# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Xslt/BuiltInExtFunctions.py,v 1.30 2005/03/18 23:47:19 jkloth Exp $
4XSLT specific extension functions (i.e. ones that create a node set)
Copyright 2005 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
# Use this module only for functions that generate new node sets
# or for whatever reason need a processor object (e.g. FtKey needs
# a processor to read the key defs). Place others in
# Ft.Xml.XPath.BuiltInExtFunctions.py
import re
from Ft.Xml.Lib.XmlString import SplitQName
from Ft.Xml.XPath import FT_EXT_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Xml.XPath import Conversions
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltRuntimeException,Error
from Ft.Xml.Xslt.XsltFunctions import Key
__all__ = ['ExtNamespaces', 'ExtFunctions',
def FtKey(context, qname, keyList, realContextNode=None):
Query an XSLT key, but allow the user to override the context node for
purposes of determining which source document to check.
realContextNode is a node set from which the first node is extracted
And used as the context node
if realContextNode:
orig_node = context.node
context.node = realContextNode[0]
result = Key(context, qname, keyList)
context.node = orig_node
result = Key(context, qname, keyList)
return result
def SearchRe(context, pattern, arg=None):
"""Do a regular expression search against the argument (i.e. get all matches)"""
if not arg:
arg = context.node
arg = Conversions.StringValue(arg)
matches_nodeset = []
compiled = re.compile(pattern)
processor = context.processor
match = compiled.search(arg)
while match:
# .groups() return empty tuple when the pattern did not do grouping
groups = match.groups() or (match.group(),)
for group in groups:
group and processor.writers[-1].text(group)
match = compiled.search(arg, match.end())
rtf = processor.popResult()
return rtf.childNodes
def Map(context, funcname, *nodesets):
Apply the function serially over the given node sets.
In iteration i, the function is passed N parameters
where N is the number of argument node sets. Each
parameter is a node set of size 1, whose node is
the ith node of the corresponding argument node set.
The return value is a node set consisting of a series
of result-tree nodes, each of which is a text node
whose value is the string value of the result of the
ith function invocation.
Warning: this function uses the implied ordering of the node set
Based on its implementation as a Python list. But in reality
There is no reliable ordering of XPath node sets.
Therefore this function is not recommended for use with
more than one node set parameter.
(prefix, local) = SplitQName(funcname)
uri = context.processorNss.get(prefix)
if prefix and not uri:
raise XsltRuntimeException(Error.UNDEFINED_PREFIX,
context.currentInstruction, prefix)
expanded = (prefix and uri or '', local)
func = context.functions.get(expanded)
if not func:
raise Exception('Dynamically invoked function %s not found.'%funcname)
flist = [func]*len(nodesets)
lf = lambda x, f, *args: apply(f, args)
retlist = apply(map, (lf, flist) + nodesets)
processor = context.processor
for ret in retlist:
rtf = processor.popResult()
return rtf.childNodes
def Lookup(context, name, key):
f:lookup() queries an index as defined by f:create-index.
name = Conversions.StringValue(name)
key = Conversions.StringValue(key)
processor = context.processor
indices = processor.extensionParams.get((FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'indices'), {})
index = indices.get(name, {})
value = index.get(key, [])
return value
def DocAsString(context, obj, encoding='UTF-8'):
Retrieves a document, similar to the document() function, but
returns the document as an XPath string object rather than as a
Security note: if the associated URI resolver allows file: URLs,
this extension could be used to read arbitrary system files
sheet = context.processor.stylesheet
baseUri = context.currentInstruction.baseUri
if isinstance(obj, list):
result = u''
for node in obj:
result += DocAsString(context,
if hasattr(context, 'processor'):
#In Xslt, use the ISF on the processor to resolve the URI
isrc = context.processor.inputSourceFactory.fromUri(baseUri)
isrc = isrc.resolve(Conversions.StringValue(obj),
data = isrc.read()
return data
# the current instruction's base URI should suffice
uri = Uri.BASIC_RESOLVER.normalize(
if obj == u'' and baseUri in sheet.root.sources:
result = sheet.root.sources[baseUri]
resultfile = codecs.open(uri, 'rb', encoding)
result = resultfile.read()
return result
def SerializeXml(context, nodeset, method=None,
f:serialize-xml() takes a node set and turns it into a string
representing the serialization of the node set, obtained
by concatenating the serialization of each node in the
node set in document order.
See also: XPath (not XSLT) extension function f:parse-xml()
from Exslt.Common import NodeSet
import cStringIO
from Ft.Xml import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Xml.Xslt.CopyOfElement import CopyNode
nodeset = _NodeSet(context, nodeset)
result = cStringIO.StringIO()
processor = context.processor
op = processor.outputParams.clone()
method = method or (EMPTY_NAMESPACE, 'xml')
op.method = method
op.omitXmlDeclaration = omitxmldecl and "yes" or "no"
processor.addHandler(op, result)
for node in nodeset:
CopyNode(processor, node)
return unicode(result.getvalue(), op.encoding)
def Split(context, arg, delim=u' '):
Equivalent to EXSLT's str:split().
Splits a string according to a sub-string and return a node set
of elements nodes, each of which is named "Split" and contains the
split text
For example f:split('A,B,C,') returns a node set of "Split" nodes
having text nodes with values "A", "B" and "C"
arg - converted to a string, is the string to split up
delim - the delimiter upon which to split, defaults to " "
arg = Conversions.StringValue(arg)
delim = Conversions.StringValue(delim)
for text in arg.split(delim):
rtf = context.processor.popResult()
return rtf.childNodes
ExtNamespaces = {
ExtFunctions = {
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'key') : FtKey,
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'lookup') : Lookup,
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'search-re') : SearchRe,
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'map') : Map,
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'doc-as-string'): DocAsString,
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'serialize-xml') : SerializeXml,
(FT_EXT_NAMESPACE, 'split'): Split,