DayNameFormat: style of the days of the week.
Possible values are FirstLetter, FirstTwoLetters, Full, Short, and Shortest.
NextMonthText: the text that appears for the next month link.
NextPrevFormat: style of the next month and previous month link.
Possible values are CustomText, FullMonth, and ShortMonth.
PrevMonthText: the text for the previous month link.
SelectedDate: get / set the selected date.
SelectedDates: get / set a collection of selected dates.
SelectionMode: how dates are selected.
Possible values are Day, DayWeek, DayWeekMonth, and None.
SelectMonthText: text for selecting a month.
SelectWeekText: text for selecting a week.
ShowDayHeader: hide or display the day names.
ShowNextPrevMonth: hide or display the links for the next and previous months.
ShowTitle: hide or display the title bar displayed at the top of the calendar.
TitleFormat: format the title bar.
Possible values are Month and MonthYear.
TodaysDate: set current date.
This property defaults to the current date.
VisibleDate: set the month displayed.
defaults to the month for TodaysDate.
DayRender: Raised as each day is rendered.
SelectionChanged: Raised when a new day, week, or month is selected.
VisibleMonthChanged: Raised when the next or previous month link is clicked.
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