# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Lib/Iri.py,v 2006/08/23 06:46:34 jkloth Exp $
Classes and functions related to IRI processing
Copyright 2004 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
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import sys
def IriToUri(iri, convertHost=False):
Converts an IRI or IRI reference to a URI or URI reference,
implementing sec. 3.1 of draft-duerst-iri-10.
The convertHost flag indicates whether to perform conversion of
the ireg-name (host) component of the IRI to an RFC 2396-compatible
URI reg-name (IDNA encoded), e.g.
IriToUri(u'http://r\xe9sum\xe9.example.org/', convertHost=False)
=> u'http://r%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.example.org/'
IriToUri(u'http://r\xe9sum\xe9.example.org/', convertHost=True)
=> u'http://xn--rsum-bpad.example.org/'
Ordinarily, the IRI should be given as a unicode string. If the IRI
is instead given as a byte string, then it will be assumed to be
UTF-8 encoded, will be decoded accordingly, and as per the
requirements of the conversion algorithm, will NOT be normalized.
if not isinstance(iri, str):
iri = NfcNormalize(iri)
if convertHost and sys.version_info[0:2] >= (2,3):
# first we have to get the host
from Ft.Lib.Uri import SplitUriRef,UnsplitUriRef
(scheme, auth, path, query, frag) = SplitUriRef(iri)
if auth and auth.find('@') > -1:
userinfo, hostport = auth.split('@')
userinfo = None
hostport = auth
if hostport and hostport.find(':') > -1:
host, port = hostport.split(':')
host = hostport
port = None
if host:
host = ConvertIregName(host)
auth = ''
if userinfo:
auth += userinfo + '@'
auth += host
if port:
auth += ':' + port
iri = UnsplitUriRef((scheme, auth, path, query, frag))
res = u''
pos = 0
surrogate = None
for c in iri:
cp = ord(c)
if cp > 128:
if cp < 160:
# FIXME: i18n
raise ValueError("Illegal character at position %d (0-based) of IRI %r" % (pos, iri))
# 'for c in iri' may give us surrogate pairs
elif cp > 55295:
if cp < 56320:
# d800-dbff
surrogate = c
elif cp < 57344:
# dc00-dfff
if surrogate is None:
raise ValueError("Illegal surrogate pair in %r" % iri)
c = surrogate + c
raise ValueError("Illegal surrogate pair in %r" % iri)
surrogate = None
for octet in c.encode('utf-8'):
res += u'%%%02X' % ord(octet)
res += c
pos += 1
return res
def NfcNormalize(iri):
On Python 2.3 and higher, normalizes the given unicode string
according to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC), so that it can
be used as an IRI or IRI reference.
from unicodedata import normalize
iri = normalize('NFC', iri)
except ImportError:
return iri
def ConvertIregName(iregname):
On Python 2.3 and higher, converts the given ireg-name component
of an IRI to a string suitable for use as a URI reg-name in pre-
rfc2396bis schemes and resolvers. Returns the ireg-name
unmodified on Python 2.2.
# I have not yet verified that the default IDNA encoding
# matches the algorithm required by the IRI spec, but it
# does work on the one simple example in the spec.
iregname = iregname.encode('idna')
return iregname