# SPYCE - Python-based HTML Scripting
# Copyright (c) 2002 Rimon Barr.
# CVS: $Id: template.py 859 2006-04-30 00:55:03Z ellisj $
from spyceModule import spyceModule
import spyceException, spyceCache
import os
__doc__ = """
Template module provides templating functionality: the ability to separate
form from function, or HTML page design from programming code. This module
currently provides support for the Cheetah template engine.
The Cheetah engine is invoked as follows:
cheetah ( file, [lookup] )
Calling this function will invoke the Cheetah engine to compile (and
cache) the template file> provided. The engine then "runs" the
template and fills in the appropriate data from the lookup dictionary,
or list of dictionaries. If the lookup is omitted, the convenient
default is to use the local and global variables from the current
context. The template is filled and the resulting string is returned.
In general, that the Python path must simply include the Cheetah
installation directory and Spyce will find it.
Support for other templating engines could be added in a similar fashion.
class template(spyceModule):
def cheetah(self, filename, lookup=None):
"Hook into the Cheetah template engine."
# check whether cheetah installed
from Cheetah.Compiler import Compiler
# define template cache
if not self._api.getModule('pool').has_key('cheetahCache'):
self._api.getModule('pool')['cheetahCache'] = spyceCache.semanticCache(spyceCache.memoryCache(), cheetahValid, cheetahGenerate)
cheetahCache = self._api.getModule('pool')['cheetahCache']
# absolute filename, relative to script filename
filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(self._api.getFilename()), filename))
# set lookup variables
if lookup == None:
import inspect
lookup = [inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals, inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals]
elif type(lookup)!=type([]):
lookup = [lookup]
# compile (or get cached) and run template
return cheetahCache[filename](searchList=lookup)
# Cheetah semantic cache helper functions
def cheetahValid(filename, validity):
return os.path.getmtime(filename) == validity
except: return 0
def cheetahGenerate(filename):
# check permissions
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise spyceException.spyceNotFound(filename)
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
raise spyceException.spyceForbidden(filename)
# read the template
f = None
f = open(filename, 'r')
buf = f.read()
if f: f.close()
# compile template, get timestamp
mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
from Cheetah.Compiler import Compiler
code = Compiler(source=buf).__str__()
dict = {}
exec code in dict
return mtime, dict['GenTemplate']