拖放 : SWT拖曳 « SWT « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » SWT » SWT拖曳 
17. 114. 1. 拖放
  1. The component you drag from is called the drag source.
  2. The component you drop on is called the drop target.

SWT uses the DragSource class to represent drag sources. It offers a single constructor:

DragSource(Control control, int style)

DragSource Styles

DND.DROP_NONENo drag or drop supported
DND.DROP_COPYCopies the dragged data to the drop target
DND.DROP_MOVEMoves the dragged data to the drop target
DND.DROP_LINKCreates a link from the dragged data to the drop target

Transfer objects convert data from its Java representation to the underlying platform's data representation, and vice versa. You can write your own Transfer classes. Or use FileTransfer to drag and drop files and TextTransfer to drag and drop text.

To implement drop targets, SWT uses the DropTarget class. Its semantics mirror those of DragSource, and its lone constructor looks like this:

DropTarget(Control control, int style)
17. 114. SWT拖曳
17. 114. 1. 拖放
17. 114. 2. 拖动选定的文本从文本框到标签拖动选定的文本从文本框到标签
17. 114. 3. 拖放表拖放表
17. 114. 4. Drag and Drop example snippet: determine data types available (win32 only)Drag and Drop example snippet: determine data types available (win32 only)
17. 114. 5. Drag and Drop: define a default operation (in this example, Copy)Drag and Drop: define a default operation (in this example, Copy)
17. 114. 6. 拖放:确定自己的数据传输类型拖放:确定自己的数据传输类型
17. 114. 7. 拖曳树叶子项目拖曳树叶子项目
17. 114. 8. 拖动文字在两个标签之间拖动文字在两个标签之间
17. 114. 9. Drag and Drop: determine native data types available (motif only)
17. 114. 10. Make a dropped data type depend on a target item in tableMake a dropped data type depend on a target item in table
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