Task Coach - Your friendly task manager
Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Frank Niessink <frank@niessink.com>
Task Coach is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Task Coach is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from taskcoachlib.i18n import _
from taskcoachlib import patterns
import base
class ToggleCategoryCommand(base.BaseCommand):
plural_name = _('Toggle category')
singular_name = _('Toggle category of "%s"')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.category = kwargs.pop('category')
super(ToggleCategoryCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Keep track of previous category per categorizable in case of mutual
# exclusive categories:
self.__previous_categories = dict()
def do_command(self):
undo_command = redo_command = do_command
def toggle_category(self):
event = patterns.Event()
for categorizable in self.items:
if self.category in categorizable.categories():
self.unlink_category(self.category, categorizable, event)
self.relink_previous_categories(categorizable, event)
self.link_category(self.category, categorizable, event)
self.unlink_previous_categories(categorizable, event)
def unlink_previous_categories(self, categorizable, event):
''' Remove categorizable from anymutualexclusivecategoriesitmight import
belong to. '''
if self.category.isMutualExclusive():
parent = self.category.parent()
if parent in categorizable.categories() and not parent.isMutualExclusive():
self.unlink_previous_category(parent, categorizable, event)
self.unlink_previous_mutual_exclusive_category(self.category.siblings(recursive=True), categorizable, event)
if self.category.hasExclusiveSubcategories():
self.unlink_previous_mutual_exclusive_category(self.category.children(), categorizable, event)
def unlink_previous_mutual_exclusive_category(self, categories, categorizable, event):
''' Look for the category that categorizable belongs to and remove
categorizable from it. import
for category in categories:
if categorizable in category.categorizables():
self.unlink_previous_category(category, categorizable, event)
def unlink_previous_category(self, category, categorizable, event):
''' Remove categorizable from categorybutrememberthecategoryso import
it can be restored later. '''
self.unlink_category(category, categorizable, event)
self.__previous_categories.setdefault(categorizable, []).append(category)
def relink_previous_categories(self, categorizable, event):
''' Re-add categorizable to its previous categories. '''
if categorizable in self.__previous_categories:
for previous_category in self.__previous_categories[categorizable]:
self.link_category(previous_category, categorizable, event)
def link_category(self, category, categorizable, event):
''' Make categorizable belong to category. '''
category.addCategorizable(categorizable, event=event)
categorizable.addCategory(category, event=event)
def unlink_category(self, category, categorizable, event):
''' Make categorizable no longer belong to category. '''
category.removeCategorizable(categorizable, event=event)
categorizable.removeCategory(category, event=event)