import sys
import SkunkExcept
CODE, LITERAL = ('CODE', 'LITERAL')#range(2)
def psp_compile(s, name):
"""<% and %> are the code delimiters"""
l = []
while 1:
ci = s.find('<%')
if ci == -1:
l.append((LITERAL, s))
code = s[ci+2:]
#print 'code is ', code
ce = code.find('%>')
if ce == -1:
raise 'EOFError', 'End of file reached while in code'
code = code[:ce]
l.append((CODE, code))
s = s[ci + 2 + ce+2:]
codestr = ''
for kind, s in l:
#print kind, repr(s)
if kind == LITERAL:
sl = s.split('\n')
for si in sl:
codestr+='print %s\n' % repr(si)
cs = s.split('\n')
if cs[0].strip() == '': #stuff after initial <% is blank to eol
s = '\n'.join(cs[1:]) #trim it off so tb's are correct
return compile(codestr, name, 'exec'), codestr
except SyntaxError, synerror:
se = SkunkExcept.SkunkSyntaxError(name, codestr, synerror,
'error compiling PSP template', 0)
fmt = se.format().split('\n')
raise "PSPSyntaxError", '\n'.join(fmt[1:-2])
if __name__=='__main__':
t = """Counting to 3<%
for i in range(3):
print i
done counting"""
co = psp_compile(t,'<string>')
exec co[0] in {}