Public Class Tester
Public Shared Sub Main
Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim arrayInsert() As String = {"O", "A", "G", "B", "B"}
' ----- Show the contents before insertion.
result.AppendLine("Before insertion:")
For Each fruit As String In arrayInsert
Next fruit
' ----- Insert more fruit.
InsertArrayElement(Of String)(arrayInsert, 2, "Lemons")
' ----- Show the contents after insertion.
result.AppendLine("After insertion:")
For Each fruit As String In arrayInsert
Next fruit
End Sub
Public Shared Sub InsertArrayElement(Of T)( _
ByRef sourceArray() As T, _
ByVal insertIndex As Integer, _
ByVal newValue As T)
Dim newPosition As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
newPosition = insertIndex
If (newPosition < 0) Then newPosition = 0
If (newPosition > sourceArray.Length) Then _
newPosition = sourceArray.Length
Array.Resize(sourceArray, sourceArray.Length + 1)
For counter = sourceArray.Length - 2 To newPosition Step -1
sourceArray(counter + 1) = sourceArray(counter)
Next counter
sourceArray(newPosition) = newValue
End Sub
End Class