from sqlalchemy.util import ScopedRegistry
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import MapperExtension
__all__ = ['SessionContext', 'SessionContextExt']
class SessionContext(object):
"""A simple wrapper for ScopedRegistry that provides a "current" property
which can be used to get, set, or remove the session in the current scope.
By default this object provides thread-local scoping, which is the default
scope provided by sqlalchemy.util.ScopedRegistry.
engine = create_engine(...)
def session_factory():
return Session(bind_to=engine)
context = SessionContext(session_factory)
s = context.current # get thread-local session
context.current = Session(bind_to=other_engine) # set current session
del context.current # discard the thread-local session (a new one will
# be created on the next call to context.current)
def __init__(self, session_factory, scopefunc=None):
self.registry = ScopedRegistry(session_factory, scopefunc)
super(SessionContext, self).__init__()
def get_current(self):
return self.registry()
def set_current(self, session):
def del_current(self):
current = property(get_current, set_current, del_current,
"""Property used to get/set/del the session in the current scope""")
def _get_mapper_extension(self):
return self._extension
except AttributeError:
self._extension = ext = SessionContextExt(self)
return ext
mapper_extension = property(_get_mapper_extension,
doc="""get a mapper extension that implements get_session using this context""")
class SessionContextExt(MapperExtension):
"""a mapper extionsion that provides sessions to a mapper using SessionContext"""
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def get_session(self):
return self.context.current