# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Xslt/NumberElement.py,v 1.10 2005/04/06 23:05:47 jkloth Exp $
Implementation of xsl:number
Copyright 2003 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
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from Ft.Lib import number
from Ft.Xml import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltElement,XSL_NAMESPACE
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import CategoryTypes,AttributeInfo,ContentInfo
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltException,XsltRuntimeException,Error
from Ft.Xml.XPath import Conversions
from NumberFormatter import DefaultFormatter
ANY = 2
SIMPLE = 3 # no count or from
class NumberElement(XsltElement):
category = CategoryTypes.INSTRUCTION
content = ContentInfo.Empty
legalAttrs = {
'level' : AttributeInfo.Choice(['single', 'multiple', 'any'],
'count' : AttributeInfo.Pattern(),
'from' : AttributeInfo.Pattern(),
'value' : AttributeInfo.Expression(),
'format' : AttributeInfo.StringAvt(default='1'),
'lang' : AttributeInfo.NMToken(),
'letter-value' : AttributeInfo.ChoiceAvt(['alphabetic', 'traditional']),
'grouping-separator' : AttributeInfo.CharAvt(),
'grouping-size' : AttributeInfo.NumberAvt(default=0),
doesSetup = 1
def setup(self):
if self._level == 'single':
if not self._count and not self._from:
self._level = SIMPLE
self._level = SINGLE
elif self._level == 'multiple':
self._level = MULTIPLE
elif self._level == 'any':
self._level = ANY
if self._format.isConstant():
self._formatter = self.createFormatter(self._format.evaluate(None),
self._formatter = None
def createFormatter(self, format, language=None, letterValue=None):
Creates a formatter appropriate for the given language and
letterValue, or a default, English-based formatter. Raises an
exception if the language or letterValue is unsupported.
Currently, if the language value is given, it must indicate
# lang specifies the language whose alphabet is to be used
# for numbering when a format token is alphabetic.
# "if no lang value is specified, the language should be
# determined from the system environment." -- unsupported;
# we just default to English.
if language and not language.lower().startswith('en'):
raise XsltRuntimeException(Error.UNSUPPORTED_NUMBER_LANG_VALUE,
self, language)
# letter-value says how to resolve the ambiguity that arises when
# you want alphabetic numbering to start with some letter, but
# that letter, when used in a format token, normally indicates
# some other numbering system. e.g., in English, the format token
# "A" means to use the letter "A" for 1, "B" for 2, etc., and
# "B" means to use the letter "B" for 1, "C" for 2, etc.,
# but "I" indicates Roman numbering. letter-value="alphabetic" can
# force the interpretation to be that "I" instead means to use the
# letter "I" for 1, "J" for 2, etc.
# Valid values are 'traditional' or 'alphabetic'.
# Our DefaultFormatter only supports English language and
# traditional, not alphabetic, letter-value.
if letterValue and letterValue != 'traditional':
if not language or language.lower().startswith('en'):
raise XsltRuntimeException(Error.UNSUPPORTED_NUMBER_LETTER_FOR_LANG,
self, letterValue, language or 'en')
return DefaultFormatter(format)
def instantiate(self, context, processor):
# get value(s) to format
if self._value:
value = Conversions.NumberValue(self._value.evaluate(context))
if not number.finite(value) or value < 0.5:
# This is an error. However, recovery is to just write
# the number as if the string() function was used.
values = [int(round(value))]
node = context.node
if self._level == SINGLE:
value = self._single_value(context, node, self._count, self._from)
if value == 0:
values = []
values = [value]
elif self._level == MULTIPLE:
values = self._multiple_values(context, node)
elif self._level == ANY:
value = self._any_value(context, node)
if value == 0:
values = []
values = [value]
# 'single' without count or from attributes
value = 1
prev = node.previousSibling
type = node.nodeType
expanded = (node.namespaceURI, node.localName)
while prev:
if prev.nodeType == type and \
(prev.namespaceURI, prev.localName) == expanded:
value += 1
prev = prev.previousSibling
values = [value]
# format the value(s)
grouping_size = int(self._grouping_size.evaluate(context))
if grouping_size:
grouping_separator = self._grouping_separator.evaluate(context)
grouping_separator = None
formatter = self._formatter
if not formatter:
format = self._format and self._format.evaluate(context) or DEFAULT_FORMAT
lang = self._lang and self._lang.evaluate(context) or DEFAULT_LANG
letter_value = self._letter_value.evaluate(context) or ''
formatter = self.createFormatter(format, lang, letter_value)
numstr = formatter.format(values, grouping_size, grouping_separator)
def _single_value(self, context, node, countPattern, fromPattern):
if not countPattern:
if not node.localName:
# text, comment and processing instruction
countPattern = NodeTypeTest(node)
countPattern = NameTest(node)
if fromPattern:
start = node.parentNode
while start and not fromPattern.match(context, start):
start = start.parentNode
start = node.rootNode
while not countPattern.match(context, node):
node = node.parentNode
if node is None or node == start:
return 0
value = 0
while node:
value += 1
node = node.previousSibling
while node and not countPattern.match(context, node):
node = node.previousSibling
return value
def _multiple_values(self, context, node):
if not self._count:
if not node.localName:
# text, comment and processing instruction
count = NodeTypeTest(node)
count = NameTest(node)
count = self._count
values = []
while node:
if count.match(context, node):
value = self._single_value(context, node, count, None)
values.insert(0, value)
node = node.parentNode
if node and self._from and self._from.match(context, node):
return values
def _any_value(self, context, node):
if not self._count:
if not node.localName:
# text, comment and processing instruction
count = NodeTypeTest(node)
count = NameTest(node)
count = self._count
value = 0
while node:
if self._from and self._from.match(context, node):
if count.match(context, node):
value += 1
if not node.previousSibling:
node = node.parentNode
node = node.previousSibling
while node.lastChild:
node = node.lastChild
return value
class NodeTypeTest:
def __init__(self, node):
self.nodeType = node.nodeType
def match(self, context, node):
return (node.nodeType == self.nodeType)
class NameTest:
def __init__(self, node):
self.nodeType = node.nodeType
self.localName = node.localName
self.namespaceURI = node.namespaceURI
def match(self, context, node):
return (node.nodeType == self.nodeType and
node.localName == self.localName and
node.namespaceURI == self.namespaceURI)
##Note: emacs can uncomment the ff automatically.
##To: xsl-list@mulberrytech.com
##Subject: Re: number format test
##From: MURAKAMI Shinyu <murakami@nadita.com>
##Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 01:18:10 +0900 (Wed 10:18 MDT)
##Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@icl.com> wrote:
##>> 5. Saxon
##>> - Fullwidth 1 (#xff11) are supported.
##>> - Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji format generates incorrect result.
##>> (Unicode codepoint order, such as #x3042, #x3043, #x3044,...)
##>> useless and trouble with Non-European style processing.
##>> fix it please!!
##>If you could tell me what the correct sequence is, I'll be happy to include
##>it. Help me please!
##XSLT 1.0 spec says:
## 7.7.1 Number to String Conversion Attributes
## ...
## - Any other format token indicates a numbering sequence that starts
## with that token. If an implementation does not support a numbering
## sequence that starts with that token, it must use a format token of 1.
##The last sentence is important. ...it must use a format token of 1.
##If Saxon will support... the following are Japanese Hiragana/Katakana sequences
##-- modern(A...) and traditional(I...) -- and Kanji(CJK ideographs) numbers.
##format="あ" (Hiragana A)
##format="ア" (Katakana A)
##format="い" (Hiragana I)
##format="イ" (Katakana I)
##format="一" (Kanji 1) (decimal notation)
##一(=1) 二(=2) 三(=3) 四(=4) 五(=5)
##六(=6) 七(=7) 八(=8) 九(=9) 〇(=0)
##e.g. 一〇(=10) 二五六(=256)
##There are more ideographic(kanji)-number formats, but the above will be sufficient.