# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Lib/__init__.py,v 1.8 2006/01/06 00:41:57 jclark Exp $
Module providing XML support utilities (including serialization and tree comparison)
Copyright 2004 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
import os
from xml.dom import Node
from Ft.Xml import XML_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Lib import Uri
__all__ = ['Language', 'BaseUri']
def Language(node):
This function returns the language property of the given instance of
xml.dom.Node, based on xml:lang attributes present on the node or
its ancestors. If no xml:lang attribute is present, returns None.
The language code, if any, is returned as an uppercase string.
while node:
if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
elif hasattr(node, 'hasAttributeNS') and node.hasAttributeNS(XML_NAMESPACE, 'lang'):
# found an xml:lang
value = node.getAttributeNS(XML_NAMESPACE, 'lang')
if value:
#Remove suffix if there is one (why?)
#index = value.find('-')
#if index != -1:
# value = value[:index]
value = value.upper()
# u'' -> None because XML 1.0 3rd Edition says xml:lang=""
# undefines the language. RDF/XML Syntax (Revised) agrees.
return value or None
# go on to next ancestor
node = node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and \
node.ownerElement or node.parentNode
# reached a Document node without finding an xml:lang
return None
def BaseUri(node, fallback=None):
`BaseUri` is an implementation of the `node.baseURI` attribute that
should be attached to DOM Level 3 nodes, but which is currently broken
in 4Suite XML. Where you would use `node.baseURI` according to DOM
Level 3, use `BaseUri(node)` (this function) instead.
`BaseUri` returns the absolute base URI for a given `node` in a Domlette
tree, or `None` if no such *absolute* base URI exists.
If `fallback` is specified, then it is used to construct a base URI when
everything else fails.
baseUriPart = ''
xmlBaseAncestorList = node.xpath('ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:base][1]')
if len(xmlBaseAncestorList) > 0:
node = xmlBaseAncestorList[0]
baseUriPart = node.getAttributeNS(XML_NAMESPACE, 'base')
# If the xml:base in scope for the current node is not absolute, we find
# the element where that xml:base was declared, then Absolutize our
# relative xml:base against the base URI of the parent of declaring
# element, recursively.
if (not Uri.IsAbsolute(baseUriPart) and node.parentNode is not None):
baseUriPart = Uri.Absolutize(baseUriPart,
# If we still don't have an absolute base URI, resolve against the
# document's URI.
if not Uri.IsAbsolute(baseUriPart):
if hasattr(node, 'createElementNS'):
baseUriPart = Uri.Absolutize(baseUriPart,
baseUriPart = Uri.Absolutize(baseUriPart,
# Next, we try resolving against the fallback base URI, if one has been
# provided.
if not Uri.IsAbsolute(baseUriPart) and fallback is not None:
baseUriPart = Uri.Absolutize(baseUriPart, fallback)
# And if we *still* don't have an absolute base URI, well, there's not
# much more we can do. No biscuit. Do we want to generate one if we
# get to this case, instead of returning `None`?
if not Uri.IsAbsolute(baseUriPart):
return None
return baseUriPart