# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/XPath/CoreFunctions.py,v 2006/09/18 13:49:49 uogbuji Exp $
The implementation of the core functions from XPath 1.0.
Copyright 2006 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
import warnings
from xml.dom import Node
from Ft import TranslateMessage
from Ft.Lib import number,boolean,Set
from Ft.Xml.XPath import NAMESPACE_NODE
from Ft.Xml.XPath import Conversions,RuntimeException
from Ft.Xml.XPath.XPathTypes import NodesetType,NumberType
from Ft.Xml.XPath.XPathTypes import StringType
### Node Set Functions ###
def Last(context):
"""Function: <number> last()"""
return float(context.size)
def Position(context):
"""Function: <number> position()"""
return float(context.position)
def Count(context, nodeSet):
"""Function: <number> count(<node-set>)"""
if not isinstance(nodeSet, NodesetType):
raise RuntimeException(RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'count',
_("expected node-set argument"))
return float(len(nodeSet))
def Id(context, object_):
"""Function: <node-set> id(<object>)"""
if not isinstance(object_, NodesetType):
st = Conversions.StringValue(object_)
id_list = st.split()
id_list = [ Conversions.StringValue(n) for n in object_ ]
id_list = Set.Unique(id_list)
doc = context.node.rootNode
nodeset = []
for id in id_list:
element = doc.getElementById(id)
if element:
return nodeset
def LocalName(context, nodeSet=None):
"""Function: <string> local-name(<node-set>?)"""
if nodeSet is None:
node = context.node
elif not isinstance(nodeSet, NodesetType):
raise RuntimeException(RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'local-name',
_("expected node-set"))
elif not nodeSet:
return u''
node = nodeSet[0]
node_type = getattr(node, 'nodeType', None)
if node_type in (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
# localName could be null
return node.localName or u''
elif node_type == NAMESPACE_NODE:
# localName could be null
return node.localName or u''
# target cannot be null
return node.target
return u''
def NamespaceUri(context, nodeSet=None):
"""Function: <string> namespace-uri(<node-set>?)"""
if nodeSet is None:
node = context.node
elif not isinstance(nodeSet, NodesetType):
raise RuntimeException(RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS,
'namespace-uri', _("expected node-set"))
elif not nodeSet:
return u''
node = nodeSet[0]
# only elements and attributes have a namespace-uri
node_type = getattr(node, 'nodeType', None)
if node_type in (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
return node.namespaceURI or u''
return u''
def Name(context, nodeSet=None):
"""Function: <string> name(<node-set>?)"""
if nodeSet is None:
node = context.node
elif not isinstance(nodeSet, NodesetType):
raise RuntimeException(RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'name',
_("expected node-set"))
elif not nodeSet:
return u''
node = nodeSet[0]
node_type = getattr(node, 'nodeType', None)
if node_type in (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
return node.nodeName
elif node_type == NAMESPACE_NODE:
# localName could be null
return node.localName or u''
# target cannot be null
return node.target
return u''
### String Functions ###
def String(context, object_=None):
"""Function: <string> string(<object>?)"""
if isinstance(object_, XPathStringType):
return object_
if object_ is None:
object_ = context.node
return Conversions.StringValue(object_)
def Concat(context, *args):
"""Function: <string> concat(<string>, <string>, ...)"""
if len(args) < 1:
raise RuntimeException(RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'concat', _("at least 2 arguments expected"))
return reduce(lambda a, b: a + Conversions.StringValue(b), args, u'')
def StartsWith(context, outer, inner):
"""Function: <string> starts-with(<string>, <string>)"""
if not isinstance(outer, XPathStringType):
outer = Conversions.StringValue(outer)
if not isinstance(inner, XPathStringType):
inner = Conversions.StringValue(inner)
if not inner:
return boolean.true
return outer[:len(inner)] == inner and boolean.true or boolean.false
def Contains(context, outer, inner):
"""Function: <string> contains(<string>, <string>)"""
if not isinstance(outer, XPathStringType):
outer = Conversions.StringValue(outer)
if not isinstance(inner, XPathStringType):
inner = Conversions.StringValue(inner)
if not inner:
return boolean.true
return outer.find(inner) >= 0 and boolean.true or boolean.false
def SubstringBefore(context, outer, inner):
"""Function: <string> substring-before(<string>, <string>)"""
if not isinstance(outer, XPathStringType):
outer = Conversions.StringValue(outer)
if not isinstance(inner, XPathStringType):
inner = Conversions.StringValue(inner)
if not inner:
return u''
index = outer.find(inner)
if index == -1:
return u''
return outer[:index]
def SubstringAfter(context, outer, inner):
"""Function: <string> substring-after(<string>, <string>)"""
if not isinstance(outer, XPathStringType):
outer = Conversions.StringValue(outer)
if not isinstance(inner, XPathStringType):
inner = Conversions.StringValue(inner)
if not inner:
return u''
index = outer.find(inner)
if index == -1:
return u''
return outer[index+len(inner):]
def Substring(context, st, start, length=None):
"""Function: <string> substring(<string>, <number>, <number>?)"""
if not isinstance(st, XPathStringType):
st = Conversions.StringValue(st)
if not isinstance(start, NumberType):
start = Conversions.NumberValue(start)
# start == NaN: spec doesn't say; assume no substring to return
# start == +Inf or -Inf: no substring to return
if number.isnan(start) or number.isinf(start):
return u''
# start is finite, safe for int() and round().
start = int(round(start))
# convert to 0-based index for python string slice
if start < 1:
startidx = 0
startidx = start - 1
# length undefined: return chars startidx to end
if length is None:
return st[startidx:]
elif not isinstance(length, NumberType):
length = Conversions.NumberValue(length)
# length == NaN: spec doesn't say; assume no substring to return
if number.isnan(length):
return u''
# length == +Inf: return chars startidx to end
# length == -Inf: no substring to return
elif number.isinf(length):
if length > 0:
return st[startidx:]
return u''
# length is finite, safe for int() and round().
length = int(round(length))
# return value must end before position (start+length)
# which is (start+length-1) in 0-based index
endidx = start + length - 1
if endidx > startidx:
return st[startidx:endidx]
return u''
def StringLength(context, st=None):
"""Function: <number> string-length(<string>?)"""
if st is None:
st = context.node
if not isinstance(st, XPathStringType):
st = Conversions.StringValue(st)
return float(len(st))
def Normalize(context, st=None):
"""Function: <string> normalize-space(<string>?)"""
if st is None:
st = context.node
if not isinstance(st, XPathStringType):
st = Conversions.StringValue(st)
return u' '.join(st.split())
def Translate(context, source, fromChars, toChars):
"""Function: <string> translate(<string>, <string>, <string>)"""
if not isinstance(source, XPathStringType):
source = Conversions.StringValue(source)
if not isinstance(fromChars, XPathStringType):
fromChars = Conversions.StringValue(fromChars)
if not isinstance(toChars, XPathStringType):
toChars = Conversions.StringValue(toChars)
# remove duplicate chars from From string
fromChars = reduce(lambda st, c: st + c * (st.find(c) == -1), fromChars, '')
toChars = toChars[:len(fromChars)]
# string.maketrans/translate do not handle unicode
translate = {}
for from_char, to_char in map(None, fromChars, toChars):
translate[ord(from_char)] = to_char
result = reduce(lambda a, b, t=translate:
a + (t.get(ord(b), b) or ''),
source, '')
return result
### Boolean Functions ###
def Boolean(context, object_):
"""Function: <boolean> boolean(<object>)"""
return Conversions.BooleanValue(object_)
def Not(context, object_):
"""Function: <boolean> not(<boolean>)"""
return ((not Conversions.BooleanValue(object_) and boolean.true)
or boolean.false)
def True(context):
"""Function: <boolean> true()"""
return boolean.true
def False(context):
"""Function: <boolean> false()"""
return boolean.false
def Lang(context, lang):
"""Function: <boolean> lang(<string>)"""
lang = Conversions.StringValue(lang).lower()
node = context.node
while node.parentNode:
for attr in node.attributes.values():
# Search for xml:lang attribute
if (attr.localName == 'lang' and
attr.namespaceURI == XML_NAMESPACE):
value = attr.nodeValue.lower()
# Exact match (PrimaryPart and possible SubPart)
if value == lang:
return boolean.true
# Just PrimaryPart (ignore '-' SubPart)
index = value.find('-')
if index != -1 and value[:index] == lang:
return boolean.true
# Language doesn't match
return boolean.false
# Continue to next ancestor
node = node.parentNode
# No xml:lang declarations found
return boolean.false
### Number Functions ###
def Number(context, object_=None):
"""Function: <number> number(<object>?)"""
if object_ is None:
object_ = [context.node]
return Conversions.NumberValue(object_)
def Sum(context, nodeSet):
"""Function: <number> sum(<node-set>)"""
if not isinstance(nodeSet, NodesetType):
raise RuntimeException(RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'sum',
_("expected node-set argument"))
nns = map(Conversions.NumberValue, nodeSet)
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, nns, 0)
def Floor(context, object_):
"""Function: <number> floor(<number>)"""
num = Conversions.NumberValue(object_)
if number.isnan(num) or number.isinf(num):
return num
elif int(num) == num:
return num
elif num < 0:
return float(int(num) - 1)
return float(int(num))
def Ceiling(context, object_):
"""Function: <number> ceiling(<number>)"""
num = Conversions.NumberValue(object_)
if number.isnan(num) or number.isinf(num):
return num
elif int(num) == num:
return num
elif num > 0:
return float(int(num) + 1)
return float(int(num))
def Round(context, object_):
"""Function: <number> round(<number>)"""
num = Conversions.NumberValue(object_)
if number.isnan(num) or number.isinf(num):
return num
elif num < 0 and num % 1.0 == 0.5:
return round(num, 0) + 1
return round(num, 0)
### Function Mappings ###
CoreFunctions = {
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'last'): Last,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'position'): Position,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'count'): Count,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'local-name'): LocalName,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'namespace-uri'): NamespaceUri,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'name'): Name,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'string'): String,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'concat'): Concat,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'starts-with'): StartsWith,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'contains'): Contains,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'substring-before'): SubstringBefore,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'substring-after'): SubstringAfter,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'substring'): Substring,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'string-length'): StringLength,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'normalize-space'): Normalize,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'translate'): Translate,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'boolean'): Boolean,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'not'): Not,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'true'): True,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'false'): False,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'lang'): Lang,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'number'): Number,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'sum'): Sum,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'floor'): Floor,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'ceiling'): Ceiling,
(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'round'): Round,