# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Lib/HtmlPrettyPrinter.py,v 1.12 2005/02/09 09:12:06 mbrown Exp $
This module supports formatted document serialization in HTML syntax.
Copyright 2005 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
from Ft.Xml import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
from HtmlPrinter import HtmlPrinter
class HtmlPrettyPrinter(HtmlPrinter):
An HtmlPrettyPrinter instance provides functions for serializing an
XML or XML-like document to a stream, based on SAX-like event calls
initiated by an Ft.Xml.Lib.Print.PrintVisitor instance.
The methods in this subclass of HtmlPrinter attempt to emit a
document conformant to the HTML 4.01 syntax, with extra whitespace
added for visual formatting. The indent attribute is the string used
for each level of indenting. It defaults to 2 spaces.
# The amount of indent for each level of nesting
indent = ' '
def __init__(self, stream, encoding):
HtmlPrinter.__init__(self, stream, encoding)
self._level = 0
# indenting control variables
self._isInline = [1] # prevent newline before first element
self._inNoIndent = [0]
self._indentForbidden = 0
self._indentEndTag = False
def startElement(self, namespaceUri, tagName, namespaces, attributes):
if self._inElement:
self._inElement = False
# Create the lookup key for the various lookup tables
key = (namespaceUri, tagName.lower())
# Get the inline flag for this element
inline = key in self.inlineElements
if not inline and not self._isInline[-1] and not self._indentForbidden:
self.writeAscii('\n' + (self.indent * self._level))
HtmlPrinter.startElement(self, namespaceUri, tagName, namespaces,
# Setup indenting rules for this element
self._inNoIndent.append(key in self.noIndentElements)
self._indentForbidden += self._inNoIndent[-1]
self._level += 1
self._indentEndTag = False
def endElement(self, namespaceUri, tagName):
# Undo changes to indenting rules for this element
self._level -= 1
inline = self._isInline.pop()
if self._inElement:
# An empty non-null namespace element (use XML short form)
self._inElement = False
if not inline and not self._indentForbidden and self._indentEndTag:
self.writeAscii('\n' + (self.indent * self._level))
HtmlPrinter.endElement(self, namespaceUri, tagName)
self._indentForbidden -= self._inNoIndent.pop()
self._indentEndTag = not inline
def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
if self._inElement:
self._inElement = False
# OK to indent end-tag
self._indentEndTag = True
# try to indent
if not self._isInline[-1] and not self._indentForbidden:
self.writeAscii('\n' + (self.indent * self._level))
HtmlPrinter.processingInstruction(self, target, data)
def comment(self, data):
if self._inElement:
self._inElement = False
# OK to indent end-tag
self._indentEndTag = True
# try to indent
if not self._isInline[-1] and not self._indentForbidden:
self.writeAscii('\n' + (self.indent * self._level))
HtmlPrinter.comment(self, data)
# Elements that should never be emitted on a new line.
inlineElements = {}
for name in ['tt', 'i', 'b', 'u', 's', 'strike', 'big', 'small', 'em',
'strong', 'dfn', 'code', 'samp', 'kbd', 'var', 'cite',
'abbr', 'acronym', 'a', 'img', 'applet', 'object', 'font',
'basefont', 'script', 'map', 'q', 'sub', 'sup', 'span',
'bdo', 'iframe', 'input', 'select', 'textarea', 'label',
inlineElements[(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, name)] = True
# Elements that should never be emitted with additional
# whitespace in their content; i.e., once you're inside
# one, you don't do any more indenting.
noIndentElements = {}
for name in ['script', 'style', 'pre', 'textarea', 'xmp']:
noIndentElements[(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, name)] = True
del name