# sapdbapi.py A implementation of the Python database API 20 for SAP DB
# ========== licence begin LGPL
# Copyright (C) 2001 SAP AG
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# ========== licence end
import string
from exceptions import StandardError
import time
import cStringIO
import thread
_connectionLock = thread.allocate_lock ()
except ImportError:
class _PseudoLock:
def acquire (self, waitflag = 0):
def release (self):
def locked (self):
return None
_connectionLock = _PseudoLock ()
import sapdb
apilevel = '2.0'
threadsafety = 1
paramstyle = 'named'
def wrapCall (call, *args):
# print call, args
result = apply (call, args)
# print '==>', result
except sapdb.SQLError, err:
raise ProgrammingError (err)
except sapdb.CommunicationError, err:
raise OperationalError (err)
return result
# data types
class _AbstractType:
def __init__ (self, name, sqlNames):
self.name = name
self.sqlNames = sqlNames
def __str__ (self):
return self.name
def __cmp__ (self, other):
if other in self.sqlNames:
return 0
return -1
STRING = _AbstractType ('STRING',
['Char', 'Varchar', 'Long'])
BINARY = _AbstractType ('BINARY',
['Char Binary', 'Varchar Binary', 'Long Binary', 'Long byte_t'])
NUMBER = _AbstractType ('NUMBER',
['Integer', 'Smallint', 'Decimal', 'Fixed', 'Float'])
DATETIME = _AbstractType ('DATETIME',
['Date', 'Time', 'Timestamp'])
ROWID = None
# connection class
class Connection:
def __init__ (self, user, password, database, host = '', **config):
configList = map (lambda item: item [0] + '=' + item [1], config.items ())
configString = string.join (configList, '&')
_connectionLock.acquire ()
self.__connection = wrapCall (sapdb.connect, user, password,
database, host, configString)
_connectionLock.release ()
if host:
self.id = user + '@' + host + ':' + database
self.id = user + '@' + database
self.typeTranslations = None
def close (self):
_connectionLock.acquire ()
if self.__connection is not None:
wrapCall (self.__connection.release)
_connectionLock.release ()
__del__ = close
def commit (self):
wrapCall (self.__connection.commit)
def rollback (self):
wrapCall (self.__connection.rollback)
def cursor (self):
result = Cursor (self.__connection)
if self.typeTranslations != None:
result.setTypeTranslation (self.typeTranslations)
return result
def __str__ (self):
return '<sapdbapi.Connection ' + self.id + '>'
def setTypeTranslation (self, transDict):
self.typeTranslations = transDict
connect = Connection
# cursor class
class Cursor:
def __init__ (self, rawConnection):
self.__connection = rawConnection
self.description = None
self.rowcount = -1
self.arraysize = 1
self.__prepared = None
self.__lastop = None
self.__cursor = None
self.__typeTranslation = {}
def close (self):
if self.__prepared:
self.__prepared.close ()
self.__prepared = None
if self.__cursor:
self.__cursor.close ()
self.__cursor = None
self.__connection = None
def __handleResult (self, result):
if isinstance (result, sapdb.SapDB_ResultSet):
self.__cursor = result
self.__setDescription (result)
if self.__typeTranslation:
self.__instantiateTranslation ()
result = self
self.__cursor = None
return result
def __setDescription (self, cursor):
self.description = description = []
for i in xrange (cursor.columnCount ()):
name, typename, size, frac = cursor.columnInfo (i)
description.append ((name, typename, size, size, size, frac, 1))
def __executeDirect (self, operation):
result = self.__connection.sql (operation)
return self.__handleResult (result)
def __getParsed (self, operation):
if operation and (self.__lastop != operation):
self.__parsed = self.__connection.prepare (operation)
self.__lastop = operation
return self.__parsed
def __executeParsed (self, parsed, arguments):
return self.__handleResult (self.__parsed.execute (arguments))
def execute (self, operation, parameters = None):
if parameters == None:
result = wrapCall (self.__executeDirect, operation)
parsed = self.__getParsed (operation)
result = wrapCall (self.__executeParsed, parsed, parameters)
return result
def __executemany (self, operation, seq_of_parameters):
parsed = self.__getParsed (operation)
for item in seq_of_parameters:
parsed.execute (item)
def executemany (self, operation, seq_of_parameters):
wrapCall (self.__executemany, operation, seq_of_parameters)
def __getCursor (self):
result = self.__cursor
if not result:
exc = ProgrammingError ()
exc.message = 'Not a cursor'
raise exc
return result
def __fetchone (self):
cursor = self.__getCursor ()
return self.nextFromCursor (cursor)
def fetchone (self):
return wrapCall (self.__fetchone)
def __fetchmany (self, arraysize):
cursor = self.__getCursor ()
result = []
for i in xrange (arraysize):
row = self.nextFromCursor (cursor)
if not row:
result.append (row)
return result
def fetchmany (self, size = None):
if size == None:
size = self.arraysize
return wrapCall (self.__fetchmany, size)
def __fetchall (self):
cursor = self.__getCursor ()
result = []
while 1:
row = self.nextFromCursor (cursor)
if not row:
result.append (row)
return result
def fetchall (self):
return wrapCall (self.__fetchall)
def setinputsizes (self, sizes):
def setoutputsizes (self, size, column = None):
def setTranslation (self, translatorList):
# TODO: make sure the count equals the number of output columns
self.__translatorList = translatorList
self.nextFromCursor = self.__nextTranslatedFromCursor
def __nextTranslatedFromCursor (self, cursor):
row = cursor.next ()
if not row:
return None
result = [None] * len (row)
for i in xrange (len (row)):
translator = self.__translatorList [i]
if translator is None:
result [i] = row [i]
result [i] = translator (row [i])
return tuple (result)
def __nextRawFromCursor (self, cursor):
return cursor.next ()
nextFromCursor = __nextRawFromCursor # untranslated is the default
def setTypeTranslation (self, transDict):
self.__typeTranslation.update (transDict)
if self.__cursor:
self.__instantiateTranslation ()
def __instantiateTranslation (self):
cursor = self.__cursor
colCount = cursor.columnCount ()
translations = [None] * colCount
transDict = self.__typeTranslation
for i in xrange (colCount):
typeName = cursor.columnInfo (i) [1]
translations [i] = transDict [typeName]
except KeyError:
self.setTranslation (translations)
def callproc (self, procname, parameters = None):
if parameters:
questionmarks = '?' + ', ?' * (len (parameters) - 1)
procCmd = 'call ' + procname + '(' + questionmarks + ')'
parsed = self.__getParsed (procCmd)
resultValues = wrapCall (parsed.execute, parameters)
desc = parsed.getDescription ()
resultIndex = 0
for paramIndex in xrange (len (desc)):
if desc [paramIndex] [-1] in ['OUT', 'INOUT']:
parameters [paramIndex] = resultValues [resultIndex]
resultIndex = resultIndex + 1
# exception classes
class Error (StandardError):
__internalException = None
def __init__ (self, exception = None):
StandardError.__init__ (self)
if exception:
self.__dict__.update (exception.__dict__)
self.__internalException = exception
def __str__ (self):
if self.__internalException:
return str (self.__internalException)
return StandardError.__str__ (self)
class DatabaseError (Error):
class OperationalError (DatabaseError):
class ProgrammingError (DatabaseError):
# input conversions
def Date (year, month, day):
return "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, day)
def Time (hour, minute, second):
return "%04d%02d%02d" % (hour, minute, second)
def Timestamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, micros = 0):
return "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06d" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, micros)
def DateFromTicks (ticks):
return apply (Date, time.localtime (ticks) [:3])
def TimeFromTicks (ticks):
return apply (Time, time.localtime (ticks) [3:6])
def TimestampFromTicks (ticks):
return apply (Timestamp, time.localtime (ticks) [:6])
def Binary (data):
return cStringIO.StringIO (data)
# output conversions
# Time: 00HHMMSS
# Timestamp: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmmmmm
def dateTuple (sapdbDate):
if sapdbDate is None:
return None
return int (sapdbDate[:4]), int (sapdbDate[4:6]), int (sapdbDate[6:])
def timeTuple (sapdbTime):
if sapdbTime is None:
return None
return int (sapdbTime[2:4]), int (sapdbTime[4:6]), int (sapdbTime[6:])
def timestampTuple (sapdbTimestamp):
if sapdbTimestamp is None:
return None
return time.localtime (timestampVal (sapdbTimestamp))
tupleTranslation = {
'Date': dateTuple,
'Time': timeTuple,
'Timestamp': timestampTuple,
def dateVal (sapdbDate):
if sapdbDate is None:
return None
year, month, day = dateTuple (sapdbDate)
return time.mktime ((year, month, day, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,))
def timeVal (sapdbTime):
if sapdbTime is None:
return None
hour, minute, second = timeTuple (sapdbTime)
return time.mktime ((1970, 1, 2, hour, minute, second, -1, -1, -1,))
def timestampVal (sapdbTimestamp):
if sapdbTimestamp is None:
return None
year = int (sapdbTimestamp [:4])
month = int (sapdbTimestamp [4:6])
day = int (sapdbTimestamp [6:8])
hour = int (sapdbTimestamp [8:10])
minute = int (sapdbTimestamp [10:12])
second = int (sapdbTimestamp [12:14])
micros = int (sapdbTimestamp [14:])
return time.mktime ((year, month, day, hour, minute, second, -1, -1, -1,))
valTranslation = {
'Date': dateVal,
'Time': timeVal,
'Timestamp': timestampVal,
class AbstractTimeFormat:
def __init__ (self, fmt):
self.fmt = fmt
def __call__ (self, sapdbString):
localtime = time.localtime ( self.toTime(sapdbString))
return time.strftime (self.fmt, localtime)
class DateFormat (AbstractTimeFormat):
def toTime (self, sapdbDate):
return dateVal (sapdbDate)
class TimeFormat (AbstractTimeFormat):
def toTime (self, sapdbTime):
return timeVal (sapdbTime)
class TimestampFormat (AbstractTimeFormat):
def toTime (self, sapdbTimestamp):
return timestampVal (sapdbTimestamp)