# File Name: CallTemplateElement.py
# Documentation: http://docs.4suite.org/4XSLT/CallTemplateElement.py.html
Implementation of the XSLT Spec call-template stylesheet element.
WWW: http://4suite.org/4XSLT e-mail: support@4suite.org
Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Fourthought Inc, USA. All Rights Reserved.
See http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT for license and copyright information
from xml.dom import Node
from Ft.Xml import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltElement,XsltRuntimeException,Error,XSL_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import CategoryTypes,AttributeInfo,ContentInfo
class CallTemplateElement(XsltElement):
category = CategoryTypes.INSTRUCTION
content = ContentInfo.Rep(ContentInfo.QName(XSL_NAMESPACE, 'xsl:with-param'))
legalAttrs = {
'name' : AttributeInfo.QName(required=1),
doesSetup = doesPrime = 1
def setup(self):
self._tail_recursive = 0
self._called_template = None
self._params = map(lambda with_param:
(with_param, with_param._name, with_param._select),
def prime(self, processor, context):
self._called_template = processor._namedTemplates.get(self._name)
if not self._called_template:
# check for tail recursion
current = self.parent
while current is not processor.stylesheet:
if current is self._called_template:
# we are within the template that we call
if self.isLastChild():
use_tail = 1
node = self.parent
while node is not current:
if not (node.isLastChild() and \
(node.expandedName[0] == XSL_NAMESPACE and
node.expandedName[1] in ['choose', 'if',
'otherwise', 'when'])
use_tail = 0
node = node.parent
self._tail_recursive = use_tail
current = current.parent
def instantiate(self, context, processor):
# setup parameters for called template
# This handles the case of top-level variables using call-templates
if not self._called_template:
self.prime(processor, context)
self._called_template = processor._namedTemplates.get(self._name)
if not self._called_template:
raise XsltRuntimeException(Error.NAMED_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND,
self, self._name)
self._called_template.prime(processor, context)
# We need to calculate the parameters before the variable context
# is changed back in the template element
params = {}
for (param, name, expr) in self._params:
context.processorNss = param.namespaces
context.currentInstruction = param
params[name] = expr.evaluate(context)
if self._tail_recursive:
context.recursiveParams = params
context.currentNode = context.node
self._called_template.instantiate(context, processor, params)