#!/usr/bin/env python
__version__ = "$Revision: $"
__author__ = "EI6, eivd, Group Dutoit - Roux"
__date__ = "2002-05-22"
import sys
if ".." not in sys.path:
sys.path.append("..") # access to the classes to test
import unittest
# import the class you want to test here
# import ...
class TestMY_CLASS_TO_TEST(unittest.TestCase):
You need to change the name of this class to Test + the name of the class
that you want to test here.
See existing tests for more information.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
def setUp(self):
# code to be executed before each test
# For example, you can instanciate the class you have to
# test here.
def tearDown(self):
# code to be executed after each test (rarely used)
def testName1(self):
"""Short description (max 1 line) of the test"""
# The test methods are names : test + name of the test
# code...
# you can use :
# self.failUnless(condition, errorMsg)
# where :
# - `condition` returns a boolean. The test will fail if the
# condition is false.
# - `errorMsg` is an optional string which will be displayed if
# the test is not successful
# self.fail(errorMsg) : to fail immediately
def testName2(self):
"""Another test"""
def suite():
"""You need to change the name of the test class here also."""
return unittest.makeSuite(TestMY_CLASS_TO_TEST)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__": main()