继承 : 继承 « 类定义 « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » 类定义 » 继承 
5. 22. 1. 继承
  1. You extend a class by creating a new class.
  2. The former and the latter will then have a parent-child relationship.
  3. The original class is the parent class or the base class or the superclass.
  4. The new class is called a child class or a subclass or a derived class of the parent.
  5. The process of extending a class in object-oriented programming is called inheritance.
  6. In a subclass you can add new methods and new fields as well as override existing methods in the parent class to change their behaviors.
  7. Inheritance gives you the opportunity to add some functionality that does not exist in the original class.
  8. Inheritance can also change the behaviors of the existing class to better suit your needs.
  9. The subclass and the superclass has an "is-a" relationship.
5. 22. 继承
5. 22. 1. 继承
5. 22. 2. 无障碍
5. 22. 3. 方法重载
5. 22. 4. 关键字的延伸
5. 22. 5. 衍生类
5. 22. 6. The keyword super represents an instance of the direct superclass of the current object.
5. 22. 7. Derived Class Constructors: Calling the Base Class Constructor
5. 22. 8. 覆盖一个基类方法
5. 22. 9. 转换
5. 22. 10. 继承,构造和参数
5. 22. 11. 结合和继承
5. 22. 12. 继承和upcasting 。
5. 22. 13. Overloading a base-class method name in a derived class does not hide the base-class versions.
5. 22. 14. 清理和继承
5. 22. 15. 建立一个多层次集成
5. 22. 16. Demonstrate when constructors are called in a Multilevel Hierarchy
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