| |
Policy File: Use policytool to create or edit an existing policy file |
c:\jdk\policytool -file .policy
keystore ".keystore";
grant signedBy "yourName" {
permission java.io.FilePermission "${user.dir}/-", "read";
grant codeBase "http://someserver/myjar.jar" {
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.encoding", "read";
Related examples in the same category |
1. | Policy File: Give permission to execute all runtime-protected methods | | | 2. | grant all classes loaded from h1.com ability to read \temp\myfile | | | 3. | grant ability to create and write c:\temp\myfile | | | 4. | 在用户的主目录授予能力清单文件 | | | 5. | 授予能力,读取任何文件或目录在C :\临时 | | | 6. | 授予能力,删除任何文件或目录在c :\临时\ mydir | | | 7. | 授予能力,执行(见Runtime.exec ( ) )的文件c :\ java.exe | | | 8. | 授予能力,在当前目录读写的任何文件 | | | 9. | 授予能力,在当前目录中读取任何文件 | | | 10. | 授予能力,读取任何文件 | | | 11. | grant all classes loaded from h1.com ability to read the 'myprop' system properties | | | 12. | 授予能力,写' myprop '系统属性 | | | 13. | 授予能力,读写' myprop '系统属性 | | | 14. | 授予能力,读取所有属性' myprops | | | 15. | 授予能力,读取所有系统属性 | | | 16. | 授予能力,写所有系统属性 | | | 17. | 授予能力,读写所有系统属性 | | | 18. | 政策文件:准许阅读所有系统属性 | | |