图形用户界面组件 : 摆动导言 « Swing « Java 教程

Java 教程
1. 语言基础
2. 数据类型
3. 操作符
4. 流程控制
5. 类定义
6. 开发相关
7. 反射
8. 正则表达式
9. 集合
10. 线
11. 文件
12. 泛型
13. 本土化
14. Swing
15. Swing事件
16. 二维图形
17. SWT
18. SWT 二维图形
19. 网络
20. 数据库
21. Hibernate
22. JPA
23. JSP
24. JSTL
25. Servlet
26. Web服务SOA
27. EJB3
28. Spring
29. PDF
30. 电子邮件
31. 基于J2ME
32. J2EE应用
33. XML
34. 设计模式
35. 日志
36. 安全
37. Apache工具
38. 蚂蚁编译
39. JUnit单元测试
Java 教程 » Swing » 摆动导言 
14. 1. 2. 图形用户界面组件
JPasswordFielda specialized text field for password entry
JEditorPane and JTextPaneprovide support for displaying and editing multiple-attributed content, such as an HTML and RTF.
JSpinnerprovides selection from an ordered set of predefined values
JToggleButtonoffers a button that stays depressed when selected.
JSliderlike the Scrollbar component, offers various clues to help the user choose a value.
JProgressBarallows the user to visually see the progress of an activity.
JFormattedTextFieldprovides help for the input of formatted text, like numeric values, phone numbers
JTabledisplays two-dimensional row and column information
JTreesupports the display of hierarchical data.
JToolTipoffers useful tips.
JToolBaroffers a draggable toolbar
JRadioButtonMenuItema radio button menu component.
JSeparatorThe menu's separator bar
JDesktopPane and JInternalFrameThis pair of components are for Windows Multiple Document Interface (MDI).
JOptionPanecreates pop-up windows with varied content,
JColorChooserfor choosing a color
JSplitPaneplaces multiple components in a window with draggable divider.
JTabbedPanetabbed panel

14. 1. 摆动导言
14. 1. 1. 图形用户界面MVC模式
14. 1. 2. 图形用户界面组件
14. 1. 3. Understanding the Predefined Data Models: Swing Component Models
14. 1. 4. 图形用户界面应用图形用户界面应用
14. 1. 5. 图形用户界面常数
14. 1. 6. 图形用户界面线程的JDK 6版
14. 1. 7. 获取组件位置
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