Copying all the key-value pairs from one Hashtable (or any Map) into another Hashtable: the putAll() method : 哈希表基础 « 集合 « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » 集合 » 哈希表基础 
9. 46. 4. Copying all the key-value pairs from one Hashtable (or any Map) into another Hashtable: the putAll() method

If any keys already exist in the hash table, their value will be replaced if they are also found in the passed-in map.

public void putAll(Map map)
import java.util.Hashtable;

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String[] s) {
    Hashtable table = new Hashtable();

    Hashtable table2 = new Hashtable();


{key6=value6, key5=value5, key4=value4, key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}
9. 46. 哈希表基础
9. 46. 1. 创建哈希表
9. 46. 2. 添加关键值对
9. 46. 3. 从一个哈希表得到所有键值和值
9. 46. 4. Copying all the key-value pairs from one Hashtable (or any Map) into another Hashtable: the putAll() method
9. 46. 5. 显示哈希表
9. 46. 6. Removing Key-Value Pairs: call the remove() method with the specific key as its argument
9. 46. 7. 清除所有键值对
9. 46. 8. 哈希表的大小
9. 46. 9. 取键和值
9. 46. 10. To perform some operation on all keys: the keys() or keySet() methods
9. 46. 11. Using the elements() or the values() method to get the set of all the values in the hash table
9. 46. 12. Getting elements (key-value pairs) from a Hashtable: the entrySet() method
9. 46. 13. 查找元素
9. 46. 14. contains() and containsValue(): check to see if a specific value is found within the Hashtable
9. 46. 15. 克隆哈希表
9. 46. 16. Hashtable Immutability: to make the table read-only using Collections.unmodifiableMap(Map map)
9. 46. 17. 哈希表计数
9. 46. 18. uses a generic Hashtable to store the names of bank depositors and their current balances
9. 46. 19. 在Java哈希表检查是否存在特定的键
9. 46. 20. 在Java哈希表检查是否存在特定的值
9. 46. 21. 遍历Java哈希表
9. 46. 22. 通过值迭代Java哈希表
9. 46. 23. 从Java哈希表移除所有值
9. 46. 24. 从Java哈希表删除值
9. 46. 25. 从哈希表取得集
9. 46. 26. Get Set view of Keys from Hashtable
9. 46. 27. 扫描哈希表的内容
9. 46. 28. 排序哈希表键
9. 46. 29. 使用迭代器哈希表。 | Contact Us
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