# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Xslt/ExtendedProcessingElements.py,v 1.9 2005/09/29 21:53:48 jkloth Exp $
Extended versions of XSLT elements for debugging and execution tracing
These subclasses typically just override the .instantiate method of the
original class, doing something before calling the original method, like
writing debug or trace output and maintaining whatever state info is
necessary in the process.
Copyright 2005 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
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import sys, time
class BaseElement:
An XSLT element superclass that supports debugging and execution tracing.
An existing XSLT element can be extended by subclassing this and the
original element class. In order to make use of the extended class, it
should be referenced in Ft.Xml.Xslt.StylesheetHandler._ELEMENT_MAPPING,
and additional instance variables necessary should be set as desired.
_ft_debugger_saveResults = 0
_ft_debugger_record = -1
def doAll(self, processor, method, args, argNames, name, _timer=time.time):
This method, specific to extended processign elements, attempts to
perform all extended processing. By default, it looks at the given
processor's instance variables to determine what to do; e.g.,
processor._4xslt_debug can trigger debug handling.
processor is the active Processor instance.
method is the instantiate method of the original element class.
args are a sequence of arguments (besides self) for the method.
argNames are the names of these arguments, for display purposes
(the names from the method signature, usually). keyword args are
not supported.
name is the display name of the original element.
if processor._4xslt_trace:
argStr = ""
for ctr in xrange(len(args)):
if argNames[ctr]:
argStr = argStr + "%s = %s " % (argNames[ctr], args[ctr])
if hasattr(self, 'baseUri'):
name = name + ' Uri: %s' % self.baseUri
if hasattr(self, 'lineNumber') and self.lineNumber != '??':
name = name + ' Line: %s Col %s' % (self.lineNumber, self.columnNumber)
processor._4xslt_traceStream.write("%s Begin %s %s\n" % (processor._4xslt_traceIndent*' ',
processor._4xslt_traceIndent += 1
start = _timer()
rt = method(self, *args)
end = _timer()
processor._4xslt_traceIndent -= 1
processor._4xslt_traceStream.write("%s End %s %s in %0.5fs\n" % (
processor._4xslt_traceIndent*' ', name, argStr, (end-start)))
elif processor._4xslt_debug:
if self._ft_debugger_record:
res = processor._ft_debug_controller.startCall(self, args[0])
record = self._ft_debugger_record
if self._ft_debugger_record > 0:
self._ft_debugger_record = self._ft_debugger_record - 1
rt = method(self, *args)
if record:
processor._ft_debug_controller.endCall(self, args[0], res, self._ft_debugger_saveResults and rt or None)
rt = method(self, *args)
return rt
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import Processor
class ExtendedProcessor(BaseElement, Processor.Processor):
A version of the Processor class that supports debugging and tracing.
_4xslt_trace = True
_4xslt_traceIndent = 0
_4xslt_traceStream = sys.stderr
_ft_debugger_record = 1
def applyTemplates(self, context, params=None):
return self.doAll(self,
(context, params),
('context', 'params'),
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import TemplateElement
class ExtendedTemplateElement(BaseElement, TemplateElement.TemplateElement):
def instantiate(self, context, processor, params=None):
name = "TemplateElement"
if self._match:
name = name + " match='%s'" % repr(self._match)
if self._mode:
name = name + " mode='%s'" % str(self._mode)
if self._name:
name = name + " name='%s'" % str(self._name)
return self.doAll(processor,
(context, processor, params),
('context', None, 'params'),
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import IfElement
class ExtendedIfElement(BaseElement, IfElement.IfElement):
def instantiate(self, context, processor):
name = "xsl:if test='%s'" % repr(self._test)
return self.doAll(processor,
(context, processor),
('context', None),
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import ChooseElement
class ExtendedChooseElement(BaseElement, ChooseElement.ChooseElement):
def instantiate(self, context, processor):
name = "xsl:choose"
return self.doAll(processor,
(context, processor),
('context', None),
class ExtendedSimpleElement(BaseElement):
def instantiate(self, context, processor):
name = self.getName()
return self.doAll(processor,
(context, processor),
('context', None),
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import LiteralElement
class ExtendedLiteralElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, LiteralElement.LiteralElement):
_ft_actualClass = LiteralElement.LiteralElement
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "LiteralElement: %s" % self.nodeName
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import ValueOfElement
class ExtendedValueOfElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, ValueOfElement.ValueOfElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:value-of select='%s'" % repr(self._select)
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import AttributeElement
class ExtendedAttributeElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, AttributeElement.AttributeElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:attribute name='%s'" % str(self._name)
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import CommentElement
class ExtendedCommentElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, CommentElement.CommentElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:comment"
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import CopyElement
class ExtendedCopyElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, CopyElement.CopyElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:copy"
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import CopyOfElement
class ExtendedCopyOfElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, CopyOfElement.CopyOfElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:copy-of select='%s'" % repr(self._select)
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import ElementElement
class ExtendedElementElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, ElementElement.ElementElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:element name='%s'" % str(self._name)
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import ForEachElement
class ExtendedForEachElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, ForEachElement.ForEachElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:for-each select='%s'" % repr(self._select)
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import ProcessingInstructionElement
class ExtendedProcessingInstructionElement(ExtendedSimpleElement, ProcessingInstructionElement.ProcessingInstructionElement):
def getName(self):
self._ft_actualClass = self.__class__.__bases__[1]
return "xsl:processing-instruction"
newMappings = {'template': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedTemplateElement",
'if': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedIfElement",
'value-of': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedValueOfElement",
'choose': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedChooseElement",
'attribute': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedAttributeElement",
'comment': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedCommentElement",
'copy': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedCopyElement",
'copy-of': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedCopyOfElement",
'element': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedElementElement",
'for-each': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedForEachElement",
'processing-instruction': "ExtendedProcessingElements.ExtendedProcessingInstructionElement",
def GetMappings():
import StylesheetHandler
g_traceMappings = StylesheetHandler._ELEMENT_MAPPING.copy()
StylesheetHandler.LiteralElement = ExtendedLiteralElement
return g_traceMappings