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#    Copyright 2005-2009, Tassos Koutsovassilis
#    This file is part of Porcupine.
#    Porcupine is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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Porcupine datatypes
Base classes for custom data types.

See also the L{} module as
a usage guideline.
import copy
import hashlib
import os.path
import shutil
import cStringIO
import types

from porcupine import db
from porcupine.utils import misc,date
from porcupine.core import dteventhandlers
from porcupine.core.decorators import deprecated

class DataType(object):
    Base data type class.
    Use this as a base class if you want to create your own custom datatype.
    @cvar isRequired: boolean indicating if the data type is mandatory
    @type isRequired: bool
    _eventHandler = None
    isRequired = False

    def validate(self):
        Data type validation method.
        This method is called automatically for each I{DataType}
        instance attribute of an object, whenever this object
        is appended or updated.
        @raise TypeError:
            if the value is not of the right type.
        @raise ValueError: 
            if the data type is mandatory and is empty.
        @return: None
        if type(self._safetype) == tuple:
            is_safe_type = [isinstance(self.value, t) for t in self._safetype]
            safe_type_name = ' or '.join(['"%s"' % t.__name__
                                          for t in self._safetype])
            is_safe_type = isinstance(self.value, self._safetype)
            safe_type_name = '"%s"' % self._safetype.__name__
        if not is_safe_type:
            raise TypeError, \
               'Invalid data type for "%s". Got "%s" instead of %s.' % \
               (self.__class__.__name__, self.value.__class__.__name__,
        if self.isRequired and not self.value:
            raise ValueError, \
               '"%s" attribute is mandatory' % self.__class__.__name__

class String(DataType):
    """String data type
    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: str
    _safetype = str
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = ''
class RequiredString(String):
    "Mandatory L{String} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Integer(DataType):
    """Integer data type

    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: int
    _safetype = int
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = 0
class RequiredInteger(Integer):
    "Mandatory L{Integer} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Float(DataType):
    """Float data type

    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: float
    _safetype = float
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = 0.0
class RequiredFloat(Float):
    "Mandatory L{Float} data type."
    isRequired = True
class Boolean(DataType):
    """Boolean data type
    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: bool
    _safetype = bool
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = False
class List(DataType):
    """List data type
    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: list
    _safetype = list
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = []

class RequiredList(List):
    "Mandatory L{List} data type."
    isRequired = True
class Dictionary(DataType):
    """Dictionary data type
    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: dict
    _safetype = dict
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = {}

class RequiredDictionary(Dictionary):
    "Mandatory L{Dictionary} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Date(DataType, date.Date):
    "Date data type"
    _safetype = float
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

class RequiredDate(Date):
    "Mandatory L{Date} data type."
    isRequired = True

class DateTime(Date):
    "Datetime data type"

class RequiredDateTime(DateTime):
    "Mandatory L{DateTime} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Password(DataType):
    Password data type.
    This data type is actually storing MD5 hex digests
    of the assigned string value.

    @ivar value: The datatype's value
    @type value: str
    _blank = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
    def __init__(self, **kwrags):
        self._value = self._blank

    def validate(self):
        assert not self.isRequired or not self._value == self._blank, \
               '"%s" attribute is mandatory' % self.__class__.__name__
    def get_value(self):
        return self._value
    def set_value(self, value):
        if value != self._value:
            self._value = hashlib.md5(value).hexdigest()
    value = property(get_value, set_value)
class RequiredPassword(Password):
    "Mandatory L{Password} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Reference1(DataType):
    This data type is used whenever an item losely references
    at most one other item. Using this data type, the referenced item
    B{IS NOT} aware of the items that reference it.

    @cvar relCc: a list of strings containing all the permitted content
                 classes that the instances of this type can reference.

    @ivar value: The ID of the referenced object
    @type value: str

    _safetype = (str, types.NoneType)
    relCc = ()
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = None

    def get_item(self, trans=None):
        This method returns the object that this data type
        instance references. If the current user has no read
        permission on the referenced item or it has been deleted
        then it returns None.
        @param trans: A valid transaction handle
        @rtype: type
        @return: The referenced object, otherwise None
        item = None
        if self.value:
            item = db.get_item(self.value, trans)
        return item
    getItem = deprecated(get_item)

class RequiredReference1(Reference1):
    "Mandatory L{Reference1} data type."
    isRequired = True

class ReferenceN(DataType):
    This data type is used whenever an item losely references
    none, one or more than one items. Using this data type, the referenced items
    B{ARE NOT} aware of the items that reference them.

    @ivar value: The IDs of the referenced objects
    @type value: list

    @cvar relCc: a list of strings containing all the permitted content
                 classes that the instances of this type can reference.
    _safetype = list
    relCc = ()

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = []
    def get_items(self, trans=None):
        This method returns the items that this data type
        instance references.
        @param trans: A valid transaction handle
        @rtype: list}
        return filter(None, [db.get_item(id, trans)
                             for id in self.value])
    getItems = deprecated(get_items)

class RequiredReferenceN(ReferenceN):
    "Mandatory L{ReferenceN} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Relator1(Reference1):
    This data type is used whenever an item possibly references another item.
    The referenced item B{IS} aware of the items that reference it.
    @cvar relAttr: contains the name of the attribute of the referenced
                   content classes. The type of the referenced attribute should
                   be B{strictly} be a subclass of L{Relator1} or L{RelatorN}
                   data types for one-to-one and one-to-many relationships
    @type relAttr: str

    @cvar respectsReferences: if set to C{True} then the object cannot be
                              deleted if there are objects that reference it.
    @type respectsReferences: bool
    @cvar cascadeDelete: if set to C{True} then all the object referenced
                         will be deleted upon the object's deletion.
    @type cascadeDelete: bool
    _eventHandler = dteventhandlers.Relator1EventHandler
    respectsReferences = False
    relAttr = ''
    cascadeDelete = False
class RequiredRelator1(Relator1):
    "Mandatory L{Relator1} data type."
    isRequired = True

class RelatorN(ReferenceN):
    This data type is used whenever an item references none, one or more items.
    The referenced items B{ARE} aware of the items that reference them.
    @cvar relAttr: the name of the attribute of the referenced content classes.
                   The type of the referenced attribute should be B{strictly}
                   be a subclass of L{Relator1} or L{RelatorN} data types for
                   one-to-many and many-to-many relationships respectively.
    @type relAttr: str

    @cvar respectsReferences: if set to C{True} then the object
                              cannot be deleted if there are objects that
                              reference it.
    @type respectsReferences: bool
    @cvar cascadeDelete: if set to C{True} then all the objects referenced
                         will be deleted upon the object's deletion.
    @type cascadeDelete: bool
    _eventHandler = dteventhandlers.RelatorNEventHandler
    relAttr = ''
    respectsReferences = False
    cascadeDelete = False
class RequiredRelatorN(RelatorN):
    "Mandatory L{RelatorN} data type."
    isRequired = True

class Composition(DataType):
    This data type is used for embedding composite objects to
    the assigned content type.
    @cvar compositeClass: the name of the content class that can be embedded.
    @ivar value: list of the embedded objects. Must be instances of
    @type value: list
    @see: L{porcupine.systemObjects.Composite}
    _safetype = list
    _eventHandler = dteventhandlers.CompositionEventHandler
    compositeClass = ''

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.value = []

    def get_items(self, trans=None):
        Returns the items that this data type instance embeds.
        @param trans: A valid transaction handle
        @rtype: list
        return [db._db.get_item(id) for id in self.value]
    getItems = deprecated(get_items)

class RequiredComposition(Composition):
    "Mandatory L{Composition} data type."
    isRequired = True

# External Attributes

class ExternalAttribute(DataType):
    Subclass I{ExternalAttribute} when dealing with large attribute lengths.
    These kind of attributes are not stored on the same database as
    all other object attributes.
    @type is_dirty: bool
    @type value: str
    _safetype = (str, types.NoneType)
    _eventHandler = dteventhandlers.ExternalAttributeEventHandler
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._id = misc.generate_oid()

    def _reset(self):
        self._value = None
        self._isDirty = False

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        clone = copy.copy(self)
        clone._id = misc.generate_oid()
        clone.value = self.get_value()
        return clone

    def get_value(self, txn=None):
        "L{value} property getter"
        if self._value == None:
            self._value = db._db.get_external(self._id) or ''

    def set_value(self, value):
        "L{value} property setter"
        self._isDirty = True
        self._value = value
    value = property(get_value, set_value, None, "the actual value")

    def get_is_dirty(self):
        "L{is_dirty} property getter"
        return self._isDirty
    is_dirty = property(get_is_dirty, None, None,
                        "boolean indicating if the value has changed")
    isDirty = property(deprecated(get_is_dirty, 'is_dirty'), None, None,

class Text(ExternalAttribute):
    """Data type to use for large text streams
    @type value: str
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ExternalAttribute.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self._size = 0

    def set_value(self, value):
        ExternalAttribute.set_value(self, value)
        self._size = len(value)
    value = property(ExternalAttribute.get_value, set_value, None,
                     "text stream")

    def __len__(self):

    def validate(self):
        assert not self.isRequired or self._size, \
               '"%s" attribute is mandatory' % self.__class__.__name__

class RequiredText(Text):
    "Mandatory L{Text} data type."
    isRequired = True
class File(Text):
    """Data type to use for file objects
    @ivar filename: the file's name
    @type filename: str
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Text.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.filename = ''
    def get_file(self):
        return cStringIO.StringIO(self.value)
    getFile = deprecated(get_file)
    def load_from_file(self, fname):
        This method sets the value property of this data type instance
        to a stream read from a file that resides on the file system.
        @param fname: A valid filename
        @type fname: str
        @return: None
        oFile = file(fname, 'rb')
        self.value =
    loadFromFile = deprecated(load_from_file)

class RequiredFile(File):
    "Mandatory L{File} data type."
    isRequired = True
class ExternalFile(String):
    """Datatype for linking external files. Its value
    is a string which contains the path to the file.
    _eventHandler = dteventhandlers.ExternalFileEventHandler
    removeFileOnDeletion = True
    isRequired = True
    def get_file(self, mode='rb'):
        return file(self.value, mode)
    getFile = deprecated(get_file)
    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        clone = copy.copy(self)
        duplicate_files = memo.get('df', False)
        if (duplicate_files):
            # copy the external file
            fcounter = 1
            old_filename = new_filename = self.value
            filename, extension = os.path.splitext(old_filename)
            filename = filename.split('_')[0]
            while os.path.exists(new_filename):
                new_filename = ('%s_%d%s' % (filename, fcounter, extension))
                fcounter += 1
            shutil.copyfile(old_filename, new_filename)
            clone.value = new_filename
        return clone

class RequiredExternalFile(ExternalFile):
    "Mandatory L{ExternalFile} data type."
    isRequired = True | Contact Us
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