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# Name:
# Purpose:      sieve opperations, after Iannis Xenakis.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2003-2009 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

# not sure this import is necessary
from __future__ import generators
# standarind importas
import copy, string, random

# sets was added w/ python 2.3; w/ python 2.4, sets are built-in
# a = set('abracadabra') is all that is needed
# the 'sets' module should be around for a while...

   setConstruct = set # built-in constructor
except NameError:
      import sets
      setConstruct = sets.Set
   except ImportError:
      setConstruct = None
      # removes functionality; will cause error when used

from athenaCL.libATH import pitchTools
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import unit
from athenaCL.libATH import rhythm
_MOD = ''

# from 
# David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 28 Feb 2002
# Alex Martelli
# other implementations
def eratosthenes():
   """Yields the sequence of prime numbers via the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
   rather than creating a fixed list of a range (z) and crossing out
   multiples of sequential candidates, this algorithm stores primes under
   their next possible candidate, thus allowing the generation of primes
   in sequence w/o storing a complete range (z).

   create a dictionary. each entry in the dictionary is a key:item pair of 
   the largest (key) largest multiple of this prime so far found : (item)
   the prime. the dictionary only has as many entries as found primes.

   if a candidate is not a key in the dictionary, it is not a multiple of 
   any already-found prime; it is thus a prime. a new entry is added to the 
   dictionary, with the square of the prime as the key. the square of the prime
   is the next possible multiple to be found.

   to use this generator, create an instance and then call the .next() method
   on the instance
   D = {}  # map composite integers to primes witnessing their compositeness
   # D stores largest composite: prime, pairs
   q = 2   # candidate, first integer to test for primality
   while True:
      # get item from dict by key; remove from dict
      # p is the prime, if already found
      # q is the candidate, the running integer list
      p = D.pop(q, None) # returns item for key, None if not in dict
      # if candidate (q) is already in dict, not a prime
      if p != None: # key (prime candidate) in dictionary
         # update dictionary w/ the next multiple of this prime not already
         # in dicitionary
         # print 'p,q', p, q
         nextMult = p + q # prime prime plus the candidate; next multiple
         while nextMult in D.keys(): # incr x by p until it is a unique key
            nextMult = nextMult + p
         # re-store the prime under a key of the next multiple
         D[nextMult] = p # x is now the next unique multple to be found
      # candidate (q) not already in dictionary; q is prime
      else: # value not in dictionary
         nextMult = q * q # square is next multiple tt will be found
         D[nextMult] = q 
         yield q # return prime
      q = q + 1 # incr. candidate

def rabinMiller(n):
   """based on an implementatioin found here:
   see also here:"""
   n = abs(n)
   if n in [2,3]: return 1
   m = n % 6 # if n (except 2 and 3) mod 6 is not 1 or 5, then n isn't prime
   if m != 1 and m != 5: return 0
   # first hundred primes, 2, 3 handled by mod 6
   primes = [5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]   
   if n <= 100:
      if n in primes: return 1 # must include 2,3
      return 0
   for prime in primes:
      if n % prime == 0: return 0
   s, r = n-1, 1
   while not s & 1:
      s >>= 1
      r = r + 1      
   for i in range(0,10): # random tests
      # calculate a^s mod n, where a is a random number
      y = pow(random.randint(1, n-1), s, n)
      if y == 1: continue # n passed test, is composite
      # try values of j from 1 to r-1
      for j in range(1,r):
         if y == n - 1: break # if y = n-1, n passed the test this time
         y = pow(y,2,n) # a^((2^j)*s) mod n
          return 0 # y never equaled n-1, then n is composite
   # n passed all of the tests, it is very likely prime
   return 1

class PrimeSegment:
   def __init__(self, start, length):
      """gets a segment of prime numbers
      min and length values are suggested; may not be relevant
      in final presentation
      will accept negative values and wrap"""
      self.seg = []
      self.start = start
      self.length = length
      # fill the segment

   def _fillRabinMiller(self, start, length, stop=None, direction='up'):
      """scan all number in range and return a list of primess
      provide a max to force stoppage at  certain point before the
      maximum length
      direction determines which way things go"""
      seg = []
      _oddBoundary = 4 # number above which only odd primes are found

      if start % 2 == 0 and start > _oddBoundary: # if even
         if direction == 'up':
            n = start + 1
         else: # if down
            n = start - 1
      else: n = start

      while 1:         
         if rabinMiller(n):
            if len(seg) >= length: break

         if n == stop: break

         if n > _oddBoundary: # after 5, no even primes
            if direction == 'up':
               n = n + 2 # only test odd numbers
            else: n = n - 2 # 
         else: # n is less than 5, add 1
            if direction == 'up':
               n = n + 1 # must increment by 1
            else: n = n - 1 # 
      return seg

   def _fillRange(self):
      """fill positive and negative range"""
      if self.start < 0:
         # create the negative portion of the segment
         segNeg = self._fillRabinMiller(abs(self.start), self.length, 0, 'down')
         segNeg = [-x for x in segNeg] # make negative
         if len(segNeg) < self.length:
            segPos = self._fillRabinMiller(0, self.length-len(segNeg), 
                                           None, 'up')
            self.seg = segNeg + segPos
         else: # add positive values
            self.seg = segNeg

      else: # start from zero alone
         self.seg = self._fillRabinMiller(self.start, self.length, None, 'up')

   def __call__(self, format=None):
      """assumes that min and max values are derived from found primes
      means that primes will always be at boundaries"""
      z = [self.seg[0], self.seg[-1]]

      if format in ['bin', 'binary']:
         return unit.discreteBinaryPad(self.seg, z)
      elif format in ['unit']:
         return unit.unitNormRange(self.seg, z)
      elif format in ['wid', 'width']:
         wid = []
         for i in range(0, len(self.seg)-1):
         return wid
      else: # int, integer
         return self.seg

# implementation of Xenakis formula to calculate m,n for the intersection
# of any two Residual classes

def _gcd(a, b):
   """find the greatest common divisor of a,b
   i.e., greatest number that is a factor of both numbers
   euclides algorithm
   # alt implementation

   #while b != 0:
   #   a, b = b, a % b
   #return abs(a)

   #if a == 0 and b == 0: return 1
   #if b == 0: return a
   #if a == 0: return b
   #else: return _gcd(b, a%b)

   while b != 0:
      a, b = b, a % b
   return abs(a)

def _lcm(a, b):
   """find lowest common multiple of a,b"""
   # // forcers integer style division (no remainder)
   return abs(a*b) / _gcd(a,b) 

def _lcmRecurse(filter):
   # from
   lcmVal = 1
   # note: timing may not be necessary
   timer = rhythm.Timer()
   for i in range(len(filter)):
      if timer() >= 60: # 1.5 minute
         print 'lcm timed out.'
         lcmVal = None
      lcmVal = _lcm(lcmVal, filter[i])
   return lcmVal

def _lcmBrute(filter):
   """redundancies should already be filtered"""
   # py 2147483647 # max for non-long ints
   MAX = 1000000 # max number to try
   upper = filter[-1]
   lower = filter[:-1]
   lcmVal = 0
   x = 1
   while 1:
      lcmVal = upper * x # get next multiple
      if lcmVal >= MAX:
         print 'no lcm up to %s' % MAX
         return None
      match = 0
      for q in lower:
         if lcmVal % q == 0: # lcm is a multuple of q
            match = match + 1
      if match == len(lower):
      x = x + 1         
   return lcmVal

def _meziriac(c1, c2):
   # bachet de _meziriac (1624)
   # in order for x and y to be two corpimes, it is necessary and suff
   # that there exist two relative whole numbers, e, g such that
   #     1 + (g * x) = e * y   or
   #         y' * x  = (e' * y) + 1
   # where e and g come from the recursive equations
   #        (e * c2) % c1 == 1   and
   #        (g'* c1) % c2 == 1   ### this is version used here
   # while letting e, g' run through values 0,1,2,3...
   # except if c1 == 1 and c2 == 1
   g = 0
   if c2 == 1:
      g = 1
   elif c1 == c2:
      g = 0 # if equal, causes infinite loop of 0
      while g < 10000:
         val = (g * c1) % c2
         if val == 1: break
         g = g + 1
   return g

class Residual:
   """object that represents a modulus and a start point
   each object stores a range of integers (self.z) from which sections are drawn
   this range of integers can be changed whenever the section os drawn
   def __init__(self, m, shift=0, neg=0, z=None):
      # get a default range, can be changed later
      # is an actual range and not start/end points b/c when producing a not (-)
      # it is easy to remove the mod,n from the range
      if z == None: # supply default if necessary
         z = range(0, 100) 
      self.z = z
      #print 'residual init self.z', self.z
      self.m = m
      if neg not in [0, 1]:
         raise TypeError, 'negative value must be 0, 1, or a Boolean'
      self.neg = neg # negative, complement boolean
      if self.m == 0: # 0 mode causes ZeroDivisionError
         self.shift = shift
         self.shift = shift % self.m # do mod on shift
      self.segFmtOption = ['int', 'bin', 'unit', 'wid']
      self.segFmt = 'int'

   # utility functions
   def zAssign(self, z):
      "z is the range of integers to use when generating a list"
      self.z = z

   def zAssignRange(self, min, max):
      """z is the range of integers to use when generating a list
      convenience functiont that fixes max
      self.z = range(min, max+1)

   def segFmtSet(self, fmt):
      fmt = drawer.strScrub(fmt, 'l')
      assert fmt in self.segFmtOption
      self.segFmt = fmt

   def segment(self, n=0, z=None, format=None):
      """get a residual subset of this modulus at this n
      within the integer range provided by z
      format can be 'int' or 'bin', for integer or binary
      #print 'residual arg z', z
      if z == None: # z is temporary; if none
         z = self.z # assign to local
      #print 'residual using z', z
      if format == None:
         format = self.segFmt

      subset = []
      if self.m == 0: return subset # empty
      n = (n + self.shift) % self.m # check for n >= m

      for value in z:
         if n == value % self.m:
      if self.neg: # find opposite
         compset = copy.deepcopy(z)
         for value in subset:
         seg = compset
         seg = subset
      if format in ['bin', 'binary']:
         return unit.discreteBinaryPad(seg, z)
      elif format in ['unit']:
         return unit.unitNormRange(seg, z)
      elif format in ['wid', 'width']: # difference always equal to m
         wid = [self.m] * (len(seg)-1) # one shorter than segment
         return wid
      elif format in ['int', 'integer']: # int, integer
         return seg
         raise TypeError, '%s not a valid sieve format string.' % format

   def period(self):
      """period is M; obvious, but nice for completeness"""
      return self.m

   def copy(self):
      m = copy.copy(self.m)
      shift = copy.copy(self.shift)
      neg = copy.copy(self.neg)
      # provide ref, not copy, to z
      return Residual(m, shift, neg, self.z)
   def __call__(self, n=0, z=None, format=None):
      "calls self.segment(); uses segFmt" # if z is None, uses self.z
      #print 'residual', self.repr()
      return self.segment(n, z, format)

   def repr(self, style=None):
      """does not show any logical operator but unary negation"""
      if style == 'classic': # mathmatical style
         if self.shift != 0:
            str = '%s(%s+%s)' % (self.m, 'n', self.shift)
            str = '%s(%s)' % (self.m, 'n')
         if self.neg:
            str = '-%s' % str
      else: # do evaluatable stype
         str = '%s@%s' % (self.m, self.shift) # show w/ @
         if self.neg:
            str = '-%s' % str
      return str

   def __str__(self):
      """str representation using M(n+shift) style notation"""
      return self.repr() #default style

   def __eq__(self, other):
      "==, compare residual classes in terms of m and shift"
      if other == None: return 0
      if (self.m == other.m and self.shift == other.shift and 
          self.neg == other.neg):
         return 1
      else: return 0

   def __ne__(self, other):
      "m and shift not equal"
      if other == None: return 1
      if (self.m != other.m or self.shift != other.shift or
          self.neg != other.neg):
         return 1
      else: return 0

   def __cmp__(self, other):
      """allow comparison based on m and shift; if all equal look at neg"""
      #return neg if self < other, zero if self == other, 
      # a positive integer if self > other. 
      if self.m < other.m:
         return -1
      elif self.m > other.m:
         return 1
      # if equal compare shift
      elif self.m == other.m:
         if self.shift < other.shift:
            return -1
         elif self.shift > other.shift:
            return 1
         else: # shifts are equal
            if self.neg != other.neg:
               if self.neg == 1: # its negative, then less
                  return -1
               else: return 1
            else: return 0

   def __neg__(self):
      """unary neg operators; return neg object"""
      if self.neg: #if 1
         neg = 0
      else: # if 0
         neg = 1
      return Residual(self.m, self.shift, neg, self.z)

   def __and__(self, other):
      """&, produces an intersection of two Residual classes
      returns a new Residual class
      cannot be done if R under complementation
      if other.neg or self.neg:
         raise TypeError, 'complented Residual objects cannot be intersected'
      m, n = self._cmpIntersection(self.m, other.m, self.shift, other.shift)
      # get the union of both z
      zSet = setConstruct(self.z) | setConstruct(other.z)   
      z = list(zSet)
      neg = 0 # most not be complemented
      return Residual(m, n, 0, z)

   def __or__(self, other):
      """|, not sure if this can be implemented
      i.e., a union of two Residual classes can not be expressed as a single
      Residual, that is intersections can always be reduced, wheras unions
      cannot be reduced."""

   def _cmpIntersection(self, m1, m2, n1, n2):
      """compression by intersection
      find m,n such that the intersection of two Residual's can 
      be reduced to one Residual Xenakis p 273"""
      d = _gcd(m1, m2)
      c1 = m1 / d # not sure if we need floats here
      c2 = m2 / d
      n3 = 0
      m3 = 0
      if m1 != 0 and m2 != 0:
         n1 = n1 % m1
         n2 = n2 % m2
      else: # one of the mods is equal to 0
         return n3, m3 # no intersection
      if d != 1 and ((n1-n2) % d != 0):
         return n3, m3 # no intersection
      elif d != 1 and ((n1-n2) % d == 0) and (n1 != n2) and (c1 == c2):
         m3 = d # for real?
         n3 = n1
         return m3, n3
      else: # d == 1, or ...
         m3 = c1 * c2 * d
         g = _meziriac(c1, c2) # c1,c2 must be co-prime may produce a loop
         n3 = (n1 + (g * (n2-n1) * c1)) % m3
         return m3, n3

class CompressionSeg:
   """utility to convert from a point sequence to sieve

   the supplied list of values is only the positive values of a sieve segment
   we do not know what the negative values are; we can assume they are between    
   the min and max of the list, but this may not be true in all cases. a z range 
   can be supplied to explitly provide the complete sieve segment, both positive
   and negative values. all values in the z range not in the segment are    
   interepreted as negative values. thus, there is an essential dependency on 
   the the z range and the realized sieve.

   no matter the size of the z range, there is a modulus at which one point in 
   the segment can be found. as such, any segment can be reduced to, at a 
   mimimum, a residual for each point in the segment, each, for the supplied z,    
   providing a segment with one point.

   the same segment can then have multipled logical string representations,
   depending on the provided z.

   def __init__(self, src, z=None):
      self.src = list(copy.deepcopy(src))
      self.match = [] # already sorted from src
      for num in self.src: # remove redundancies
         if num not in self.match:
      if len(self.match) <= 1:
         raise ValueError, 'segment must have more than one element'
      self._zUpdate(z) # sets self.z
      # max mod should always be the max of z; this is b/c at for any segment
      # if the mod == max of seg, at least one point can be found in the segment
      # mod is the step size, so only one step will happen in the sequence
      self.MAXMOD = len(self.z) # set maximum mod tried
      # assign self.residuals and do analysis
      except AssertionError:
         raise ValueError, 'no Residual classes found for this z range'

   def _zUpdate(self, z=None):
      # z must at least be a superset of match
      if z != None: # its a list
         if not self._subset(self.match, z):
            raise ValueError, 'z range must be a superset of desired segment'
         else: # okay, assign
            self.z = z
         zMin, zMax = self.z[0], self.z[-1]
      # z is range from max to min, unless provided at init   
      else: # range from min, max; add 1 for range() to max
         zMin, zMax = self.match[0], self.match[-1] 
         self.z = range(zMin, (zMax + 1)) 

   def __call__(self):
      return self.residuals

   def __str__(self):
      resStr = []
      if len(self.residuals) == 1: # single union must have an or
         resStr = '%s' % str(self.residuals[0])
         for resObj in self.residuals:
         resStr = '|'.join(resStr)
      return resStr


   def _subset(self, sub, set):
      """true if sub is part of set; assumes no redundancies in each"""
      common = 0
      for x in sub:
         if x in set:
            common = common + 1
      if common == len(sub):
         return 1
      else: return 0

   def _find(self, n, part, whole):
      """given a point, and seiveSegment, find a modulus and shift that
      m = 1 # could start at one, but only pertains to the single case of 1@0
      while 1: # search m for max
         obj = Residual(m, n, 0, self.z)
         seg = obj() # n, z is set already
         # check first to see if it is a member of the part
         if self._subset(seg, part):
            return obj, seg
         elif self._subset(seg, whole):
            return obj, seg
         m = m + 1
         # a mod will always be found, at least 1 point; should never happen
         assert m <= self.MAXMOD
      #print 'error, no mod found', n, part

   def _process(self):
      """take a copy of match; move through each value of this list as if it
      were n; for each n test all modulos (from 1 to len(z)+1) to find a 
      residual. when found (one will be found), keep it; remove the found 
      segments from the match, and repeat"""
      # process residuals
      self.residuals = [] # list of objects
      match = copy.copy(self.match) # scratch to work on
      while 1: # loop over whatever is left in the match copy
         n = match[0] # always get first item 
         obj, seg = self._find(n, match, self.match)
         assert obj != None # no residual found; should never happen
         if obj not in self.residuals: # b/c __eq__ defined
            for x in seg: # clean found values from match
               if x in match:
         if len(match) == 0:


# set object precedence is places & before |

# >>> a = set([3,4])
# >>> b = set([4,5])
# >>> c = set([3,4,5])
# >>> a & b & c
# Set([4])

# >>> a & b | c
# Set([3, 4, 5])

# >>> a & (b | c)
# Set([3, 4])
# >>> (a & b) | c
# Set([3, 4, 5])

# >>> b = sieve.SieveBound('2&4&8|5')
# <R0>&<R1>&<R2>|<R3>
# >>> str(b)
# '2&4&8|5'
# >>> b(0, range(0,20))
# [0, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16]
# >>> b = sieve.SieveBound('2&4&(8|5)')
# <R0>&<R1>&(<R2>|<R3>)
# >>> b(0, range(0,20))
# [0, 8, 16]
# >>> b = sieve.SieveBound('5|2&4&8')
# <R0>|<R1>&<R2>&<R3>
# >>> b(0, range(0,20))
# [0, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16]
# >>> b = sieve.SieveBound('(5|2)&4&8')
# (<R0>|<R1>)&<R2>&<R3>
# >>> b(0, range(0,20))
# [0, 8, 16]
# >>> 

# precedence is -, &, |

class Sieve:
   """create a sieve segment from a sieve logical string of any complexity
   def __init__(self, usrStr, z=None):
      self.LGROUP = '{'
      self.RGROUP = '}'
      self.AND = '&'
      self.OR = '|'
      self.XOR = '^'
      self.BOUNDS = [self.LGROUP,self.RGROUP,self.AND,self.OR,self.XOR]
      self.NEG = '-'
      self.RESIDUAL = list(string.digits) + ['@']
      # note: this z should only be used if usrStr is a str, and not a list
      if z == None and drawer.isStr(usrStr):
         z = range(0, 100)
      elif z == None and drawer.isList(usrStr): # if a list, keep as None
      self.z = z # may be none; will be handled in self._load
      self.state = 'exp' # default start state
      self.expType = None # either 'simple' or 'complex'; set w/ load
      self.segFmt = 'int'
      self.segFmtOption = ['int', 'bin', 'unit', 'wid']

      self.nonCompressible = 0 # if current z provides a nullSeg; no compression
      # varaibles will reinit w/ dedicated methods
      self.resLib = {} # store id and object
      self.resId = 0 # used to calculate residual ids

      # expanded, compressed form
      self.expTree = '' # string that stores representation
      self._expPeriod = None # only set if called
      self.cmpTree = '' # string that stores representation
      self._cmpPeriod = None # only set if called; may not be same as exp
      self.usrStr = usrStr # store user string, may be noen
      if self.usrStr != None:

   def _load(self):
      if drawer.isList(self.usrStr):
         self._initLoadSegment(self.usrStr) # z will be provided
      # normal instance, or a manual load
      else: # process usrStr

   def _initCompression(self):
      # only negative that will show up is binary negative, not unary
      # some internal intersections may have a complemented residual class
      self.expType = 'complex' # assume complex
      if (self.NEG in self.expTree or self.LGROUP in self.expTree or 
          self.RGROUP in self.expTree or self.XOR in self.expTree):
            self._cmpSegment() # will update self.nonCompressible
         except IndexError: # case of z not providing a sufficent any segment
            self.nonCompressible = 1
      else: # try intersection
            self.expType = 'simple' # only if sucessful
         except TypeError: # attempted intersection of complemented
            except IndexError: # no segments available
               self.nonCompressible = 1

      if self.nonCompressible:
         method = 'no compression possible'
      elif self.expType == 'complex':
         method = 'segment'
      elif self.expType == 'simple':
         method = 'intersection'

   def _initPeriod(self):
      mListExp = self._resPeriodList('exp')
      mListCmp = self._resPeriodList('cmp')
      #print 'brute', _lcmBrute(mListExp)
      lcmExp = _lcmRecurse(mListExp)
      if mListExp == mListCmp:
         self._expPeriod = lcmExp
         self._cmpPeriod = lcmExp
      else: # calculate separately
         self._expPeriod = lcmExp
         self._cmpPeriod = _lcmRecurse(mListCmp)
   def expand(self):
      self.state = 'exp'

   def compress(self, z=None):         
      if z != None and z != self.z: # only process if z has changed
         self.z = z
         self._resClear('cmp') # clear compressed residuals
         self._initCompression() # may update self.nonCompressible
      if self.nonCompressible: # do not changes set
         print 'no compression availabile at this z.'
         self.state = 'cmp'

   def dataLoad(self, data):
      """load reinit an existing object"""
      self.usrStr = data['logStr']
      if data.has_key('z'):
         self.z = data['z']

   def dataStore(self):
      data = {}
      data['logStr'] = self.repr('exp') # store expanded representation
      if self.z == None: # get from residual classes, always one at 
         data['z'] = self.resLib[self._resKeyStr(0)].z
         data['z'] = self.z
      return data
   # utility functions
   def zAssign(self, z):
      "z is the range of integers to use when generating a list"
      self.z = z

   def zAssignRange(self, min, max):
      """z is the range of integers to use when generating a list
      convenience functiont that fixes max
      self.z = range(min, max+1)

   def segFmtSet(self, fmt):
      fmt = drawer.strScrub(fmt, 'l')
      assert fmt in self.segFmtOption
      self.segFmt = fmt

   # operator overloading for sieves
   # problem: redunant parenthesis are not removed

   def __neg__(self):
      """unary neg operators; return neg object"""
      dataSelf = self.dataStore()
      usrStr = '%s%s%s%s' % (self.NEG, self.LGROUP, 
                            dataSelf['logStr'], self.RGROUP)
      z = dataSelf['z']
      return Sieve(usrStr, z)

   def __and__(self, other):
      """&, produces an intersection of two
      dataSelf = self.dataStore()
      dataOther = other.dataStore()
      usrStr = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (self.LGROUP, dataOther['logStr'],
         self.RGROUP, self.AND, self.LGROUP, dataSelf['logStr'], self.RGROUP)
      # take union of z
      zSet = setConstruct(dataSelf['z']) | setConstruct(dataOther['z'])   
      z = list(zSet)
      return Sieve(usrStr, z)

   def __or__(self, other):
      """|, produces a union """
      dataSelf = self.dataStore()
      dataOther = other.dataStore()

      usrStr = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (self.LGROUP, dataOther['logStr'],        
            self.RGROUP, self.OR, self.LGROUP, dataSelf['logStr'], self.RGROUP)
      # take union of z
      zSet = setConstruct(dataSelf['z']) | setConstruct(dataOther['z'])   
      z = list(zSet)
      return Sieve(usrStr, z)

   def __xor__(self, other):
      """^, produces exclusive disjunction """
      dataSelf = self.dataStore()
      dataOther = other.dataStore()

      usrStr = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (self.LGROUP, dataOther['logStr'],        
            self.RGROUP, self.XOR, self.LGROUP, dataSelf['logStr'], self.RGROUP)
      # take union of z
      zSet = setConstruct(dataSelf['z']) | setConstruct(dataOther['z'])   
      z = list(zSet)
      return Sieve(usrStr, z)

   def copy(self):
   # string conversions
   def _parseResidual(self, usrStr):
      """process an arg string for proper Residual creation
      valid syntax for Mod, shift pairs:
      all valid: MsubN, M@N, M,N, M
      if M is given alone, shift is assumed to be 0
      this method assumes that all brackets have been replaced with pareths
      returns a dictionary of args suitable for creating a Residual classs
      # if given a number, not a string
      if drawer.isNum(usrStr):
         return {'m':int(usrStr), 'n':0, 'neg':0}
      usrStr = usrStr.strip()
      if len(usrStr) == 0: return None
      if usrStr.find('sub') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('sub', ',')
      if usrStr.find('@') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('@', ',')
      # remove any braces remain, remove
      # all parenthesis and brackets are converted to braces
      usrStr = usrStr.replace(self.LGROUP, '')
      usrStr = usrStr.replace(self.RGROUP, '')

      # check for not 
      if usrStr[0] == '-': # negative/complement
         neg = 1
         usrStr = usrStr[1:].strip() # strip to remove any leading white space
         neg = 0
      if len(usrStr) == 0: return None
      try: # assume we have either an int (M), or a tuple (M,N)
         args = eval(usrStr) 
      except (NameError, SyntaxError, TypeError):
         return None
      if drawer.isInt(args):
         m = args # int is mod
         shift = 0    # 0 is given as default shift
      elif drawer.isList(args): # may only be a list of one elemnt
         m = args[0] #first  is mod
         if len(args) > 1:
            shift = args[1] #second is shift
         else: shift = 0
      # return a dictionary of args necessary to create Residual
      return {'m':m, 'shift':shift, 'neg':neg}
   def _parseLogic(self, usrStr):
      """provide synonymes for logical symbols
      intersection == and, &, *
      union        == or,  |, +
      not          == not, -
      the native format for str representation usese only &, |, -
      this method converts all other string representations

      all brackets and braces are replaced with parenthesis
      parentheses are only used for the internal representation
      on string representation, braces are restored
      # if not a string but a number
      if drawer.isNum(usrStr): # assume its a single modules
         usrStr = '%s@0' % int(usrStr)
      if usrStr.find('and') >= 0: # replace with '&'
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('and', self.AND)
      if usrStr.find('*') >= 0: # Xenakis notation'
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('*', self.AND)
      if usrStr.find('or') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('or', self.OR)
      if usrStr.find('+') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('+', self.OR)
      if usrStr.find('xor') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('^', self.OR)
      if usrStr.find('not') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('not', self.NEG)
      # all gruoopings converted to braces
      if usrStr.find('[') >= 0: # replace brackets w/ parenthesis
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('[', self.LGROUP)
      if usrStr.find(']') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace(']', self.RGROUP)
      if usrStr.find('(') >= 0: # replace braces as well
         usrStr = usrStr.replace('(', self.LGROUP)
      if usrStr.find(')') >= 0:
         usrStr = usrStr.replace(')', self.RGROUP)
      # remove space
      usrStr = usrStr.replace(' ','')
      return usrStr

   def _setInstantiateStr(self, valList):
      """return string necessary to instantiate a set object"""
      valList = list(valList)
      return 'setConstruct(%s)' % repr(valList).replace(' ', '')

   def _resKeyStr(self, id):
      return '<R%i>' % id

   def _resKeys(self, state):
      """get residual keys based on library"""
      assert state in ['cmp', 'exp']
      if state == 'cmp':
         libKeys = []
         for key in self.resLib.keys():
            if key in self.cmpTree:
         return libKeys
      elif state == 'exp':
         libKeys = []
         for key in self.resLib.keys():
            if key in self.expTree:
         return libKeys

   def _resPeriodList(self, state):
      """the period of residual class is m; can be accessed 
      via period() method"""
      mList = []
      for key in self._resKeys(state):
         p = self.resLib[key].period()
         if p not in mList:
      return mList

   def _resCreate(self, id, resStr):
      """create a residual object, store in expResidualLib
      return a string id representation
      this uses self.z at initialization"""
      resDict = self._parseResidual(''.join(resStr))
      if resDict == None:
         msg = 'cannot parse %s' % ''.join(resStr)
         raise SyntaxError, 'bad residual class notation: (%r)' % msg
      resObj = Residual(resDict['m'],resDict['shift'],
               resDict['neg'], self.z)
      #print 'created', resDict, self.z
      self.resLib[self._resKeyStr(id)] = resObj
      return self._resKeyStr(id)

   def _resAssign(self, id, resObj):
      self.resLib[self._resKeyStr(id)] = resObj
      return self._resKeyStr(id)

   def _resToSetStr(self, id, n=0, z=None):
      """this is where residuals are converted to set evaluating strings
      z should not be stored; should be a temporary value
      if z == None: # if none given, give internal
         z = self.z 
      # z is valid, gets default from residual class
      if not drawer.isList(z) and z != None:
         raise TypeError, 'z must be a list of integers.'
      valList = self.resLib[id](n, z) # call residual object
      return self._setInstantiateStr(valList)

   def _resIdIncr(self):
      """increment the resId"""
      self.resId = self.resId + 1

   def _resResetId(self):
      """reset self.resId to the next available number
      may need to re-label some residual classes if gaps develop
      ids should be coniguous integer sequence"""
      iVals = range(0, len(self.resLib.keys()))
      for i in iVals:
         testKey = self._resKeyStr(i)
         if testKey not in self.cmpTree and testKey not in self.expTree:
            raise KeyError, 'gap in residual keys'
      # set resId to next availabe index, the length of the keys
      self.resId = len(self.resLib.keys())

   def _resClear(self, state=None):
      if state == None: # clear all
         self.resLib = {} # store id and object
         self.resId = 0
      elif state == 'cmp':
         cmpKeys = self._resKeys(state)
         for key in cmpKeys:
            del self.resLib[key]
         # reset id to reflect deleted classes
      elif state == 'exp':
         raise ValueError, 'expanded residual classes shold never be cleared'

   # expansion methods

   def _initLoadSegment(self, usrData):
      """load from a segments
      reload resId"""
      # clear first
      self.expTree = [] # string that stores representation
      # use dynamically generated z
      segObj = CompressionSeg(usrData, self.z) #  a list of values
      if self.z == None: # non given at init, get from segObj
         self.z = segObj.z
      union = segObj() # convert to residual classes
      for resObj in union:
         # store resKey in dict, store as string
         self.expTree.append(self._resAssign(self.resId, resObj))
      self.expTree = self.OR.join(self.expTree)
      #print _MOD, 'expTree', self.expTree

   def _initParse(self, z=None):
      """process usrStr string into proper argument dictionaries for Residual
      # clear first
      self.resLib = {} # store id and object
      self.resId = 0
      self.expTree = [] # string that stores representation
      # will remove all spaces
      logStr = self._parseLogic(copy.deepcopy(self.usrStr)) # logical string
      i = 0
      while 1:
         if i == len(logStr): break
         char = logStr[i] # current char

         if i == 0: charPrevious = None # first
         else: charPrevious = logStr[i-1]
         if i == len(logStr) - 1: charNext = None # last
         else: charNext = logStr[i+1]

         #print char, '(%s,%s)' % (charPrevious, charNext)

         # if a boundary symbol ({}&|) symply add to string
         if char in self.BOUNDS:
            i = i + 1

         # if NEG is last char this is always an error
         elif char == self.NEG and charNext == None:
            msg = 'negation cannot be used without operands'
            raise SyntaxError, 'badly formed logical string (a): (%s)' % msg
         # attempting to use negationg as a binary operators
         elif (char == self.NEG and charPrevious != None and 
            charPrevious in self.RESIDUAL): # digit, or @ sign
            msg = 'negation cannot be used as a binary operator'
            raise SyntaxError, 'badly formed logical string (b): (%s)' % msg
         # check if self.NEG is not folloed by a digit;
         # special case of self.NEG; need to convert into a binary operator
         elif (char == self.NEG and charNext != None and 
            charNext == self.LGROUP):
            # if not first char, and the prevous char is not an operator or
            # a delimter, this is an error (binary negation)
            if (charPrevious != None and charPrevious not 
               in [self.LGROUP, self.AND, self.OR, self.XOR]):
               msg = 'negation must be of a group and isolated by delimiters'
               raise SyntaxError, 'badly formed logical string (c): (%s)' % msg
            # add a set of z, or 1@0
            else: # maintain representation until evaluation
               i = i + 1

         # processing a normal residual class; only first 
         # char can be negative
         # self.NEG, if present, will be followed by digits
         elif char in string.digits or char == self.NEG:
            resStr = [] # string just for this residual class
            subStart = copy.copy(i)
            subLen = 0
            # fist check for leading NEG
            if logStr[subStart + subLen] == self.NEG:
               subLen = subLen + 1
            while 1:
               # if at the end of the logical string
               if (subStart + subLen) == len(logStr): break
               subChar = logStr[subStart + subLen]
               # neg is boundary, as alrady gathered above
               if subChar in self.BOUNDS or subChar == self.NEG:
                  break # do not increment
                  subLen = subLen + 1
            #print _MOD, 'found residual:', ''.join(resStr)
            self.expTree.append(self._resCreate(self.resId, ''.join(resStr))) 
            i = i + subLen
         else: # some other char is in here
            i = i + 1
      # do some checks 
      if len(self.resLib) == 0:
         raise SyntaxError, 'no residual classes defined'
      self.expTree = ''.join(self.expTree)

   # compression methods
   def _cmpIntersection(self):
      """an unbound sieve, interesect Residual
      self.cmpTree = []  #clear first
      logStr = copy.copy(self.expTree) # create scratch copy
      # if not a string but a number
      orList = logStr.split(self.OR)
      for orGroup in orList:
         if orGroup == '': continue
         # need deal with mixed not's in an andGroup
         andList = orGroup.split(self.AND)
         # do intersections, reduce, and add
         if len(andList) == 1:
            intersection = self.resLib[andList[0]]
            for i in range(0, len(andList)-1): # one less than len
               if i == 0: # first, get first
                  # problem was here w/ and list value not being in resLib
                  a = self.resLib[andList[i]]
                  a = intersection
               b = self.resLib[andList[i+1]] # get second
               # this may raise an exception if not possible
               intersection = a & b # operator overloadin
         # store resKey in dict, store as string
         self.cmpTree.append(self._resAssign(self.resId, intersection))
      self.cmpTree = self.OR.join(self.cmpTree)
      #print _MOD, 'cmpTree', self.cmpTree

   def _cmpSegment(self):
      """a bound sieve, uss a newly created segment"""
      # clear first
      self.cmpTree = []
      # will use z if set elsewheres
      seg = self.segment('exp')
      if seg == []: # empty set
         raise IndexError, 'empty segment; segment compression not possible'
         segObj = CompressionSeg(seg, self.z)
         for resObj in segObj():
            self.cmpTree.append(self._resAssign(self.resId, resObj))
         self.cmpTree = self.OR.join(self.cmpTree)
      #print _MOD, 'cmpTree', self.cmpTree


   def segment(self, state, n=0, z=None, format=None):
      if z == None:
         z = self.z
      if format == None:
         format = self.segFmt

      if state == 'exp':
         evalStr = copy.copy(self.expTree)
      elif state == 'cmp':
         evalStr = copy.copy(self.cmpTree)
      keys = self._resKeys(state)

      # only NEG that remain are those applied to groups
      # replace all remain NEG in the formula w/ "1@1-"
      # as long as binary negation is evaluated before & and |, this will work
      # see
      # must do this before converting segments (where there willneg numbers)
      resObj = Residual(1,0,0,z) # create a temporary residual 1@!
      setStr = self._setInstantiateStr(resObj()) # get segment
      evalStr = evalStr.replace('-', ('%s-' % setStr))
      # replace residuals (this will add - as -numbers)
      for key in keys:
         evalStr = evalStr.replace(key, self._resToSetStr(key, n, z))
      # convert all braces to parenthesis
      evalStr = evalStr.replace(self.LGROUP,'(')
      evalStr = evalStr.replace(self.RGROUP,')')

      # this may raise an exception if mal-formed
         seg = eval(evalStr)
      except SyntaxError:
         raise SyntaxError, 'badly formed logical string'

      seg = list(seg)
      if format in ['bin', 'binary']:
         return unit.discreteBinaryPad(seg, z)
      elif format in ['unit']:
         return unit.unitNormRange(seg, z)
      elif format in ['wid', 'width']:
         wid = []
         for i in range(0, len(seg)-1):
         return wid
      else: # int, integer
         return seg

   def period(self, state=None):
      """two periods are possible; if residuals are the same
      for both exp and cmd, only one is calculated
      period only calculated the fist time this method is called
      if state == None:
         state = self.state
      # check and see if exp has been set yet
      if self._expPeriod == None:

      if state == 'exp': return self._expPeriod
      elif state == 'cmp': return self._cmpPeriod

   def __call__(self, n=0, z=None, format=None):
      return self.segment(self.state, n, z, format)

   def _segmentConvert(self, format, seg, z):
      """convert integer to various formats"""
      if format in ['bin', 'binary']:
         return unit.discreteBinaryPad(seg, z)
      elif format in ['unit']:
         return unit.unitNormRange(seg, z)
      elif format in ['wid', 'width']: # difference always equal to m
         wid = [self.m] * (len(seg)-1) # one shorter than segment
         return wid
      elif format in ['int', 'integer']: # int, integer
         return seg
         raise TypeError, '%s not a valid sieve format string.' % format

   def collect(self, n, zMinimum, length, format, zStep=100):
      """collect a segment to meet a desired length for the segment
      z must be extended automatically to continue to search from zMinimum
      zStep is the size of each z used to cycle through all z

      this seems to only work properly for float and ineger sieves
      found = []
      p = zMinimum # starting value
      zExtendCount = 0
      while zExtendCount < 10000: # default max to break loops
         zMin = p
         zMax = p + zStep 

         # must collect non width formats as integer values; then convert
         if format in ['wid', 'width']:
            segmentPartial = self.segment(self.state, n, range(zMin, zMax), format)
         else: # if a unit, need to start with integers
            segmentPartial = self.segment(self.state, n, range(zMin, zMax), 'int')

         found = found + segmentPartial[:]
         p = p + zStep # increment start value
         zExtendCount = zExtendCount + 1 # fail safe

         if len(found) >= length:

      # trim any extra
      seg = found[:length] 
      if len(seg) != length:
         raise ValueError, 'desired length of sieve segment cannot be found'

      # only width format comes out correct after concatenation
      # for unit and binary, derive new z based on min and max
      if format in ['unit']:
         # make z to minimum and max value found
         return unit.unitNormRange(seg, range(seg[0], seg[-1]+1))
      elif format in ['bin', 'binary']:
         # make to minimum and max value found
         return unit.discreteBinaryPad(seg, range(seg[0], seg[-1]+1))
         return seg

   def repr(self, state=None, style=None):
      """style of None is use for users; adds | to singel residuals
      style abs (absolute) does not add | tos single residual class"""
      if state == None:
         state = self.state
      if state == 'exp':
         msg = copy.copy(self.expTree)
      elif state == 'cmp':
         msg = copy.copy(self.cmpTree)
      # get keys for this library
      keys = self._resKeys(state)
      for key in keys:
         msg = msg.replace(key, self.resLib[key].repr(style))
      return msg

   def __str__(self):
      return self.repr()

# high level utility obj

class SievePitch:
   """may raise the following exceptions:
   SyntaxError, ValueError, TypeError, KeyError, error.PitchSyntaxError
   def __init__(self, usrStr):
      self.psLower = None #'c3'
      self.psUpper = None #'c5' # default ps Range
      self.psOrigin = None # psLower # default
      self.sieveLogStr = '' # logical sieve string
      # this may raise various exceptions including
      # error.PitchSyntaxError, SyntaxError

   def _parseUsrStr(self, usrStr):
      """when entering a pitch sieve, the logical argument
      must be separated from the range args by commas, i.e.
      8(n+4)|6(n+5)|4(n+1), c3, c8 # no commas can be used elsewhere
      provide defaults if no range is given
      range can be given w/ letter names, as well as ps class number 0 = c4
      psLower = None
      psUpper = None
      psOrigin = None
      eld = None

      strList = usrStr.split(',')
      i = 0
      for element in strList:
         element = element.strip()
         if element != '':
            if i == 0:  self.sieveLogStr = element
            if i == 1: psLower = element
            if i == 2: psUpper = element
            if i == 3: psOrigin = element
            if i == 4: eld = element
         i = i + 1
      if self.sieveLogStr == '': # nothing was assigned to it
         return None
      # parse pitch bounaries; accept either string pcs or 
      if psLower != None:
         self.psLower = pitchTools.Pitch(psLower)
         self.psLower = pitchTools.Pitch('c3', 'psName')
      if psUpper != None:
         self.psUpper = pitchTools.Pitch(psUpper)
         self.psUpper = pitchTools.Pitch('c5', 'psName')
      if psOrigin != None:
         self.psOrigin = pitchTools.Pitch(psOrigin)
      else: # use psLower value
         self.psOrigin = pitchTools.Pitch(self.psLower.get('psName'), 'psName')
      # scalable eld not yet implemented
      if eld != None:
         self.eld = drawer.strToNum(eld, 'num', .00001, 100) # min, max
         if self.eld == None: # out fo range
            self.eld = 1
      else: self.eld = 1 # default
      # create sieve ovject; this may raise exceptions
      self.sieveObj = Sieve(self.sieveLogStr)

   def __call__(self):
      """return a sieve segment mapped to integer range b/n
      psLower and psUpper
      note that @0 becomes psLower"""
      min = self.psLower.get('psReal')
      max = self.psUpper.get('psReal')
      # get integer range
      if self.eld == 1:
         z = range(int(min), int(max+1))
         n = self.psOrigin.get('psReal') # shift origin
         sieveSeg = self.sieveObj(n, z) # make value negative
      else: # microtonal eld
         unitList = unit.unitNormStep(self.eld, min, max)
         # this z will not be shifted
         # need to get list of apropriate size
         #z = range(int(min), (int(min) + len(unitList))) 
         z = range(0, len(unitList)) 
         #n = self.psOrigin.get('psReal') # shift origin
         # need to find how steps are between 0 and origin w/ eld
         shiftList = unit.unitNormStep(self.eld, int(min), 
         # this does not work right yet...
         # cant get n to match to expected values
         #if self.psOrigin.get('psReal') < int(min):
         #   n = -len(shiftList)
         #   n = len(shiftList)
         n = 0
         # get a unit segment
         unitSeg = self.sieveObj(n, z, 'unit')
         sieveSeg = unit.denormList(unitSeg, min, max)
      return sieveSeg


class Test:
   def __init__(self):

   # may be usefull for testing
   def complement(self, set, z=None):
      """not, exclusion
      may be notated, for subset F, as F' or F w/ line over top
      if z == None:
         z = range(0,100)
      ab = []
      for value in z:
         if value not in set: # dont do anything
      return ab
   def intersection(self, a, b):
      notated with an inverted U"""
      ab = []
      for value in a + b: # look at each value
         if value in a and value in b:
            if value not in ab:
      return ab

   def _clean(self, l):
      "cleans a list"
      return str(l).replace(' ', '')[1:-1]

   def testIntersection(self):
      print 'Testing Intersection'
      a = Residual(3)
      testArgs = [(3,6,2,5), (4,6,1,3), (5,4,3,2), ]
      for m1, m2, n1, n2 in testArgs:
         a = Residual(m1, n1)
         b = Residual(m2, n2)
         print '\n', a, b
         c = a & b         # do intersection
         print '\t', c
         print '\t', self._clean(c())
         print '\texpected list'
         print '\t', self._clean(self.intersection(a(), b()))

   def testSieveParse(self):
      testArgs = ['-5 | 4 & 4sub3 & 6 | 4 & 4', 
             '2 or 4 and 4 & 6 or 4 & 4', 
             '|5@2 |', 
             '3 and 4 or not 3,1 and 4,1 or not 3 and 4,2 or not 3,2 and 4,3',
      for arg in testArgs:
         testObj = Sieve(arg)
         print testObj, '\nfrom: %s' % repr(testObj.usrStr)
         print testObj(0, range(0, 30))

   def testSievePitch(self):
      testObj = SievePitch('-5 | 4 & 4sub3 & 6 , b3, f#4')
      testObj = SievePitch('-5 | 4 & 4sub3 & 6 ')
      print testObj.psLower, testObj.psUpper
      print testObj()

   def testTimePoint(self):
      args = [(3,6,12),(0, 6, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42),
         (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31),
           #  (3,23,33,47,63,70,71,93,95,119,123,143,153,167),
      for src in args:
         print '\nsrc:', src
         obj = CompressionSeg(src)
         print obj

         print 'as sieve:'
         sObj = Sieve(str(obj))
         print sObj
         print sObj()

   def testSieve(self):
      z = range(0,100)
      usrStr = '3@2 & 4@1 | 2@0 & 3@1 | 3@3 | -4@2'
      a = Sieve(usrStr, z)
      print a

      usrStr = '-(3@2 & -4@1 & -(12@3 | 12@8) | (-2@0 & 3@1 | (3@3)))'
      a = Sieve(usrStr, z)
      print a

      print 'example from Flint, on Psapha'
      usrStr = '[(8@0 | 8@1 | 8@7) & (5@1 | 5@3)]  |  [(8@0 | 8@1 | 8@2) & 5@0] | [8@3 & (5@0 | 5@1 | 5@2 | 5@3 | 5@4)] | [8@4 & (5@0 | 5@1 | 5@2 | 5@3 | 5@4)] | [(8@5 | 8@6) & (5@2 | 5@3 | 5@4)] | (8@1 & 5@2) | (8@6 & 5@1)'
      a = Sieve(usrStr, z)
      print a

      print 'major scale from FM, p197'
      usrStr = '(-3@2 & 4) | (-3@1 & 4@1) | (3@2 & 4@2) | (-3 & 4@3)'
      a = Sieve(usrStr, z)
      print a

      print 'nomos alpha sieve'
      usrStr = '(-(13@3 | 13@5 | 13@7 | 13@9) & 11@2) | (-(11@4 | 11@8) & 13@9) | (13@0 | 13@1 | 13@6)'
      a = Sieve(usrStr, z)
      print a

if __name__ == '__main__':
   x = Test()

# sieve that break LCM
# >>> t = sieve.Sieve((3,99,123123,2433,2050)) | Contact Us
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