# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/XPath/ParsedAxisSpecifier.py,v 1.15 2005/02/09 11:10:54 mbrown Exp $
A parsed token that represents an axis specifier.
Copyright 2004 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
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from xml.dom import Node
from Ft.Xml.XPath import NAMESPACE_NODE
def ParsedAxisSpecifier(axis):
return g_classMap[axis](axis)
except KeyError:
raise SyntaxError("Invalid axis: %s" % axis)
class AxisSpecifier:
principalType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE
def __init__(self, axis):
self._axis = axis
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
Always returns a node-set and 0 if forward, 1 if reverse.
return ([], 0)
def descendants(self, context, nodeTest, node, nodeSet):
"""Select all of the descendants from the context node"""
if context.node.nodeType != Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
for child in node.childNodes:
if nodeTest(context, child, self.principalType):
if child.childNodes:
self.descendants(context, nodeTest, child, nodeSet)
return (nodeSet, 0)
def pprint(self, indent=''):
print indent + str(self)
def __str__(self):
return '<AxisSpecifier at %x: %s>' % (id(self), repr(self))
def __repr__(self):
"""Always displays verbose expression"""
return self._axis
class ParsedAncestorAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the ancestors including the root"""
nodeSet = []
parent = ((context.node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) and
context.node.ownerElement or context.node.parentNode)
while parent:
if nodeTest(context, parent, self.principalType):
parent = parent.parentNode
return (nodeSet, 1)
class ParsedAncestorOrSelfAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the ancestors including ourselves through the root"""
node = context.node
if nodeTest(context, node, self.principalType):
nodeSet = [node]
nodeSet = []
parent = ((node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) and
node.ownerElement or node.parentNode)
while parent:
if nodeTest(context, parent, self.principalType):
parent = parent.parentNode
return (nodeSet, 1)
class ParsedAttributeAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
principalType = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the attributes from the context node"""
result = [ attr for attr in context.node.xpathAttributes
if nodeTest(context, attr, self.principalType) ]
return (result, 0)
class ParsedChildAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the children of the context node"""
result = [ node for node in context.node.childNodes
if nodeTest(context, node, self.principalType) ]
return (result, 0)
class ParsedDescendantOrSelfAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select the context node and all of its descendants"""
if nodeTest(context, context.node, self.principalType):
nodeSet = [context.node]
nodeSet = []
self.descendants(context, nodeTest, context.node, nodeSet)
return (nodeSet, 0)
class ParsedDescendantAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
nodeSet = []
self.descendants(context, nodeTest, context.node, nodeSet)
return (nodeSet, 0)
class ParsedFollowingSiblingAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the siblings that follow the context node"""
result = []
sibling = context.node.nextSibling
while sibling:
if nodeTest(context, sibling, self.principalType):
sibling = sibling.nextSibling
return (result, 0)
class ParsedFollowingAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
Select all of the nodes the follow the context node,
not including descendants.
result = []
curr = context.node
while curr != (context.node.rootNode):
sibling = curr.nextSibling
while sibling:
if nodeTest(context, sibling, self.principalType):
self.descendants(context, nodeTest, sibling, result)
sibling = sibling.nextSibling
curr = ((curr.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) and
curr.ownerElement or curr.parentNode)
return (result, 0)
class ParsedNamespaceAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
principalType = NAMESPACE_NODE
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the namespaces from the context node."""
result = [ xns for xns in context.node.xpathNamespaces
if nodeTest(context, xns, self.principalType) ]
return (result, 0)
class ParsedParentAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select the parent of the context node"""
parent = ((context.node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) and
context.node.ownerElement or context.node.parentNode)
if parent and nodeTest(context, parent, self.principalType):
result = [parent]
result = []
return (result, 1)
class ParsedPrecedingSiblingAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the siblings that precede the context node"""
result = []
sibling = context.node.previousSibling
while sibling:
if nodeTest(context, sibling, self.principalType):
sibling = sibling.previousSibling
# Put the list in document order
return (result, 1)
class ParsedPrecedingAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select all of the nodes the precede the context node, not including ancestors"""
# Create a list of lists of descendants of the nodes
# that precede the context node. (reverse doc order)
doc_list = []
curr = context.node
while curr:
sib = curr.previousSibling
while sib:
result = []
if nodeTest(context, sib, self.principalType):
result = [sib]
self.descendants(context, nodeTest, sib, result)
sib = sib.previousSibling
curr = curr.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and curr.ownerElement or curr.parentNode
# Create a single list in document order
result = []
for i in xrange(1, len(doc_list)+1):
return (result, 1)
class ParsedSelfAxisSpecifier(AxisSpecifier):
def select(self, context, nodeTest):
"""Select the context node"""
if nodeTest(context, context.node, self.principalType):
return ([context.node], 0)
return ([], 0)
g_classMap = {
'ancestor' : ParsedAncestorAxisSpecifier,
'ancestor-or-self' : ParsedAncestorOrSelfAxisSpecifier,
'child' : ParsedChildAxisSpecifier,
'parent' : ParsedParentAxisSpecifier,
'descendant' : ParsedDescendantAxisSpecifier,
'descendant-or-self' : ParsedDescendantOrSelfAxisSpecifier,
'attribute' : ParsedAttributeAxisSpecifier,
'following' : ParsedFollowingAxisSpecifier,
'following-sibling' : ParsedFollowingSiblingAxisSpecifier,
'preceding' : ParsedPrecedingAxisSpecifier,
'preceding-sibling' : ParsedPrecedingSiblingAxisSpecifier,
'namespace' : ParsedNamespaceAxisSpecifier,
'self' : ParsedSelfAxisSpecifier,