import threading
import random
import time
class PrintThread( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, threadName ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self, name = threadName )
self.sleepTime = random.randrange( 1, 6 )
print "Name: %s; sleep: %d" % ( self.getName(), self.sleepTime )
def run( self ):
print "%s going to sleep for %s second(s)" % ( self.getName(), self.sleepTime )
time.sleep( self.sleepTime )
print self.getName(), "done sleeping"
thread1 = PrintThread( "thread1" )
thread2 = PrintThread( "thread2" )
thread3 = PrintThread( "thread3" )
thread1.start() # invokes run method of thread1
thread2.start() # invokes run method of thread2
thread3.start() # invokes run method of thread3