#copyright ReportLab Europe Limited. 2000-2006
#see license.txt for license details
__version__=''' $Id: test_crypto_algorithms.py 3352 2009-01-06 13:12:45Z jonas $ '''
This contains tests for the encryption algorithms.
The algorithmic approach is to take values from a known
readable-but-secured PDF file and put them in as assertions.
If a platform varies in any way or we change an algorithm
by mistake, it should shriek at us.
It also generates a directory of files to scan by eyeball,
with meaningful names to suggest the properties they have.
import unittest
from reportlab.lib.testutils import setOutDir,makeSuiteForClasses,outputfile,printLocation
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
from reportlab.lib.pdfencrypt import computeO,\
computeU, hexText, unHexText, encryptionkey, encodePDF, \
class EncryptionAlgorithmTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Acrobat algorithms. Two specific cases known to work.
We are dealing with 8 bit strings which may contain nasty
escape characters, get trashed in FTP or editors etc. Therefore
I am using two explicit routines hexText and unHexText which
provide a 'safe' way to represent strings as hex and which are
not going to vary with Python versions"""
def check0wnerHash40Bit(self):
"owner key calculation"
ownerHash = computeO('userpass','ownerpass', revision=2)
assert hexText(ownerHash) == '<F86213EB0CED81F097947F3B343E34CAC8CA92CE8F6FEE2556FA31EC1FE968AF>'
def checkEncryptionKey40Bit(self):
userPass = 'userpass'
ownerHash = unHexText('<F86213EB0CED81F097947F3B343E34CAC8CA92CE8F6FEE2556FA31EC1FE968AF>')
documentID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
permissions = -4
encKey = encryptionkey(userPass, ownerHash, permissions, documentID, revision=2)
assert hexText(encKey) == '<7EBBD07A88>'
def checkUserHash40Bit(self):
encKey = unHexText('<7EBBD07A88>')
userHash = computeU(encKey, revision=2, documentId='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
assert hexText(userHash) == '<AA154131D8FA105317F7104D2001A345D78A3DEEFA3D85D032FC9B4B35DA72A0>'
def checkEncryptString40Bit(self):
assert hexText(encodePDF(unHexText('<3DC3EBDA71>'), 9, 0, 'anonymous')) == '<57AC33DDEB5775982A>'
def check0wnerHash128Bit(self):
"owner key calculation"
ownerHash = computeO('userpass','ownerpass', revision=3)
assert hexText(ownerHash) == '<68E5704AC779A5F0CD89704406587A52F25BF61CADC56A0F8DB6C4DB0052534D>'
def checkEncryptionKey128Bit(self):
userPass = 'userpass'
ownerHash = unHexText('<68E5704AC779A5F0CD89704406587A52F25BF61CADC56A0F8DB6C4DB0052534D>')
documentID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
permissions = -4
encKey = encryptionkey(userPass, ownerHash, permissions, documentID, revision=3)
assert hexText(encKey) == '<13DDE7585D9BE366C976DDD56AF541D1>'
def checkUserHash128Bit(self):
encKey = unHexText('<13DDE7585D9BE366C976DDD56AF541D1>')
userHash = computeU(encKey, revision=3, documentId='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
assert hexText(userHash) == '<A9AE45CDE827FE0B7D6536267948836A00000000000000000000000000000000>'
def checkEncryptString128Bit(self):
assert hexText(encodePDF(unHexText('<3C0C5EBE0122D8EB2BDDF8A09FA8E29E>'),
) == '<27FB3E943FCF61878B>'
class EyeballTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"This makes a gaxillion self-explanatory files"
def check40BitOptions(self):
userPass = 'userpass'
for canPrint in (0, 1):
for canModify in (0, 1):
for canCopy in (0, 1):
for canAnnotate in (0, 1):
for strength in (40, 128):
# work out a 4-char string to be a mnemonic for the options
p = m = c = a = 'x'
if canPrint: p = 'P'
if canModify: m = 'M'
if canCopy: c = 'C'
if canAnnotate: a = 'A'
filename = 'test_crypto_%03dbit_%s_%s%s%s%s.pdf' % (
strength, userPass, p, m, c, a)
import os
filepath = outputfile(filename)
canv = Canvas(filepath)
canv.setFont('Helvetica', 24)
canv.drawString(100,700, 'PDF Encryption test case')
canv.setFont('Helvetica', 16)
canv.drawString(100, 675, 'Verify by looking at File - Document Info - Security')
canv.drawString(100, 600, 'open password = %s' % userPass)
canv.drawString(100, 575, 'strength = %d buts' % strength)
canv.drawString(100, 500, 'canPrint = %d' % canPrint)
canv.drawString(100, 475, 'canModify = %d' % canModify)
canv.drawString(100, 450, 'canCopy = %d' % canCopy)
canv.drawString(100, 425, 'canAnnotate = %d' % canAnnotate)
if VERBOSE: print 'saved %s' % filepath
def makeSuite():
return unittest.TestSuite((
if __name__=='__main__':