# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/test/Xml/Xslt/test_harness.py,v 1.29 2006/02/16 20:49:31 jkloth Exp $
Common functions and classes for XSLT test suites
Copyright 2003 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
import os
import cStringIO
from Ft.Lib import Uri,Uuid
from Ft.Xml import READ_EXTERNAL_DTD
from Ft.Xml import InputSource,Domlette
from Ft.Xml.Lib import TreeCompare
from Ft.Xml.XPath import XPathException
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import Processor,XsltException,Error
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltFunctions
g_idmap = {}
def GenerateId(context, nodeSet=None):
Replacement for XSLT's generate-id(). Generates IDs that are
unique, but not random, for comparisons in the test suites.
gen_id = XsltFunctions.GenerateId(context, nodeSet)
if gen_id:
id = g_idmap.setdefault(gen_id, len(g_idmap)+1)
gen_id = u'id%d' % id
return gen_id
ExtFunctions = {(None, 'generate-id') : GenerateId}
class MappingResolver(Uri.FtUriResolver):
def __init__(self, uriMapping):
self._uriMapping = uriMapping
def normalize(self, uriRef, baseUri):
if uriRef in self._uriMapping:
return uriRef
return Uri.FtUriResolver.normalize(self, uriRef, baseUri)
def resolve(self, uri, baseUri=None):
if uri in self._uriMapping:
return cStringIO.StringIO(self._uriMapping[uri])
return Uri.FtUriResolver.resolve(self, uri, baseUri)
def GetMappingFactory(uriMapping):
return InputSource.InputSourceFactory(resolver=MappingResolver(uriMapping))
class FileInfo:
Encapsulates a file given as a string or URI, so that it can be
referenced in various ways. Used by XsltTest().
def __init__(self, uri=None, string=None, baseUri='', validate=False,
self.uri = uri
self.string = string
self.baseUri = baseUri
self.validate = validate
self.args = kwords
# Same logic that exists in _4xslt.py
# The processor only deals with URIs, not file paths
if uri and os.path.isfile(uri):
self.uri = Uri.OsPathToUri(os.path.abspath(uri))
if not (uri or string):
raise ValueError('Either string or uri are required')
if string and not baseUri:
base = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),
self.baseUri = Uri.OsPathToUri(base)
def toInputSource(self, factory):
if self.uri:
source = factory.fromUri(self.uri, **self.args)
source = factory.fromString(self.string, self.baseUri, **self.args)
return source
def XsltTest(tester, sourceXml, stylesheets, expected, compareFunc=None,
ignorePis=1, topLevelParams=None, extensionModules=None,
exceptionClass=XsltException, exceptionCode=None,
stylesheetInputFactory=None, documentInputFactory=None,
stylesheetAltUris=None, title='', funcArgs=None):
Common function to perform an XSLT transformation and compare the
results through the tester.
title is a short name that describes the test.
tester is an Ft.Lib.TestSuite.Tester instance.
sourceXml is a FileInfo instance for the source document.
stylesheets is a list of FileInfo instances for the stylesheet(s).
expected is a string to compare the actual transformation result to.
compareFunc is a cmp()-like function to use to do the comparison.
It defaults to whatever the tester's default is; usually cmp().
funcArgs is a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the
comparison function, if it accepts keyword arguments.
ignorePis, topLevelParams, extensionModules, stylesheetAltUris are
as documented in Ft.Xml.Xslt.Processor.Processor.
exceptionCode is the expected exception code, if the test is
intended to generate an exception.
documentInputFactory, stylesheetInputFactory are InputSource
factories to use when resolving references to external URIs from
within the source document or stylesheet(s), respectively. Defaults
for both are Ft.Xml.InputSource.DefaultFactory.
# reset the counter for generate-id
if not title:
title = 'Source %(source)s' % (tester.test_data)
# Create the processor
processor = Processor.Processor(stylesheetAltUris=stylesheetAltUris)
if extensionModules:
# Setup document input for the processor
factory = documentInputFactory or InputSource.DefaultFactory
reader = Domlette._Reader(tester.test_data['module'].NonvalParse,
kwargs={'readExtDtd': READ_EXTERNAL_DTD})
reader.inputSourceFactory = factory
# Do the transformation
# Add the stylesheets to the processor
factory = stylesheetInputFactory or InputSource.DefaultFactory
for stylesheet in stylesheets:
result = processor.run(sourceXml.toInputSource(factory),
except exceptionClass, exception:
if exceptionCode is None:
# No exception was expected
estr = _PrettifyException(exceptionClass, exception.errorCode)
tester.exception('Unexpected exception ' + estr)
# Compare the exception result
expected = _PrettifyException(exceptionClass, exceptionCode)
compared = _PrettifyException(exceptionClass, exception.errorCode)
tester.compare(expected, compared, stackLevel=2)
if expected is None and exceptionCode is not None:
# An exception was expected
estr = _PrettifyException(exceptionClass, exceptionCode)
tester.error(estr + ' not raised', stackLevel=2)
# Compare the processor result
outputParams = processor.outputParams
if compareFunc is not None:
name = compareFunc.__module__ + '.' + compareFunc.__name__
tester.warning("Overridden compareFunc (%s)" % name)
if outputParams.method == (None, 'text'):
compareFunc = cmp
elif outputParams.method == (None, 'html'):
compareFunc = TreeCompare.HtmlTreeCompare
elif outputParams.method == (None, 'xml'):
compareFunc = TreeCompare.XmlTreeCompare
tester.compare(expected, result, diff=1, func=compareFunc,
stackLevel=2, funcArgs=funcArgs or {})
def _PrettifyException(etype, errorCode):
if issubclass(etype, XsltException):
# error code is defined by Ft.Xml.Xslt.Error
for k, v in vars(Error).items():
if v == errorCode:
errorCode = "Error." + k
elif issubclass(etype, XPathException):
# error code is defined by the exception class
for k, v in vars(etype).items():
if v == errorCode:
errorCode = etype.__name__ + '.' + k
return '%s(%s)' % (etype.__name__, errorCode)