#!/bin/env python
#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
__doc__="""Tests Postscript XObjects.
Nothing visiblke in Acrobat, but the resulting files
contain graphics and tray commands if exported to
a Postscript device in Acrobat 4.0"""
__version__='''$Id: test_pdfbase_postscript.py 3288 2008-09-15 11:03:17Z rgbecker $'''
from reportlab.lib.testutils import setOutDir,makeSuiteForClasses,outputfile,printLocation
import unittest
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
class PostScriptTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Simplest test that makes PDF"
def testVisible(self):
"Makes a document with extra text - should export and distill"
c = Canvas(outputfile('test_pdfbase_postscript_visible.pdf'))
c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18)
c.drawString(100,700, 'Hello World. This is page 1 of a 2 page document.')
c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 16)
c.drawString(100,700, 'Page 2. This has some postscript drawing code.')
c.drawString(100,680, 'If you print it using a PS device and Acrobat 4/5,')
c.drawString(100,660, 'or export to Postscript, you should see the word')
c.drawString(100,640, '"Hello PostScript" below. In ordinary Acrobat Reader')
c.drawString(100,620, 'we expect to see nothing.')
c.addPostScriptCommand('/Helvetica findfont 48 scalefont setfont 100 400 moveto (Hello PostScript) show')
c.drawString(100,500, 'This document also inserts two postscript')
c.drawString(100,480, ' comments at beginning and endof the stream;')
c.drawString(100,460, 'search files for "%PS_BEFORE" and "%PS_AFTER".')
c.addPostScriptCommand('%PS_BEFORE', position=0)
c.addPostScriptCommand('%PS_AFTER', position=2)
def testTray(self):
"Makes a document with tray command - only works on printers supporting it"
c = Canvas(outputfile('test_pdfbase_postscript_tray.pdf'))
c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18)
c.drawString(100,700, 'Hello World. This is page 1 of a 2 page document.')
c.drawString(100,680, 'This also has a tray command ("5 setpapertray").')
c.addPostScriptCommand('5 setpapertray')
c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 16)
c.drawString(100,700, 'Page 2. This should come from a different tray.')
c.drawString(100,680, 'Also, if you print it using a PS device and Acrobat 4/5,')
c.drawString(100,660, 'or export to Postscript, you should see the word')
c.drawString(100,640, '"Hello PostScript" below. In ordinary Acrobat Reader')
c.drawString(100,620, 'we expect to see nothing.')
c.addPostScriptCommand('/Helvetica findfont 48 scalefont setfont 100 400 moveto (Hello PostScript) show')
def makeSuite():
return makeSuiteForClasses(PostScriptTestCase)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print 'saved '+outputfile('test_pdfgen_postscript_visible.pdf')
print 'saved '+outputfile('test_pdfgen_postscript_tray.pdf')