# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/InputSource.py,v 1.49 2005/09/15 00:06:15 jkloth Exp $
Classes providing a standard interface and encapsulation of metadata for
document/entity streams intended for input to various XML processors.
Copyright 2005 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
import os, cStringIO, types, warnings, mimetools
from Ft import FtWarning
from Ft.Lib import Uri,Uuid
__all__ = ['InputSource', 'NullInputSource',
'DefaultFactory', 'NoCatalogFactory']
# Methods an InputSource instance should expose from its underly stream.
_file_methods = ('read', 'readline', 'readlines', 'close')
class InputSource:
An input source is an encapsulation of a source of content.
It includes a stream (Python file-like object) from which the
content can be read, a URI to identify the stream and facilitate
resolution of relative URI references / system IDs encountered
within the stream, and parameters used by the processors of the
stream (XML parsers, XSLT processors).
It is designed to be overridden as applications need different
functionality from sources.
def __init__(self, stream, uri=None, processIncludes=True,
stripElements=None, factory=None,
resolver=Uri.BASIC_RESOLVER, catalog=None, encoding=None):
InputSource constructor
source = InputSource(...)
stream - the stream associated with this input source
uri - the absolute URI of the input source
processIncludes - Whether or not XIncludes should be expanded
stripElements - Space stripping rules
factory - The factory that created this instance
resolver - URI resolver; defaults to Ft.Lib.Uri.BASIC_RESOLVER
catalog - TR9401/XML Catalog object for resolving public IDs
encoding - a string externally declaring the stream's encoding
if uri:
self.uri = uri
self.uri = 'urn:uuid:' + Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
self.stream = stream
self.processIncludes = processIncludes
self.stripElements = stripElements or []
self.factory = factory
self.fragment = Uri.SplitFragment(self.uri)[1]
self._resolver = resolver
self._catalog = catalog
enc = self._getStreamEncoding(stream)
if enc is None:
enc = encoding
self.encoding = enc
self.name = self.uri
for name in _file_methods:
method = getattr(stream, name, None)
if method:
setattr(self, name, method)
def _getStreamEncoding(self, stream):
Returns the encoding of the given stream, if this info can be
determined from metadata in the stream object with a reasonable
degree of confidence.
Adheres to RFC 3023, which requires the the charset value in the
Content-Type header to take precedence, or if no value is
available, to assume us-ascii in the case of certain text/*
media types. For other text/* media types, adheres to RFC 2616
sec. 3.7.1, which requires the assumption of iso-8859-1, when
the entity was transmitted by HTTP. Media type and charset info
is ignored for streams believed to originate from a local file,
in accordance with XML 1.0 Third Edition appendix F.2.
# We should never try to deduce the encoding when the stream is
# a local file, in order to conform with XML 1.0 Third Edition
# appendix F.2, and also because urllib.urlopen() uses
# mimetypes.guess_type() to set the media type on both local
# files and FTP resources, thus causing '*.xml' files to tend to
# get a 'text/xml' mapping, which is bad because RFC 3023
# requires them to be assumed to be us-ascii. Therefore, we must
# look for clues that assure us that the stream is not likely to
# be wrapping a file or FTP resource. The way to tell is to look
# for the 'url' attribute on the stream object. urllib.urlopen()
# MAY create this attribute and set it to the URL that was
# passed in. Note that this 'URL' have just been a local
# filesystem path or partial URL or junk like 'C:/x/y/z'
stream_url = getattr(stream, 'url', None)
if stream_url is None:
return None
scheme = Uri.GetScheme(stream_url)
if scheme is None or scheme.lower() in ('file', 'ftp') \
or len(scheme) == 1:
return None
# Get the stream metadata.
# Streams created by urllib.urlopen() MAY have an info() method
# that MAY return a mimetools.Message object. We can trust this
# as a source of metadata since we have already ruled out the
# likelihood of it being a local file or FTP resource.
info = None
if hasattr(self.stream, 'info'):
if isinstance(self.stream.info, types.MethodType):
info = self.stream.info()
if isinstance(info, mimetools.Message):
# use explicit charset if present and not empty string.
charset = info.getparam('charset')
if charset:
return charset
# charset empty or not present, so examine media type
# and protocol.
maintype = getattr(info, 'maintype', None)
subtype = getattr(info, 'subtype', None)
if maintype == 'text':
if subtype == 'xml' or \
subtype == 'xml-external-parsed-entity' or \
return 'us-ascii'
elif scheme == 'http':
return 'iso-8859-1'
# If we reach this point, the stream metadata was of no use,
# so we'll let the parser determine the encoding from
# the entity itself.
return None
def resolveEntity(self, publicId, systemId):
Resolve an external entity to a new InputSource.
Presented with an optional public identifier and a system identifier,
this function attempts to locate a mapping in the catalog, if one is
defined. If no mapping is found, the system identifier will be
dereferenced as a URL.
hint = InputSource.RESOLVE_ENTITY_HINT
if self._catalog:
new_uri = self._catalog.resolveEntity(publicId, systemId)
if new_uri is not None:
systemId = new_uri
hint = InputSource.CATALOG_URI_HINT
return self._resolve(systemId, None, hint)
def resolve(self, uri, base=None, hint=None):
Resolve a URI reference into a new InputSource.
This function is used when a URI reference is encountered in the
original stream and needs to be resolved (e.g. xi:include,
xsl:include, xsl:import, document(), etc.). When a catalog is
available, its URI entries are used first. If no entry is found,
the URI is resolved against the current URI and then opened.
The hint parameter is used to give a hint as to what the
resolution will be used for.
If the ignoreErrors flag is set, an error during resolution
(such as "file not found") will result in None's being returned,
rather than a raised exception.
if self._catalog:
new_uri = self._catalog.resolveURI(uri)
if new_uri is not None:
uri = new_uri
hint = InputSource.CATALOG_URI_HINT
if hint is None:
hint = InputSource.RESOLVE_URI_HINT
return self._resolve(uri, base, hint)
def getUriResolver(self):
This method returns the URI resolver that is used by this
input source to normalize (resolve to absolute form) and
resolve (dereference) URI references. This is the public method
to use if just URI resolution is needed.
return self._resolver
#Helper Methods
def _resolve(self, uri, base, hint, ignoreErrors=False):
Resolves a system identifier (fragmentless URI reference) into a
new input source.
The hint parameter is used to give a hint as to what the
resolution will be used for.
If the ignoreErrors flag is set, an error during resolution
(such as "file not found") will result in None's being returned,
rather than a raised exception.
uri = self._normalize(uri, base)
stream = self._openStream(uri, ignoreErrors, hint)
return self.clone(stream, uri, hint)
def _normalize(self, uriref, base=None):
Normalize (resolve to absolute form) a given URI reference,
using the URI of this input source as the base.
The default implementation will just use the default URI resolver.
If your input source is working with non-standard or not supported
URIs, then you will need to override this or the getUriResolver method.
if base is None:
base = self.uri
return self.getUriResolver().normalize(uriref, base)
def _openStream(self, uri, ignoreErrors=False, hint=None):
Returns a representation of a resource as a stream by
resolving the given URI. If ignoreErrors is set, failure to
obtain the stream will result in None being returned, rather
than an exception (e.g. "file not found") being raised.
Default behaviour is to use the resolver associated with this
InputSource. If your custom InputSource needs to open URIs
that are not supported natively by this InputSource (e.g.,
repository objects, or objects from a database), then you
should override this method and do whatever it takes to
resolve the URI into a readable stream.
return self.getUriResolver().resolve(uri)
if ignoreErrors:
return None
def clone(self, stream, uri=None, hint=None):
Clones this input source, creating a new instance with
the known params.
If your derived InputSource requires additional state information
then you have to override how it is cloned and pickled.
if uri is None:
uri = self.uri
if stream is None:
return NullInputSource(uri)
if hint is not None:
# don't inherit encoding when cloning for self.resolve()
encoding = None
encoding = self.encoding
return self.__class__(stream, uri,
factory=self.factory, resolver=self._resolver,
catalog=self._catalog, encoding=encoding)
#Pickle routines. We need to be able to pickle an input source
#but cannot pickle a stream
def __getstate__(self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
state['stream'] = None
return state
class NullInputSource(InputSource):
An InputSource that simulates an empty stream.
def __init__(self, uri=None):
InputSource.__init__(self, cStringIO.StringIO(), uri)
class InputSourceFactory:
A factory for creating new InputSource instances.
def __init__(self, inputSourceClass=None, resolver=Uri.BASIC_RESOLVER,
self._klass = inputSourceClass or InputSource
self.resolver = resolver
self.catalog = catalog
def fromUri(self, uri, *v_args, **kw_args):
Creates an InputSource from the stream resulting from the
resolution of the given URI.
uri - a URI from which the input will be read. Important: a file
path is generally not a URI. To be safe, if you wish to read
from a file, use the following pattern:
from Ft.Lib import Uri
uri = Uri.OsPathToUri("/path/to/file.ext")
OR uri = Uri.OsPathToUri("C:\\path\\to\\file.ext")
hint = InputSourceFactory.FACTORY_URI_HINT
if self.catalog:
new_uri = self.catalog.resolveURI(uri)
if new_uri is not None:
uri = new_uri
hint = InputSource.CATALOG_URI_HINT
src = self.fromStream(None, uri, *v_args, **kw_args)
return src._resolve(uri, None, hint)
def fromString(self, st, uri=None, *v_args, **kw_args):
Creates an InputSource from a stream derived from the given
string. The uri argument is the URI to use for the stream
(one should always be given, even if it's bogus).
if not isinstance(st, str):
raise ValueError("String must be of type string, not %s" %
(st is None and 'None' or type(st).__name__))
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(st)
return self.fromStream(stream, uri, *v_args, **kw_args)
def fromStream(self, stream, uri=None, *v_args, **kw_args):
Creates an InputSource from the given stream.
The uri argument is the URI to use for the stream
(one should always be given, even if it's bogus).
if not uri:
warnings.warn("Creation of InputSource without a URI",
FtWarning, 2)
kw_args['factory'] = self
if 'resolver' not in kw_args: kw_args['resolver'] = self.resolver
if 'catalog' not in kw_args: kw_args['catalog'] = self.catalog
return self._klass(stream, uri, *v_args, **kw_args)
NoCatalogFactory = InputSourceFactory(catalog=None)
from Ft.Xml.Catalog import GetDefaultCatalog
DefaultFactory = InputSourceFactory(catalog=GetDefaultCatalog())