字符写 : 字符写 « 文件 « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » 文件 » 字符写 
11. 30. 1. 字符写
  1. The abstract class 'Writer' defines a stream used for writing characters.
  2. OutputStreamWriter translates the characters into byte streams using a given character set.
  3. FileWriter is a child class of OutputStreamWriter that provides a convenient way to write characters to a file.
  4. When using FileWriter you are forced to output characters using the computer's encoding.
  5. A better alternative to FileWriter is PrintWriter.
  1. Writer deals with characters instead of bytes.
  2. Writer class has three write method overloads:
public void write (int b)
public void write (char[] text)
public void write (char[] text, int offset, int length)
public void write (String text)
public void write (String text, int offset, int length)
11. 30. 字符写
11. 30. 1. 字符写
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