# Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
__doc__='''Tree manipulation classes
$Id: Tree.py,v 2002/10/07 20:03:30 mj Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: $'[11:-2]
from Acquisition import Explicit
from ComputedAttribute import ComputedAttribute
from types import ListType,TupleType
class TreeNode(Explicit):
__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
state = 0 # leaf
height = 1
size = 1
def __init__(self):
self._child_list = []
def _add_child(self, child):
'Add a child which already has all of its children.'
self.height = max(self.height, child.height + 1)
self.size = self.size + child.size
def flat(self):
'Return a flattened preorder list of tree nodes'
items = []
return items
def walk(self, f, data=None):
'Preorder walk this tree, passing each node to a function'
if data is None:
f(self, data)
for child in self._child_list:
child.__of__(self).walk(f, data)
def _depth(self):
return self.aq_parent.depth + 1
depth = ComputedAttribute(_depth, 1)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._child_list[index].__of__(self)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._child_list)
_marker = []
class TreeMaker:
'''Class for mapping a hierachy of objects into a tree of nodes.'''
__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
_id = 'tpId'
_values = 'tpValues'
_assume_children = 0
_values_filter = None
_values_function = None
_state_function = None
_expand_root = 1
_cached_children = None
def setChildAccess(self, attrname=_marker, filter=_marker,
'''Set the criteria for fetching child nodes.
Child nodes can be accessed through either an attribute name
or callback function. Children fetched by attribute name can
be filtered through a callback function.
if function is _marker:
self._values_function = None
if attrname is not _marker:
self._values = str(attrname)
if filter is not _marker:
self._values_filter = filter
self._values_function = function
def setIdAttr(self, id):
"""Set the attribute or method name called to get a unique Id.
The id attribute or method is used to get a unique id for every node in
the tree, so that the state of the tree can be encoded as a string using
Tree.encodeExpansion(). The returned id should be unique and stable
across Zope requests.
If the attribute or method isn't found on an object, either the objects
persistence Id or the result of id() on the object is used instead.
self._id = id
def setExpandRoot(self, expand):
"""Set wether or not to expand the root node by default.
When no expanded flag or mapping is passed to .tree(), assume the root
node is expanded, and leave all subnodes closed.
The default is to expand the root node.
self._expand_root = not not expand
def setAssumeChildren(self, assume):
"""Set wether or not to assume nodes have children.
When a node is not expanded, when assume children is set, don't
determine if it is a leaf node, but assume it can be opened. Use this
when determining the children for a node is expensive.
The default is to not assume there are children.
self._assume_children = not not assume
def setStateFunction(self, function):
"""Set the expansion state function.
This function will be called to determine if a node should be open or
collapsed, or should be treated as a leaf node. The function is passed
the current object, and the intended state for that object. It should
return the actual state the object should be in. State is encoded as an
integer, meaning:
-1: Node closed. Children will not be processed.
0: Leaf node, cannot be opened or closed, no children are
1: Node opened. Children will be processed as part of the tree.
self._state_function = function
def tree(self, root, expanded=None, subtree=0):
'''Create a tree from rootwithspecifiednodesexpanded. import
"expanded" must be false, true, or a mapping.
Each key of the mapping is the id of a top-level expanded
node, and each value is the "expanded" value for the
children of that node.
node = self.node(root)
child_exp = expanded
if not simple_type(expanded):
# Assume a mapping
expanded = expanded.has_key(node.id)
child_exp = child_exp.get(node.id)
expanded = expanded or (not subtree and self._expand_root)
# Set state to 0 (leaf), 1 (opened), or -1 (closed)
state = self.hasChildren(root) and (expanded or -1)
if self._state_function is not None:
state = self._state_function(node.object, state)
node.state = state
if state > 0:
for child in self.getChildren(root):
node._add_child(self.tree(child, child_exp, 1))
if not subtree:
node.depth = 0
return node
def node(self, object):
node = TreeNode()
node.object = object
node.id = b2a(self.getId(object))
return node
def getId(self, object):
id_attr = self._id
if hasattr(object, id_attr):
obid = getattr(object, id_attr)
if not simple_type(obid): obid = obid()
return obid
if hasattr(object, '_p_oid'): return str(object._p_oid)
return id(object)
def hasChildren(self, object):
if self._assume_children:
return 1
# Cache generated children for a subsequent call to getChildren
self._cached_children = (object, self.getChildren(object))
return not not self._cached_children[1]
def getChildren(self, object):
# Check and clear cache first
if self._cached_children is not None:
ob, children = self._cached_children
self._cached_children = None
if ob is object:
return children
if self._values_function is not None:
return self._values_function(object)
children = getattr(object, self._values)
if not (isinstance(children, ListType) or
isinstance(children, TupleType)):
# Assume callable; result not useful anyway otherwise.
children = children()
return self.filterChildren(children)
def filterChildren(self, children):
if self._values_filter:
return self._values_filter(children)
return children
def simple_type(ob,
is_simple={type(''):1, type(0):1, type(0.0):1,
type(0L):1, type(None):1 }.has_key):
return is_simple(type(ob))
from binascii import b2a_base64,a2b_base64
from string import translate,maketrans
import zlib
a2u_map = maketrans('+/=', '-._')
u2a_map = maketrans('-._', '+/=')
def b2a(s):
'''Encode a value as a cookie- and url-safe string.
Encoded string use only alpahnumeric characters, and "._-".
s = str(s)
if len(s) <= 57:
return translate(b2a_base64(s)[:-1], a2u_map)
frags = []
for i in range(0, len(s), 57):
frags.append(b2a_base64(s[i:i + 57])[:-1])
return translate(''.join(frags), a2u_map)
def a2b(s):
'''Decode a b2a-encoded string.'''
s = translate(s, u2a_map)
if len(s) <= 76:
return a2b_base64(s)
frags = []
for i in range(0, len(s), 76):
frags.append(a2b_base64(s[i:i + 76]))
return ''.join(frags)
def encodeExpansion(nodes, compress=1):
'''Encode the expanded node ids of a tree into a string.
Accepts a list of nodes, such as that produced by root.flat().
Marks each expanded node with an expansion_number attribute.
Since node ids are encoded, the resulting string is safe for
use in cookies and URLs.
steps = []
last_depth = -1
n = 0
for node in nodes:
if node.state <=0: continue
dd = last_depth - node.depth + 1
last_depth = node.depth
if dd > 0:
steps.append('_' * dd)
node.expansion_number = n
n = n + 1
result = ':'.join(steps)
if compress:
result = ':' + b2a(zlib.compress(result, 9))
return result
def decodeExpansion(s, nth=None):
'''Decode an expanded node map from astring. import
If nth is an integer, also return the (map, key) pair for the nth entry.
if len(s) > 8192: # Set limit to 8K, to avoid DoS attacks.
raise ValueError('Encoded node map too large')
if s[0] == ':': # Compressed state
s = zlib.decompress(a2b(s[1:]))
map = m = {}
mstack = []
pop = 0
nth_pair = None
if nth is not None:
nth_pair = (None, None)
for step in s.split(':'):
if step[0] == '_':
pop = len(step) - 1
if pop < 0:
m[obid] = {}
m = m[obid]
elif map:
m[obid] = None
if len(step) == 0:
return map
obid = step
if pop > 0:
m = mstack[-pop]
del mstack[-pop:]
pop = -1
if nth == 0:
nth_pair = (m, obid)
nth = None
elif nth is not None:
nth = nth - 1
m[obid] = None
if nth == 0:
return map, (m, obid)
if nth_pair is not None:
return map, nth_pair
return map