:%s co %s' % (pserver, package))
   for cmd in cmds:
   os.chdir(currentDir) # return to previous dir

# cvs -d:pserver:ariza@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/athenacl login
# cvs -z3 -d:pserver:ariza@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/athenacl co athenaCL

def cvsSshCheckout(dstDir, pserver, package):
   "uses cvs to get a package from pserver a drop it in dstDir"
   currentDir = os.getcwd()
   os.chdir(dstDir) # need to be in dir
   cmds = ('cvs -z3 -d:ext:%s co %s' % (pserver, package), )
   for cmd in cmds:
   os.chdir(currentDir) # return to previous dir

def pdfMerge(fileDst, fileList):
   """uses ghostscript to merge pdf files into a new file"""
   if drawer.isStr(fileList):
      fileList = [fileList,] 
   cmd = 'gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%s ' % fileDst
   for file in fileList:
      cmd = cmd + '%s ' % file

def epsToJpg(srcPath, dstPath, rez=300, q=100, size=100):
   """convert and eps to a jpg with imagemagick"""
   if size != 100:
      sizeStr = '-geometry %s' % size + '%' # make into a percent
      sizeStr = ''
   cmd = 'convert %s -density %sx%s -quality %s %s %s' % (sizeStr,
                                    rez, rez, q, srcPath, dstPath)

def jpgToTxt(srcPath, dstPath=None):
   """character recognition w/ gocr
   use djpeg to convert to bpm
   note: this works very poorly
   if dstPath == None:
      dir, name = os.path.split(srcPath)
      name, ext = extSplit(name)
      dstPath = os.path.join(dir, '%s-ocr.txt' % name)

   # pnm is the default, can be bmp
   cmd = 'djpeg -pnm -gray %s | /usr/local/bin/gocr -f ASCII -o %s' % (srcPath, dstPath)

# darwin commands (not cross platform)

def ditto(src, dst):
   "copies a file w/ resources, only on darwin/macos x"
   os.system("ditto -rsrcFork '%s' '%s'" % (src, dst))

def dittoSudo(src, dst):
   os.system("sudo ditto -rsrcFork '%s' '%s'" % (src, dst))

def rsync(src, dst):
   if not src.endswith(os.sep):
      srcLead = src + '/' # provides symmetrical behaviour
   if not dst.endswith(os.sep):
      dstLead = dst + '/' # provides symmetrical behaviour
   os.system("rsync -auvz '%s' '%s'" % (srcLead, dst))

def osascript(lineList):
   "call an applescript as a list of applescript code lines"
   msg = []
   for entry in lineList:
      # remove blank lines
      if entry == '':
      msg.append(" -e '%s'" % entry)
   cmdStr = "osascript -l AppleScript %s" % ''.join(msg)

def rez(path, creatorCode, typeCode, rsrcFilePath):
   flags = (' -c ' + creatorCode + ' -t ' + 
            typeCode + ' -o ' + path)
   cmdStr = 'Rez ' + rsrcFilePath + flags

def mountAfp(user, pswd, ip, dirVol):
   """mounts a afp drive; checks to see if it exists"""
   if not os.path.exists(dirVol):
      dir, vol = os.path.split(dirVol)
      cmdStr = 'mount_afp "afp://%s:%s@%s/%s" %s' % (
            user, pswd, ip, vol, dirVol)
      print '%s already exists.' % dirVol

def unmount(dirVol):
   os.system('umount %s' % dirVol)

def rsrcSetCreator(path, creator, type=None):
   if drawer.isCarbon():
      import Carbon.File
      fss = Carbon.File.FSSpec(path)
      finfo = fss.FSpGetFInfo()
      finfo.Creator = creator
      if type != None:
         finfo.Type = type
      import macfs
      f = macfs.FSSpec(path)
      f.SetCreatorType(creator, type) 

def rsrcGetCreator(path):
   if drawer.isCarbon():
      import Carbon.File
      fss = Carbon.File.FSSpec(path)
      finfo = fss.FSpGetFInfo()
      creator = finfo.Creator
      type = finfo.Type
      import macfs
      f = macfs.FSSpec(path)
      creator, type = f.GetCreatorType()
   return creator, type

def hide(path):
   "darwin/macos only: hides a file using SetFile"
   cmdStr = 'SetFile -a V %s'  % path

def dmg(version, path, readmePath=None, dmgRsrc=None, vTag=1):
   """creates a .dmg of a dir;
      path is the path to the dir that needs to be archived
      name is taken from name at end of path
      vTag = 1 means a version tagged copy is made with normal name
   currentDir = os.getcwd() # used only to return to

   buildDir, name = os.path.split(path)
   os.chdir(buildDir) # need to be in dir where depositing archive

   if name in os.listdir('/Volumes'):
      raise Exception('a volume is in the way! remove it!')

   # make a folder to wrap image contents
   tmpDir  = os.path.join(tempDir(), 'dmgBuild')
   tmpPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, '%s' % name)
   ditto(path, tmpPath) # copy original to inner folder
   # create message
   if readmePath == None:
   elif readmePath == 'install':
      msgPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, 'install.txt') 
      str = "To install %s, drag the %s folder to your Applications folder. Double click %s.app to start the program." % (name, name, name)
      touch(msgPath, str) # creates file and writes string
      readmeDir, readmeName = os.path.split(readmePath)
      msgPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, readmeName)
      ditto(readmePath, msgPath)
   # copy rsrc to dmg (for background, icons, etc)
   if dmgRsrc != None:
      for rsrcPath in dmgRsrc:
         rsrcDir, rsrcName = os.path.split(rsrcPath)
         dstPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, rsrcName)
         ditto(rsrcPath, dstPath) # copy to volume

   dmgName = '%s-%s.dmg' % (name, version)
   dmgPath = os.path.join(buildDir, dmgName)
   dmgNameShort = '%s.dmg' % name
   dmgPathShort = os.path.join(buildDir, dmgNameShort)

   # used to store device id
   tmpDeviceTxtPath = os.path.join(buildDir, 'tmpDeviceID.txt')

   # this is alreayd done once but it essential
   os.chdir(buildDir) # need to be in dir where depositing archive
   # execute command
   cmdList = ('hdiutil create -megabytes 40 %s -layout NONE' % dmgNameShort,
              'hdid -nomount %s > %s' % (dmgNameShort, tmpDeviceTxtPath),)
   for cmdStr in cmdList:

   # get device id from text string
   f = open(tmpDeviceTxtPath, 'r')    
   txtLines = f.readlines()
   deviceStr = txtLines[0].strip()
   # finish commands
   cmdList = ('newfs_hfs -v %s %s' % (name, deviceStr), # new fs
              'hdiutil eject %s' % (deviceStr), # eject
              'hdid %s' % (dmgNameShort),) # remount to write to
   for cmdStr in cmdList:
   # copy dirs to volume
   ditto(tmpDir, '/Volumes/%s/' % (name)) # copy to volume

   if dmgRsrc != None:
      print 'Customize dmg now, then press return'
      os.system('read ') # wait for return form user
      ### break to make manual adjustments
   # hide resource files, if around
   if dmgRsrc != None:
      for rsrcPath in dmgRsrc: # already moved, have to change path
         rsrcDir, rsrcName = os.path.split(rsrcPath)
         dstPath = os.path.join(('/Volumes/%s' % name), rsrcName)
         hide(dstPath) # uses a sytem find, not . pre thing

   # final commands
   cmdList = ('hdiutil eject %s' % (deviceStr), # eject
              'hdiutil convert -format UDZO %s -o %s' % (dmgNameShort, dmgName),
              'rm %s' % dmgNameShort) # remove short
   for cmdStr in cmdList:

   # remove temporary files

   # make a copy of dmg w/o version number
   ditto(dmgPath, dmgPathShort)
   if vTag != 1: # dont keep the version tagged copy
   # return dir
   return dmgPath
# path utilities

def extSplit(name, extList=None):
   """split name, extension; if extList is given, find only w/n this list
   return wholeName (even if a path), None if ext not found
   all '.' are dropped from both name and ext
   if extList == None:
      extList = knownEXT # search all known extensions
   nameStub = name
   foundExt = ''
   for ext in extList:
      if name[-len(ext):].lower() == ext: # if has this ext
         nameStub = name[:-len(ext)]
         foundExt = ext
   if nameStub == name: # no extension foudn
      return nameStub, None
   else: # check for periods, extension should have leading period
      if nameStub[-1] == '.':
         nameStub = nameStub[:-1]
      if foundExt[0] != '.': # start with leading period
         foundExt = '.' + foundExt
      return nameStub, foundExt

def dirGather(searchDir, extList):
   """searches a dir for files that match a given list of 
   of file extensions. returns a list of the names of these files.
   not recursive
   dirContent = os.listdir(searchDir)
   selNames = []
   selPaths = []
   for entry in dirContent:
      for ext in extList:
         if entry[-len(ext):] == ext:
            selPaths.append(os.path.join(searchDir, entry))
   return selNames, selPaths

def pathTrimStub(path, stub=None):
   """takes a path and removes the parent stub component
      path should always be longer then stub
   if stub == None:
      return path # do nothing
   stubList = stub.split(os.sep)
   pathList = path.split(os.sep)
   relList  = pathList[len(stubList):]
   relPath = ''
   for dir in relList:
      relPath = os.path.join(relPath, dir)
   return relPath
def launch(pathExe):
   """a mulitplatform solution to launching a file
   can be used to run an executable script or file
   media files should use open below
   used for launching .bat files in elr commands as well"""
   failFlag = None
   if os.name == 'mac': # FUTURE: elr should launch csd file?
      import findertools
      try: findertools.launch(pathExe)
      except: failFlag = 'failed'
      del findertools  
   elif os.name == 'posix':
         exitStatus = os.system(pathExe)  
         # if not equal to zero an exit error has occured
         if exitStatus != 0: failFlag = 'failed'  
      except: failFlag = 'failed'
   else: # win or other
      try:# spawns a new, detached process
         # this seems to be the best solution
         # same as win32api.ShellExecute()
         # this works on most plats, but opens a new console window
         # os.system('start %s' % (pathExe))
         # this never actually gave a detached process on nt
         # os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, pathExe, ['',])  # used to be P_DETACH
         failFlag = 'failed'
      if failFlag == 'failed':
         failFlag = None # reset
         try:  # try second method if above method doesnt work
            failFlag = 'failed'
   return failFlag

def openMedia(path, prefDict=None):
   """open a media or text file, file type is determined by extension
   will assume that path is to a media file, rather than an exe
   for executable scripts, use launch
   if prefDict is provided, will get app path from there
   keys in this disc must start w/ media type; image, audio, midi, text, ps"""
   path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
   dir, name = os.path.split(path)
   name, ext = extSplit(name)

   if ext in imageEXT: fileType = 'image'
   elif ext in audioEXT: fileType = 'audio'
   elif ext in videoEXT: fileType = 'video'
   elif ext in midiEXT: fileType = 'midi'
   elif ext in textEXT or ext in codeEXT: fileType = 'text'
   elif ext in psEXT: fileType = 'ps'
   else: fileType = None

   app = None # default nothing
   if prefDict == None and fileType != None: # get default apps
      if os.name == 'mac': pass # rely on system
      elif os.name == 'posix':
         if drawer.isDarwin(): # assume sys default for most
            if fileType in ['audio', 'midi', 'video']: 
               app = '/Applications/QuickTime Player.app'
         else: # other unix
            if fileType   == 'text' : app = 'more'
            elif fileType == 'audio': app = 'xmms'     #'play' should work too
            elif fileType == 'midi' : app = 'playmidi' #
            elif fileType == 'image': app = 'imagemagick'
            elif fileType == 'ps': app = 'gs'   
      else: # win or other
         pass # rely on system
   elif fileType != None: # get from prefDict
      for key in prefDict.keys():
         # match by filetype string leading key and path
         if key.startswith(fileType) and 'path' in key.lower(): 
            app = prefDict[key] # may be a complete file path, or a name

   if app == '': app = None # if given as empty, convert to none
   elif not drawer.isApp(app): app = None # if not an app any more, drop

   if os.name == 'mac':  # os9
      cmdExe = '%s' % path # on mac, just launch txt file, rely on pref
   elif os.name == 'posix':
      if drawer.isDarwin():
         if app == None: # no app use system default 
            cmdExe = 'open "%s"' % path   
         elif app.lower().endswith('.app'): # if a .app type app
            cmdExe = 'open -a "%s" "%s"' % (app, path)
         else: # its a unix style command
            cmdExe = '%s %s' % (app, path)
      else: # other unix
         if app == None:
            cmdExe = '%s' % (path)
            cmdExe = '%s %s' % (app, path)
   else: # win or other, rely on system settings
      cmdExe = '%s' % path # on win, just launch path        
   return launch(cmdExe) # returns None on success

# python, ath utilies

def findSiteLib():
   """this replaces site.here, which is no longer around after python 2.3
   sys.prefix: (note that exec_prefix is also possible)
   the solution below seems to be the only good cross platform solution
   return os.path.dirname(os.__file__)

def findSitePackages():
   """same as a above, but add site-packages"""
   return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.__file__), 'site-packages')
def findFinkDir():
   """this command only works on unix systems
   finds base fink dir stub
   retuns None on error: means no fink installation
   if os.name == 'posix': # create launch script
      import commands
      msg = commands.getoutput('fink dumpinfo -p %p fink')
      # last line is somethign like: %p: /sw
      msgStr = msg.split('\n')[-1] # get last if more tn 1 line
      if msgStr.find('command not found') >= 0: # cant find fink command
         if os.path.exists('/sw/bin/fink'): return '/sw'
         else: return None
         preface = '%p: '
         if msgStr.startswith(preface):
            msgStr = msgStr.replace(preface, '')
         return msgStr # return just directory string
   else: return None

def findSubDir(goal='athenaCL'):
   """recurse up a path search for dir """
   srcPath = os.getcwd()
   while 1:
      path, dir = os.path.split(srcPath)
      if dir == goal: return srcPath
      if path == '' or dir == '': return None # nowhere else to go
      srcPath = path # reassign

def findAthenaPath():
   """this is the same method used in setup.py, athenacl.py, athenaObj.py"""
   try: import libATH #assume we are in package dir
   except ImportError:
      try: from athenaCL import libATH
      except ImportError: # if n a subdirectory of athena
         return findSubDir('athenaCL') # none if found, otherwise path   
   libPath = libATH.__path__[0] # list, get first item
   if os.path.isabs(libPath) != 1: #relative path, add cwd
      libPath = os.path.abspath(libPath)
   return os.path.dirname(libPath)

def findManPath(group=1, altSys=None):
   """on unix opperating systems find man path for given group
   returns None of no man path found
   altSys sets options for specific sytems: fink
   if os.name != 'posix': return None
   # common places for man directories to resside
   commonManDirs = ['/usr/share/man/', '/usr/local/man', '/usr/man']
   # check system type
   if altSys == None:
      dirs = commonManDirs
   elif altSys == 'fink':
      finkStub = findFinkDir()
      if not finkStub == None: # fink exists
         dirs = [os.path.join(finkStub, 'share', 'man')]
      else: # use common dirs
         dirs = commonManDirs
   else: raise ValueError, 'bad system alternate option given'
   found = []
   for path in dirs:
      if os.path.isdir(path):
         manDir = 'man%s' % group
         manDirPath = os.path.join(path, manDir)
         if os.path.isdir(manDirPath): # check this group exists
   if found == []:
      return None
      return found[0]

def _idlePathCandidate():
   idlePath = []
                                'Tools', 'idle'))
   idlePath.append(os.path.join(findSiteLib(), 'idlelib'))
def findIdle():
   "finds idle on various platforms; returns dir with idle.py"
   # all platforms use one of these forms
   idlePath = []
                                'Tools', 'idle'))
   idlePath.append(os.path.join(findSiteLib(), 'idlelib'))
   # python 2.3 has changed the location of idle on win
   # site.here is "lib" dir in Python dir; must go up to tools
   # dont need to move up from site.here; Tools below site.here
   # py2.3 in macos x as framework install

   for path in idlePath: # search list of possible paths
      if os.path.isdir(path) == 1: # if a directory
         dirOfIdlePath = os.listdir(path)
         if 'idle.py' in dirOfIdlePath:
            return path
   return None # if nothing found

# utilities used during installatioin

def findBinPath(optFink=0):
   """get path to launcher dir file on posix systems"""
   if os.name != 'posix': return None
   if optFink: # fink on darwin
      finkStub = findFinkDir()
      if not finkStub == None: # if fink installed, release, other default
         return os.path.join(finkStub, 'bin')
   # default for all unix systesms
   return '/usr/local/bin'
def findAthBinPath(optFink=0):
   """get path to launcher dir file on posix systems"""
   if os.name != 'posix': return None
   dir = None
   if optFink: # fink on darwin
      finkStub = findFinkDir()
      if not finkStub == None: # if fink installed, release, other default
         dir = os.path.join(finkStub, 'bin')
   if dir == None:
      # default for all unix systesms
      dir = '/usr/local/bin'
   # launcher is one word lower case
   return os.path.join(dir, 'athenacl')
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