# Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew T. Csillag <drew_csillag@geocities.com>
# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General
# Public License or the SkunkWeb License, as specified in the
# README file.
# Time-stamp: <01/04/12 13:13:08 smulloni>
import os
import sys
import types
import string
import cStringIO
import DTCommon
import DTParser
import DTExcept
from SkunkExcept import *
def getTempName():
"""generates temporary variable names"""
global tempnum
newname = '__t.temp%d' % tempnum
# unlikely though it is, avoid overflow of int
if tempnum < sys.maxint:
tempnum += 1
return newname
def tagDebug(indent, codeout, tag):
"""put some code to mark where we are in terms of execution"""
codeout.write(indent, '__d.CURRENT_TAG = %s' % repr(repr(tag)))
codeout.write(indent, '__d.CURRENT_LINENO = %s' % repr(tag.filelineno()))
def convertToNativeLineEndings(s):
if os.linesep == '\n': # unix style
s = s.replace('\r\n','\n')
s = s.replace('\r', '\n')
return s
elif os.linesep == '\r': # mac style
s = s.replace('\r\n', '\r')
s = s.replace('\n', '\r')
return s
elif os.linesep == '\r\n': # dos/win style
#yes this is fairly convoluted to convert to unix, then cvt to
#dos/win style, but there is no other convienient way which does
#not require a regex, which seems overkill
s = s.replace('\r\n','\n')
s = s.replace('\r', '\n')
s = s.replace('\n', '\r\n')
return s
def pyifyArgs(tag, args, parenthesize_exprs = 0):
"""convert arguments to an evalable format"""
for k,v in args.items():
if type(v)==types.StringType:
if len(v)>1 and v[0]==v[-1]=="`":
if parenthesize_exprs:
nd[k]="(%s)" % convertToNativeLineEndings(v[1:-1])
if type(nd[k]) == types.StringType:
compile(nd[k]+'\n', nd[k], 'exec')
except SyntaxError, val:
raise DTExcept.DTCompileError ( tag,
'syntax error in argument: %s' % val)
return nd
def pyifyKWArgs(tag, args, parenthesize_exprs = 0):
nargs=pyifyArgs(tag, args, parenthesize_exprs)
for k,v in nargs.items():
nl.append('%s: %s' % (repr(k),v))
return '{'+string.join(nl,', ')+'}'
class Output:
"""the output object used for generating code"""
def __init__(self):
def write(self, indent, s):
self.textlist.append((' '*indent) + s)
def writelines(self, *lines):
for indent, s in lines:
self.textlist.append((' '*indent) +s)
def writemultiline(self, indent, s):
it = ' '*indent
for i in s.split('\n'):
self.textlist.append(it + i)
def getText(self):
return string.join(self.textlist,'\n')+'\n'
def writeOutObj(self, outObj):
def niceifyStringOutput(indent, s):
"""break lines of long strings at 40 chars"""
if not len(s):
return '""'
for i in range(0, lens, 40): #break lines at 40 chars
if i+40 > lens:
return string.join(map(repr, nl), '\n' + (indent*' '))
def genCodeNode(indent, codeout, tagreg, children, meta):
for i in children:
# XXX note that for now, we only generate meta data for top-level
# tags!!!!
genCodeChild(indent, codeout, tagreg, i, meta)
def genCodeChild ( indent, codeout, tagreg, thing, meta ):
if type(thing) == types.StringType:
codeout.write(indent, '')
codeout.write(indent, '########################################')
codeout.write(indent, '__h.OUTPUT.write(%s)' %
niceifyStringOutput(indent+16, thing))
codeout.write(indent, '########################################')
elif (type(thing) == types.InstanceType
and thing.__class__ == DTParser.Node):
# Generate the meta-data first
if meta is not None:
dttag.genMeta ( thing, meta )
codeout.write(indent, '')
codeout.write(indent, '#----------------------------------------')
dttag.genCode(indent, codeout, tagreg, thing, meta)
codeout.write(indent, '#----------------------------------------')
else: #an "empty" tag
# Generate the meta-data first
dttag.genMeta ( thing, meta )
codeout.write(indent, '')
codeout.write(indent, '#----------------------------------------')
dttag.genCode(indent, codeout, tagreg, thing)
codeout.write(indent, '#----------------------------------------')
class dummy: pass
def setup_h ( cur_h ):
Add some variables to our hidden namespace
cur_h.NEWOUTPUT = StringIO.StringIO
if not hasattr(cur_h, 'OUTPUT'):
cur_h.OUTPUT = cur_h.NEWOUTPUT()
if not hasattr ( cur_h, 'VALFMTRGY' ):
cur_h.VALFMTRGY = DTCommon.ValFmtRgy
def get_d():
global cur_d
if cur_d is None:
return cur_d
def checkName(tag, argname, val, ppval = None):
tag is the tag which we are currently on
argname is the tag argument name
val is the val after pyifyArg*
ppval is optional and is the val before pyifyArg*
The reason for ppval is that it is possible for checkname to succeed
on a val of `"foo bar"` and `"foo" + foo + "bar"`
if ppval and ppval[0]==ppval[-1]=='`':
raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(tag, ('argument %s is an expression'
' and should be a string')
% argname)
if len(val) and (val[0]==val[-1]=='"' or val[0]==val[-1]=="'"):
return val[1:-1]
raise DTExcept.DTCompileError ( tag, ('argument %s is an expression and '
'should be a string') % argname)
def safe_import(indent, codeout, modulename):
imports (in the generated code) the stated module into the hidden
namespace and returns a string that can be used to refer to it, of
the form "__h.%s" % modulename.
t="__h.%s" % modulename.split('.', 1)[0]
codeout.write(indent, "%s=__import__('%s')" % (t, modulename))
return "__h.%s" % modulename