#!/usr/bin/env python
# killpcgi.py - kill a running pcgi process
# Copyright(c) 1998, Jeff Bauer, All rights reserved.
# killpcgi is a convenience script to kill a running
# pcgi process, provided that it is running on a
# Unix system. You pass it the path of the pcgi info
# file, and killpcgi will kill the running process and
# remove the socket/pid files.
# killpcgi has been built at the request of several users,
# but you may want to first examine the script and modify it
# to suit your environment.
# Bugs: skimpy error handling
# 0.3a minor win32 exception caught
# 0.2a Added support for NT - 8/8/98
# 0.1a Initial version
__version__ = "0.3a"
def win32_kill(pid):
"""posix-style kill command for the Win32 environment"""
import win32api, pywintypes
handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, 0, pid)
except pywintypes.error:
return -1
return (0 != win32api.TerminateProcess(handle, 0))
def killpcgi(pcgiInfoFile):
import os, sys, string
delimiter = '='
pidFile = None
socketFile = None
infoFile = open(pcgiInfoFile, 'r')
for i in infoFile.readlines():
if delimiter in i:
n,v = string.split(string.strip(i), delimiter)
if n == 'PCGI_PID_FILE':
pidFile = v
elif n == 'PCGI_SOCKET_FILE':
socketFile = v
if pidFile is None:
print "unknown pid file"
f = open(pidFile)
pid = int(f.read())
if os.name == 'nt':
if not win32_kill(pid):
print "process %d killed" % pid
elif os.name == 'posix':
if os.kill(pid, 0):
print "process %d doesn't appear to be running" % pid
# safety measure (exclude it if you're fearless)
if os.system('/bin/ps -p %d | grep python > /dev/null' % pid):
print "process %d doesn't appear to be python" % pid
os.kill(pid, 15)
print "process %d killed" % pid
# conservative approach: don't remove pid/socket files
# unless we're reasonably certain we have killed the
# running process
if socketFile is not None:
print "kill not supported for platform:", os.name
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
usage = "usage: killpcgi pcgi-info-file"
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print usage