#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
Various tests for PDF metrics.
The main test prints out a PDF documents enabling checking of widths of every
glyph in every standard font. Long!
__version__='''$Id: test_pdfbase_pdfmetrics.py 3288 2008-09-15 11:03:17Z rgbecker $'''
from reportlab.lib.testutils import setOutDir,makeSuiteForClasses,outputfile,printLocation
import unittest
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase import _fontdata
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
from reportlab.lib import colors
verbose = 0
fontNamesToTest = _fontdata.standardFonts #[0:12] #leaves out Symbol and Dingbats for now
def decoratePage(c, header):
c.drawString(72, 800, header)
c.drawCentredString(297, 54, 'Page %d' % c.getPageNumber())
def makeWidthTestForAllGlyphs(canv, fontName, outlining=1):
"""New page, then runs down doing all the glyphs in one encoding"""
thisFont = pdfmetrics.getFont(fontName)
encName = thisFont.encName
canv.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12)
title = 'Glyph Metrics Test for font %s, ascent=%s, descent=%s, encoding=%s' % (fontName, str(thisFont.face.ascent), str(thisFont.face.descent), encName)
canv.drawString(80, 750, title)
canv.drawCentredString(297, 54, 'Page %d' % canv.getPageNumber())
if outlining:
# put it in the outline
canv.bookmarkPage('GlyphWidths:' + fontName)
canv.addOutlineEntry(fontName,'GlyphWidths:' + fontName, level=1)
y = 720
widths = thisFont.widths
glyphNames = thisFont.encoding.vector
# need to get the right list of names for the font in question
for i in range(256):
if y < 72:
decoratePage(canv, title)
y = 750
glyphName = glyphNames[i]
if glyphName is not None:
canv.setFont('Helvetica', 10)
text = unicode(chr(i),encName).encode('utf8')*30
w = canv.stringWidth(text, fontName, 10)
canv.drawString(80, y, '%03d %s w=%3d' % (i, glyphName, int((w/3.)*10)))
canv.setFont(fontName, 10)
canv.drawString(200, y, text)
# now work out width and put a red marker next to the end.
canv.rect(200 + w, y-1, 5, 10, stroke=0, fill=1)
except KeyError:
canv.drawString(200, y, 'Could not find glyph named "%s"' % glyphName)
y = y - 12
def makeTestDoc(fontNames):
filename = outputfile('test_pdfbase_pdfmetrics.pdf')
c = Canvas(filename)
c.bookmarkPage('Glyph Width Tests')
c.addOutlineEntry('Glyph Width Tests', 'Glyph Width Tests', level=0)
if verbose:
print # get it on a different line to the unittest log output.
for fontName in fontNames:
if verbose:
print 'width test for', fontName
makeWidthTestForAllGlyphs(c, fontName)
if verbose:
if verbose:
print 'saved',filename
class PDFMetricsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Test various encodings used in PDF files."
def test0(self):
"Visual test for correct glyph widths"
def makeSuite():
return makeSuiteForClasses(PDFMetricsTestCase)
if __name__=='__main__':
usage = """Usage:
(1) test_pdfbase_pdfmetrics.py - makes doc for all standard fonts
(2) test_pdfbase_pdfmetrics.py fontname - " " for just one font."""
import sys
verbose = 1
# accept font names as arguments; otherwise it does the lot
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if not arg in fontNamesToTest:
print 'unknown font %s' % arg
print usage
fontNamesToTest = sys.argv[1:]