Task Coach - Your friendly task manager
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Frank Niessink <frank@niessink.com>
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Jerome Laheurte <fraca7@free.fr>
Task Coach is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Task Coach is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
''' Base classes for controls with items, such as ListCtrl, TreeCtrl,
and TreeListCtrl. ''' # pylint: disable-msg=W0105
import wx, wx.lib.mixins.listctrl, draganddrop, autowidth, tooltip
from taskcoachlib.thirdparty import hypertreelist
class _CtrlWithItemsMixin(object):
''' Base class for controls with items, such as ListCtrl, TreeCtrl,
TreeListCtrl, etc. '''
def _itemIsOk(self, item):
return item.IsOk() # for Tree(List)Ctrl
except AttributeError:
return item != wx.NOT_FOUND # for ListCtrl
def _objectBelongingTo(self, item):
if not self._itemIsOk(item):
return None
return self.GetItemPyData(item) # TreeListCtrl
except AttributeError:
return self.getItemWithIndex(item) # ListCtrl
def SelectItem(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
# Tree(List)Ctrl:
super(_CtrlWithItemsMixin, self).SelectItem(item, *args, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# ListCtrl:
select = kwargs.get('select', True)
if not select:
newState = ~newState
self.SetItemState(item, newState, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED)
class _CtrlWithPopupMenuMixin(_CtrlWithItemsMixin):
''' Base class for controls with popupmenu's. '''
def _attachPopupMenu(eventSource, eventTypes, eventHandler):
for eventType in eventTypes:
eventSource.Bind(eventType, eventHandler)
class _CtrlWithItemPopupMenuMixin(_CtrlWithPopupMenuMixin):
''' Popupmenu's on items. '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__popupMenu = kwargs.pop('itemPopupMenu')
super(_CtrlWithItemPopupMenuMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.__popupMenu is not None:
def onItemPopupMenu(self, event):
# Make sure the window this control is in has focus:
window = event.GetEventObject().MainWindow
except AttributeError:
window = event.GetEventObject()
if hasattr(event, 'GetPoint'):
# Make sure the item under the mouse is selected because that
# is what users expect and what is most user-friendly. Not all
# widgets do this by default, e.g. the TreeListCtrl does not.
item = self.HitTest(event.GetPoint())[0]
if not self._itemIsOk(item):
if not self.IsSelected(item):
class _CtrlWithColumnPopupMenuMixin(_CtrlWithPopupMenuMixin):
''' This class enables a right-click popup menu on column headers. The
popup menu should expect a public property columnIndex to be set so
that the control can tell the menu which column the user clicked to
popup the menu. '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__popupMenu = kwargs.pop('columnPopupMenu')
super(_CtrlWithColumnPopupMenuMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.__popupMenu is not None:
self._attachPopupMenu(self, [wx.EVT_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK],
def onColumnPopupMenu(self, event):
# We store the columnIndex in the menu, because it's near to
# impossible for commands in the menu to determine on what column the
# menu was popped up.
columnIndex = event.GetColumn()
self.__popupMenu.columnIndex = columnIndex
# Because right-clicking on column headers does not automatically give
# focus to the control, we force the focus:
self.PopupMenu(self.__popupMenu, event.GetPosition())
class _CtrlWithDropTargetMixin(_CtrlWithItemsMixin):
''' Control that accepts files, e-mails or URLs being dropped onto items. '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__onDropURLCallback = kwargs.pop('onDropURL', None)
self.__onDropFilesCallback = kwargs.pop('onDropFiles', None)
self.__onDropMailCallback = kwargs.pop('onDropMail', None)
super(_CtrlWithDropTargetMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.__onDropURLCallback or self.__onDropFilesCallback or self.__onDropMailCallback:
dropTarget = draganddrop.DropTarget(self.onDropURL,
def onDropURL(self, x, y, url):
item = self.HitTest((x, y))[0]
if self.__onDropURLCallback:
self.__onDropURLCallback(self._objectBelongingTo(item), url)
def onDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
item = self.HitTest((x, y))[0]
if self.__onDropFilesCallback:
self.__onDropFilesCallback(self._objectBelongingTo(item), filenames)
def onDropMail(self, x, y, mail):
item = self.HitTest((x, y))[0]
if self.__onDropMailCallback:
self.__onDropMailCallback(self._objectBelongingTo(item), mail)
def onDragOver(self, x, y, defaultResult):
item, flags = self.HitTest((x, y))[:2]
if self._itemIsOk(item):
return defaultResult
def GetMainWindow(self):
return super(_CtrlWithDropTargetMixin, self).GetMainWindow()
except AttributeError:
return self
class CtrlWithToolTipMixin(_CtrlWithItemsMixin, tooltip.ToolTipMixin):
''' Control that has a different tooltip for each item '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CtrlWithToolTipMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__tip = tooltip.SimpleToolTip(self)
def OnBeforeShowToolTip(self, x, y):
item, _, column = self.HitTest(wx.Point(x, y))
domainObject = self._objectBelongingTo(item)
if domainObject:
tooltipData = self.getItemTooltipData(domainObject, column)
doShow = any([data[1] for data in tooltipData])
if doShow:
return self.__tip
return None
class CtrlWithItemsMixin(_CtrlWithItemPopupMenuMixin, _CtrlWithDropTargetMixin):
class Column(object):
def __init__(self, name, columnHeader, *eventTypes, **kwargs):
self.__name = name
self.__columnHeader = columnHeader
self.width = kwargs.pop('width', hypertreelist._DEFAULT_COL_WIDTH) # pylint: disable-msg=W0212
# The event types to use for registering an observer that is
# interested in changes that affect this column:
self.__eventTypes = eventTypes
self.__sortCallback = kwargs.pop('sortCallback', None)
self.__renderCallback = kwargs.pop('renderCallback',
self.__renderDescriptionCallback = kwargs.pop('renderDescriptionCallback',
self.__resizeCallback = kwargs.pop('resizeCallback', None)
self.__alignment = kwargs.pop('alignment', wx.LIST_FORMAT_LEFT)
self.__imageIndexCallback = kwargs.pop('imageIndexCallback',
# NB: because the header image is needed for sorting a fixed header
# image cannot be combined with a sortable column
self.__headerImageIndex = kwargs.pop('headerImageIndex', -1)
def name(self):
return self.__name
def header(self):
return self.__columnHeader
def headerImageIndex(self):
return self.__headerImageIndex
def eventTypes(self):
return self.__eventTypes
def setWidth(self, width):
self.width = width
if self.__resizeCallback:
self.__resizeCallback(self, width)
def sort(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.__sortCallback:
self.__sortCallback(*args, **kwargs)
def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__renderCallback(*args, **kwargs)
def renderDescription(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__renderDescriptionCallback(*args, **kwargs)
def defaultRenderer(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
return unicode(args[0])
def defaultDescriptionRenderer(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
return None
def alignment(self):
return self.__alignment
def defaultImageIndex(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
return -1
def imageIndex(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__imageIndexCallback(*args, **kwargs)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name() == other.name()
class _BaseCtrlWithColumnsMixin(object):
''' A base class for all controls with columns. Note that this class and
its subclasses do not support addition or deletion of columns after
the initial setting of columns. '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__allColumns = kwargs.pop('columns')
super(_BaseCtrlWithColumnsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# This is used to keep track of which column has which
# index. The only other way would be (and was) find a column
# using its header, which causes problems when several columns
# have the same header. It's a list of (index, column) tuples.
self.__indexMap = []
def _setColumns(self):
for columnIndex, column in enumerate(self.__allColumns):
self._insertColumn(columnIndex, column)
def _insertColumn(self, columnIndex, column):
newMap = []
for colIndex, col in self.__indexMap:
if colIndex >= columnIndex:
newMap.append((colIndex + 1, col))
newMap.append((colIndex, col))
newMap.append((columnIndex, column))
self.__indexMap = newMap
self.InsertColumn(columnIndex, column.header(),
format=column.alignment(), width=column.width)
columnInfo = self.GetColumn(columnIndex)
self.SetColumn(columnIndex, columnInfo)
def _deleteColumn(self, columnIndex):
newMap = []
for colIndex, col in self.__indexMap:
if colIndex > columnIndex:
newMap.append((colIndex - 1, col))
elif colIndex < columnIndex:
newMap.append((colIndex, col))
self.__indexMap = newMap
def _allColumns(self):
return self.__allColumns
def _getColumn(self, columnIndex):
for colIndex, col in self.__indexMap:
if colIndex == columnIndex:
return col
raise IndexError
def _getColumnHeader(self, columnIndex):
''' The currently displayed column header in the column with index
columnIndex. '''
return self.GetColumn(columnIndex).GetText()
def _getColumnIndex(self, column):
''' The current column index of the column 'column'. '''
return self.__allColumns.index(column) # Uses overriden __eq__
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, '%s: unknown column' % column.name()
class _CtrlWithHideableColumnsMixin(_BaseCtrlWithColumnsMixin):
''' This class supports hiding columns. '''
def showColumn(self, column, show=True):
''' showColumn shows or hides the column for column.
The column is actually removed or inserted into the control because
although TreeListCtrl supports hiding columns, ListCtrl does not.
columnIndex = self._getColumnIndex(column)
if show and not self.isColumnVisible(column):
self._insertColumn(columnIndex, column)
elif not show and self.isColumnVisible(column):
def isColumnVisible(self, column):
return column in self._visibleColumns()
def _getColumnIndex(self, column):
''' _getColumnIndex returns the actual columnIndex of the column if it
is visible, or the position it would have if it were visible. '''
columnIndexWhenAllColumnsVisible = super(_CtrlWithHideableColumnsMixin, self)._getColumnIndex(column)
for columnIndex, visibleColumn in enumerate(self._visibleColumns()):
if super(_CtrlWithHideableColumnsMixin, self)._getColumnIndex(visibleColumn) >= columnIndexWhenAllColumnsVisible:
return columnIndex
return self.GetColumnCount() # Column header not found
def _visibleColumns(self):
return [self._getColumn(columnIndex) for columnIndex in range(self.GetColumnCount())]
class _CtrlWithSortableColumnsMixin(_BaseCtrlWithColumnsMixin):
''' This class adds sort indicators and clickable column headers that
trigger callbacks to (re)sort the contents of the control. '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(_CtrlWithSortableColumnsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.onColumnClick)
self.__currentSortColumn = self._getColumn(0)
self.__currentSortImageIndex = -1
def onColumnClick(self, event):
# Make sure the window this control is in has focus:
columnIndex = event.GetColumn()
if 0 <= columnIndex < self.GetColumnCount():
column = self._getColumn(columnIndex)
# Use CallAfter to make sure the window this control is in is
# activated before we process the column click:
wx.CallAfter(column.sort, event)
def showSortColumn(self, column):
if column != self.__currentSortColumn:
self.__currentSortColumn = column
def showSortOrder(self, imageIndex):
self.__currentSortImageIndex = imageIndex
def _clearSortImage(self):
def _showSortImage(self):
def _currentSortColumn(self):
return self.__currentSortColumn
def __setSortColumnImage(self, imageIndex):
columnIndex = self._getColumnIndex(self.__currentSortColumn)
columnInfo = self.GetColumn(columnIndex)
if columnInfo.GetImage() == imageIndex:
pass # The column is already showing the right image, so we're done
self.SetColumn(columnIndex, columnInfo)
class _CtrlWithAutoResizedColumnsMixin(autowidth.AutoColumnWidthMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(_CtrlWithAutoResizedColumnsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_END_DRAG, self.onEndColumnResize)
def onEndColumnResize(self, event):
''' Save the column widths after the user did a resize. '''
for index, column in enumerate(self._visibleColumns()):
class CtrlWithColumnsMixin(_CtrlWithAutoResizedColumnsMixin,
''' CtrlWithColumnsMixin combines the functionality of its four parent
classes: automatic resizing of columns, hideable columns, columns with
sort indicators, and column popup menu's. '''
def showColumn(self, column, show=True):
super(CtrlWithColumnsMixin, self).showColumn(column, show)
# Show sort indicator if the column that was just made visible is being sorted on
if show and column == self._currentSortColumn():
def _clearSortImage(self):
# Only clear the sort image if the column in question is visible
if self.isColumnVisible(self._currentSortColumn()):
super(CtrlWithColumnsMixin, self)._clearSortImage()
def _showSortImage(self):
# Only show the sort image if the column in question is visible
if self.isColumnVisible(self._currentSortColumn()):
super(CtrlWithColumnsMixin, self)._showSortImage()