# Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew T. Csillag <drew_csillag@geocities.com>
# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General
# Public License or the SkunkWeb License, as specified in the
# README file.
A module to do configurable text wrapping,
useful for formatting text where
you want to wrap lines at a particular column, but
to do it gracefully without chopping words apart.
import StringIO
import string
from types import IntType,FunctionType
def _breakline(line, maxlen, indent, breakpoint):
rlines = []
curmaxlen = maxlen
while line:
curmaxlen = maxlen
#chop off maxlen chars
chunk = line[:maxlen]
# do indentation stuff
if type(indent) == IntType and rlines:
spaces, chunk = indent * ' ', chunk[:-indent]
elif type(indent) == FunctionType:
spaces, chunk, curmaxlen = indent(chunk, rlines, curmaxlen)
spaces = ''
#if line is ok, just append and stop
if len(line) <= curmaxlen:
rlines.append(spaces + string.lstrip(line))
#break a point spec'd by user-defined function
if breakpoint:
ind = breakpoint(chunk)
else: #else, try to break on space, then tab
ind = string.rfind(chunk, ' ')
if ind == -1:
ind = string.rfind(chunk, '\t')
# no breakpoint, break on maxlen
if ind < 1:
ind = curmaxlen
rlines.append(spaces + string.lstrip(chunk[:ind]))
line = line[ind:]
return rlines
def wraplines(text, maxlinelen = 80, indent = None, breakpoint = None):
Given a string, returns a string with lines wrapped to
maxlinelen, with "\n" characters separating the lines.
text - text that you want to wrap
maxlinelen - maximum line length
indent - either a number indicating that subsequent
lines should be indented by this much, or a function that is
called with the unprocessed text so far, the current list of
broken lines and the maximum legth of a line and returns
a string to be prepended to the current line, the text of
the line, and the new maximum length
breakpoint - a function that given a line returns an
integer index representing a good place to break the line
outl = []
for i in f.readlines():
i = string.rstrip(i)
if len(i) <= maxlinelen:
nlines = _breakline(i, maxlinelen, indent, breakpoint)
map(outl.append, nlines)
return string.join(outl, '\n')
if __name__=='__main__':
ll="""thi si a really long line for breakline to try to split in a decent way if it can, perhaps it can, but maybe it can't"""
print wraplines(ll, 30)
print wraplines(ll, 30, 4)