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# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Thomas Lotze
# See also LICENSE.txt

"""Public interfaces used in Ophelia.

import zope.interface

# APIs intended to be used from scripts and templates.

class IRequestAPI(zope.interface.Interface):
    """HTTP request API for use in scripts and TALES expressions.

    # Basic parameters which don't have defaults, not meant to be changed.

    path = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """URI path portion to traverse from the site root.

        String with path segments separated by '/', doesn't start with '/' if
        the requested URI was canonical.

    template_root = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Absolute file system path to the templates' root directory.

    site = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Absolute URI of the site root.

        String, the URI which corresponds to an empty path.

    env = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Compound environment namespace.

        - site configuration options (PythonOption setting if running
          mod_python, application configuration if using WSGI)
        - the CGI or WSGI environment variables passed by the server
        - if running mod_python, the Apache request object as apache_request
        - must contain the ``wsgi.input`` variable
        - may contain the ``ophelia.response_headers`` namespace of response
          headers already set by the server environment

    input = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """File-like object from which to read the request body.

    headers = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Namespace of request headers with leading ``HTTP_`` removed.

        Multiple headers are mapped to a comma-separated single header
        according to RfC 2068, section 4.2.

    # Further configuration, may be modified by scripts.

    response_encoding = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Name of the character encoding used for the HTTP response.

        String, defaults to "utf-8".

    index_name = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """File name to access if a URI refers to a bare directory.

        String, defaults to "index.html".

    redirect_index = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Whether to redirect requests for index pages to directory URIs.

        Bool, defaults to False. A request for an index page is one that maps
        to a file named like the index_name.

    # Components.

    splitter = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Splits input files into scripts and templates.

        Implements ophelia.interfaces.ISplitter.

    # Traversal and rendering state meant for use in scripts and expressions.

    context = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Namespace for executing scripts and evaluating TALES expressions.

    macros = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Namespace of compiled macros.

    innerslot = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Unicode content to put in the template's inner slot.

        None during traversal, assigned to after each template on the stack
        has been rendered, starting with the innermost one. Thus, this value
        can't be directly used by scripts but may be used by functions placed
        in the context.

    response_headers = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Mapping of header names to TALES expressions.

        Expressions will be evaluated in the usual TALES context after all
        templates have been rendered.

        Multiple values for the same header must be sent in a single header
        line with a comma-separated value, see RfC 2068, section 4.2.

        If response headers have been set earlier by the server environment,
        they may be passed to the request through the environment to pre-fill
        the ``response_headers`` namespace.

    content = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Encoded HTTP response after the response body is complete.

        None during traversal and template rendering. After that, consists of
        an XML declaration and the encoded current innerslot value.

    # Traversal and rendering state meant for use by those who know what
    # they're doing.

    current = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """URI traversed so far, starting with the site root URI.

        String, ends with '/' if a directory's __init__ is currently being

    dir_path = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Absolute file system path to the current directory.

        String. The current directory is the one which directly contains the
        file currently being processed.

    tail = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """List of path segments yet to traverse.

        List of strings, the last one being empty if the requested URI refers
        to a directory.

    stack = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Stack of file contexts to process when rendering the response body.

        List of namespaces holding the file path, template text, and page
        template for any input file processed so far (during traversal) or to
        be rendered yet (when building the response). The outermost template
        is at the bottom of the stack (i.e. at index 0).

    # Methods for processing further files.

    def load_macros(name):
        """Process a file, only executing the script and loading the macros.

        Only the macros defined by the template in the file are used; the
        template itself will be thrown away.

        name: str, file name to process, relative to the current dir_path

        Returns nothing.

    def insert_template(name):
        """Process a file, pushing the template onto the stack.

        The script contained in the file given will be executed, the macros
        defined by the template will be loaded, and the template will be
        stacked on top of the one from the file whose script called this

        name: str, file name to process, relative to the current dir_path

        Returns nothing.

    def render_template(name):
        """Process a file, rendering its template.

        The script contained in the file given will be executed, the macros
        defined by the template will be loaded, and the template will be
        rendered in the TALES context as it is at the moment this method is

        name: str, file name to process, relative to the current dir_path

        Returns unicode, the rendered template contained in the file.

class ISplitterAPI(zope.interface.Interface):
    """Input splitter API for use in scripts and TALES expressions.

    script_encoding = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Name of the character encoding for reading Python scripts.

        String, defaults to "ascii".

    template_encoding = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Name of the character encoding for reading TAL templates.

        String, defaults to "ascii".

# APIs used internally.

class IRequestTraversal(zope.interface.Interface):
    """Methods used in traversing from site root to requested resource.

    immediate_result = zope.interface.Attribute(
        """Whether to return the result of template evaluation immediately.

        Bool, defaults to False. By default, the page content is encoded and
        prefixed with an XML declaration. Setting this option to True prevents
        that processing step.

    def __call__(**context):
        """Process the request, return response headers and body.

        context: name-value pairs to initialize the context with

        Returns (dict, unicode), response headers and page content.

    def traverse(**context):
        """Traverse the path, read input, and prepare the template context.

        context: name-value pairs to initialize the context with

        Returns nothing.

        Raises RuntimeError if the template root is not a file system

    def traverse_next():
        """Traverse the next path segment, possibly process an input file.

        Returns nothing.

        Raises NotFound if no matching file system resource could be found.

    def get_next():
        """Get the next path segment from the tail sequence.

        This step canonicalizes of "//", "/./", and "/../" path portions as
        well as paths specifying a directory index explicitly.

        Returns str, the next path portion.

        May raise Redirect due to URI canonicalization.

    def traverse_dir():
        """Handle the current resource if it is a file system directory.

        This method assumes that a file system directory corresponds directly
        to a resource with directory semantics and performs trailing slash
        canonicalization based on that assumption.

        Returns nothing.

        May raise Redirect due to URI canonicalization.

    def traverse_file(file_path):
        """Handle a file system resource that is a file.

        If the file's Python script emitted a signal to stop traversal, this
        step removes any further path segments from the queue.

        file_path: str, absolute file system path to the file.

        Returns nothing.

    def process_file(file_path, insert=False, context=None):
        """Process an input file that may consist of script and template.

        file_path: str, absolute file system path to the file.
        insert: bool, whether to insert the file context created into the
                      content stack
        context: dict, used as the script execution context instead of
                       self.context (if not None)

        Returns (file context namespace, StopTraversal or None).

    def tales_namespace(file_context={}):
        """Constructs the namespace in which to evaluate a template.

        file_context: namespace, predefined variables specific to input file

        Returns the TALES namespace.

    def build():
        """Build the complete response after the template context is prepared.

        Returns (namespace of compiled response headers,
                 unicode response body).

    def build_content():
        """Build the response body by rendering templates from the stack.

        Returns nothing.

    def build_headers():
        """Compile the response header TALES expressions.

        Returns nothing.
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