Attaching a Control to Another Control : 表单布局 « SWT « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » SWT » 表单布局 
17. 94. 12. Attaching a Control to Another Control

The side of the control can be attached to the adjacent side of the other control (default alignment), to the opposite side of the other control, or centered on the other control. Additionally, you can specify offsets.

17. 94. 表单布局
17. 94. 1. 使用FormLayouts
17. 94. 2. FormLayout :左,右边缘
17. 94. 3. FormLayoutFormLayout
17. 94. 4. FormData对象和FormAttachment对象FormData对象和FormAttachment对象
17. 94. 5. FormData:宽度和高度FormData:宽度和高度
17. 94. 6. FormLayout:间距
17. 94. 7. 配置每一方向
17. 94. 8. Attaching a Control to a Position in the Parent CompositeAttaching a Control to a Position in the Parent Composite
17. 94. 9. Specify the offset of the control side from the attachment positionSpecify the offset of the control side from the attachment position
17. 94. 10. 没有FormAttachment对象没有FormAttachment对象
17. 94. 11. 指定附件四面控制。指定附件四面控制。
17. 94. 12. Attaching a Control to Another Control
17. 94. 13. Attaching to the Adjacent Side of Another ControlAttaching to the Adjacent Side of Another Control
17. 94. 14. Attaching to the Specified Side of Another ControlAttaching to the Specified Side of Another Control
17. 94. 15. Center a control on another controlCenter a control on another control
17. 94. 16. 中心控制横向和纵向中心控制横向和纵向
17. 94. 17. 使用FormLayout布局对话框使用FormLayout布局对话框
17. 94. 18. Start with the upper-left button, attach the top and left edges to the window, offsetting by five pixels:Start with the upper-left button, attach the top and left edges to the window,  offsetting by five pixels:
17. 94. 19. To create the upper-right three buttons, you reason that you can put them all in a composite with a grid layout, and attach the composite to your first button:To create the upper-right three buttons, you reason that you can put them all in a composite with a grid layout, and attach the composite to your first button:
17. 94. 20. Attach the bottom button to the upper-left button and the window:Attach the bottom button to the upper-left button and the window:
17. 94. 21. FormLayout复合FormLayout复合
17. 94. 22. FormLayout example snippet: create a simple dialog using form layoutFormLayout example snippet: create a simple dialog using form layout
17. 94. 23. FormLayout example snippet: center a label and single line text using a form layoutFormLayout example snippet: center a label and single line text using a form layout
17. 94. 24. FormLayout example snippet: create a simple OK/CANCEL dialog using form layoutFormLayout example snippet: create a simple OK/CANCEL dialog using form layout | Contact Us
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